Monday, November 7, 2011

A Ladies Brunch

I had the good fortune of getting to go to a brunch on Sunday with my sister of Savvy Southern Style and Babs  of Upstairs Downstairs.  We went to Sue's house of Rue Mouffetard.  I'm sure many of you know these ladies already.  This was my first time meeting Babs and Sue in person. There were many other bloggers there as well.  I enjoyed getting to meet so many nice women.

Sue lives in a beautiful house.  I wish I had remembered to get a picture of the outside of her house, but sadly I forgot.  She lives in a lovely community with very well manicured lawns and iron fences in the front yards.  Every house was photo worthy!  I took my camera and tried to capture all the beauty to share with my readers.

When we first arrived, Sue had name tags set out for us to put on.  I was glad she did, because I'm terrible with names!  This was a great way for everyone to learn who each other was.  She included our blog name on the tags too.


After we got settled in, Sue gave us a brief tour.

Her husbands office is to the left of the foyer.

Her dining room is to the right.

Straight ahead is the family room.

Outside of the family room is a beautiful back deck.

Off this back deck is a gorgeous pool and fireplace.

Part of the tour was getting to see her husband's newest toy!

Wow!  That's one nice Ferrari!

Coming in from the garage, was a very spacious pantry.  We were all in love with it!

My sister really loved the copper cow mold in there.

I thought her pantry reminded me of Paula Deen's.

Now  into the kitchen where the heart of the brunch took place! It was a cooks dream.  Sue enjoys cooking and entertaining, so she was the perfect hostess. Just take a look at all this wonderful food she whipped up!

She had a wonderful beverage station set up too.

Isn't this kitchen beautiful?

We feasted on quiche, ham, chicken salad and egg salad sandwiches, pasta salad, tomato soup, stuffed mushrooms, fruit, cheeses, hummus & crackers, tomatoes and mozzarella, muffins, yummy desserts, coffee and sodas.  I'm sure I've left out something.  There was so much food left over too!  She could've fed an army.  It was all homemade too.  Yum!

After we ate, Sue gave away door prizes to those who won.  Here is a shot of everyone having a good time with those.

Sue is the lady standing up in front of the coffee table.

Sue will be posting a group picture of everyone on her blog soon.  We stood outside by her pool and her husband took the pic.  I can't wait to see it.  You can visit Sue at her blog Rue Mouffetard. It was certainly a fun way to spend a Sunday.

Hope everyone is having a good Monday!

~ Kelly ~


  1. You'll have all of us wishing we lived within driving distance! What a lovely way to spend an afternoon - good food, new friends and (I just know!) lots to talk about.

  2. What a great afternoon! Can't wait to find out who everyone is! Sue's home is really gorgeous, thanks for taking us along, xoxo

  3. Looks like an awesome day indeed! WOW what a home, and the food!

  4. What a gorgeous home!

    It looks like you all had a wonderful time, Kelly. Thanks so much! Great post.

  5. HI Kelly, it looks like you ladies had a great time, wish I could have been there! Sue's house is gorgeous and she must be a GREAT cook too. I think I hate her now:):), LOL! (Just kidding, you know). I will go over to her blog now. Thanks so much for sharing the pics. I loved the virtual tour! XO, Pinky PS, that Ferrari is amazing!!!!

  6. What a beautiful home and such a fun event! I have yet to meet a fellow blogger in person and I just think it would be such a neat experience. Glad you got to do that! :-)

  7. We did have a grand time didn't we? She was a very gracious hostess and she certainly could have fed an army.

  8. Lucky you, and Kim. What a beautiful home. The food looks delicious, and I'm ready to dive into that fantastic pool.

  9. Wow she is amazing! She did all that cooking~what a hostess. I bet it was fun to gab about blogging and decorating with other bloggers. Her house was just great.

  10. Sounds like you guys had a fun afternoon! Sue's home is beautiful!! On my way over to visit her now:) Martina

  11. Hi Kelly,

    What a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon...
    Sue has a gorgeous home, lots of room for entertaining!
    Love the outdoor areas...beautiful pool!
    Have a great week!
    All the Best,

  12. Kelly, thanks for sharing Sue's gorgeous home! It looks like everyone had a great time! How awesome to meet fellow bloggers in person!

  13. Looks like y'all had a grand time!! The food looked fabulous! Good food. Good company. Can't beat that! blessings ~ tanna

  14. Oh Kelly this sounds like it was so much fun. I would love a get together like this. I so enjoy Babs...I'm going to visit Sue's blog right now. I don't think I've ever been there. It was nice of you to share your day.
    I can't get over the food!

  15. Hi was so nice meeting you yesterday and I'm so glad you all had a good time....Thanks you so much for the wonderful "diary" style book....I use those all the time to keep track of my life and it will be full in a very short was greatly appreciated!!
    And yes...I could have fed a small army....because if your Italian our motto is..."there is no such thing as too much food"....LOL..
    Thanks for posting the great pictures also.....
    I am working on a post tonight so stop by to see our great group picture...

  16. Kelly, The blogger's brunch was so much fun. Sue and her hubby are lovely, gracious hosts. It was so nice meeting everyone and OMGosh! the food was fabulous.

  17. What a beautiful home. Looks like you all had a great afternoon.

  18. Hi Kelly,

    It was nice to meet you at Sue's. What a great hostess she was. After getting a chance to see old friends and meeting new ones, I don't know what part of her house tour I loved the best. When I thought one room was my favorite another appeared. The house was candy, the food fabulous and the gals great.

  19. Beautiful home for such a setting, the food looks yummy and I would love to have a pantry that size! So glad you had a good time.

  20. Sue's home is lovely. I love the pool and the kitchen island has a great finish that works so well with the gorgeous cabinets.

    Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comment. Yes, Style at Home is a Canadian magazine, a great one too. They have a website that is fun to browse, www dot styleathome dot com

  21. It was so great meeting you on Sunday. And I am so glad you found me - there were so many bloggers there and my mind - was trying to remember them all.

    She had a lovely house and that food - whew.

    Love, sandie

  22. I've popped across from Sandie's Blog (Chatty Crone) and what a treat this has been, too see not only Sue's beautiful home, but the incredibly generous feast she laid on for everyone. It's just coming up suppertime here in South Africa and I'm now ravenous! My daughter is in the kitchen making pizzas and a large salad, which sounds pretty good right now (& I'm sure it will be!), but the sight of all those gorgeous bowls of food has set my tummy rumbling! What a wonderful treat this was for all of you fortunate enough to be able to attend and what an incredibly generous hostess Sue is (and how very talented!)

  23. Sue really has a beautiful home. Sue's also a fantastic cook I bet.

    -Zane of ontario honey


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly