Friday, December 16, 2011

Checking Off My Christmas List

Hello everyone!
I am starting to come to the end of my "to do" list for Christmas.  Finally!

 The stockings are hung.
  I just added some wooden letters to them and used silver glitter to make them sparkle! 

The presents are wrapped.
Well, for the most part.  At least the kids presents are.  Still have some "Santa" presents in hiding to take care of.


The cookies are baked.
I made a batch of chocolate peppermint, chocolate chip and snicker doodle cookies.

Tomorrow, we're going to a  Christmas gathering with my husband's extended family.  We're going to be eating good 'ol BBQ! 

How about you?  How is your Christmas list coming along?

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~ 



  1. Oh, I love snickerdoodles and haven't had them in a long time. We had our family thing last Saturday and you have yours this weekend. I have no gifts under the tree. We sent some home with Ryan and them last weekend and I have not wrapped Leila's yet. I had her over night and she just left a while ago. She has a very runny nose and I am pooped!!

  2. I just baked some biscotti today and the house smells great! I am ready for Christmas...

  3. Love the glittery letters. I haven't wrapped presents yet or even finished shopping, I'm finish with my son's. I've been waiting to do more shopping and wrap when we go to Houston. (which at this point is whether my son is feeling better now)
    Can't wait to do some baking!

  4. Hi Kelly! Oh, I'm so glad to hear you're finished with your Christmasing! I'm almost there! Your packages look so pretty and those tags - adorable! Now I love snickerdoodles and am going to make a batch tomorrow! :)
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  5. Oh how cute!! I am not that far yet! Still have some things coming in the mail and ups. I'm painting and distressing (amazingly for me) an antique washstand and am hoping the glaze I just put on is going to dry so I can finish it! I have never made snickerdoodles, but I am enjoying my mom's home made fruitcake. Everything looks beautiful Kelly!!

  6. Kelly how do you get to your house? I want me some of those cookies Yummy

  7. Done! Those cookies may be gone after that BBQ when you get home...just saying...

    Everything looks so great at your place!

  8. We're just wrapping up our final to-do's also. Well, that and starting a new paint project. Yup, we're crazy!! It's just the bathroom, though, so should go quickly (aside from the stencil project I have planned!). Those cookies look yummo-I love snickerdoodles!

  9. Hi Kelly,
    Love the Christmas baking...I have yet to start mine. Actually my two bakers come home next week. We will do the Christmas baking and most of the decorating once they arrive home for the holidays...
    All the Best,

  10. Mmmmmm, those cookies look yummy. BBQ sounds good too. I don't have much left to do, I'm just dragging about it. lol Have fun at your family gathering!

  11. Oh....I love those glitter letters hung on the stockings! Everything looks ready for Christmas (which is only 9 days away....yikes)!

  12. I have been making a lot of snickerdoodles this month and everyone loves them. I use the Betty Crocker cookie mix and they are yummy! Love the stockings and the gifts under the tree~I am FINALLY doing my tree tomorrow night, never have been this late in my life.

  13. I am with YOU!! On the homeward stretch! I am sitting by the den fireplace with THE best candle lit on the coffee table! It has 'fragranced' the ENTIRE house!!
    Our Christmas groceries are all bought and put away. After some housework tomorrow we are ready to PARTY!

    Merry Christmas! Enjoy your family tomorrow. Nice to have so much family to visit!

  14. I just need to clean and get ready for our house guests. I am baking one cake and cooking a simple southern brunch Sunday morning. It should be fun.

  15. Love how you wrapped the packages and LOVE how the cookies look..yummy. My shopping is all done.The kids want app. gift cards or money, so that's done, but I still miss shopping for "real" gifts. Have a great weekend and think of me when you have that BBQ. :) Wish I had some right now.

  16. Those cookies look so good! I've still not done a jot of baking - next week.... If I start now I'll just eat my way through it all!

  17. You look ready to rock n roll there Kelly! I am finishing up last minute stuff today...hard to believe we will be over this mad rush and decorating in a blink of an eye.

  18. Way to go! It's always a good feeling to make it to the end of your list. Your cookies look yummy!

  19. I just took another batch of cookies out of the oven and have already found ANOTHER great sounding recipe that I will make tonight...
    PRALINE COOKIES...oh my goodness...:)

    I have all my gifts wrapped and under the tree..stockings hung..baking almost finished. Will wait til later in the week to buy the ham for Christmas Eve. :)

  20. The pkgs look wonderful Kelly! The cookies look yummy too:-)!

  21. Oh, Kelly your presents and cookies all look so wonderfully like Christmas!! I still have lots left to do (playing with those grandsons has really cut into my work time to make Christmas happen around here!! LOL!) They will be spending time this week with the other folks, too so I'll be running like crazy trying to finish it up! Proud you are so far along! blessings ~ Tanna

  22. It sounds like you are ready for Christmas. I still have some baking to do and most of my gifts are unwrapped but it will get always does. Have a wonderful time at your get together. Patty

  23. You are leaps and bounds ahead of me~ It is so sad that my Mom brought me dough already made so I would make the cookies~


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly