Sunday, December 11, 2011

What Time is It?

I decided to redo the large clock that was hanging in my hallway.  Ever since I painted the walls white, I wanted a black clock to hang there.  I decided to just repaint an existing clock to save money.  I have several large clocks around the house anyway and felt like I could afford to just revamp one of them instead. 

First let me show you the end result. 

Now, I know you see the uneven numbers already.  Lesson to be learned here, be very careful where you place your 4 main numbers (12, 3, 6, 9).  They must be perpendicular to each other first.  Did I do that step first?  No, I did not! Am I sorry now?  Yes, I am!  Luckily, this clock hangs in a hallway and not in a place of prominence where the mistake is as obvious.  Ha!

So, let me show you how I did this.

Here is what I started with.  My non-black clock.

After leaving tape marks where the numbers should go (ha!),  I painted it black using craft paint.  It took a couple of coats.

Then, I painted the hands white.

I used a stencil to paint the numbers on with white craft paint.  I messed up on the 3, that is why it is missing.  In hindsight, I should have used a ruler and done the main numbers first.

I just used a paint brush to make lines between the numbers.  I didn't even use the correct amount of lines.  I told you this clock "ain't" perfect!

Then I stenciled on some lettering and painted over it in white craft paint.

And here it is hanging on the wall in my hallway!  I guess I could always go back and realign the main numbers, but I probably won't.  Luckily, no one really stands in the hallway long enough to see the mistakes.  It's just a pass-through. 

~ Kelly ~


  1. No one will ever see that. I think it looks great!

  2. I like the way it looks!! No one will ever notice the alignment. Great job!

  3. I love the clock. You are so brave to paint it! It looks fabulous. Wish I had one:-)

  4. I think it's adorable! And I especially like that you revamped one you had instead of taking the easy way out and just going to the store and buying one.

  5. Nice job Kelly! I would not have noticed one little muss up. It looks perfect, and black was the ticket! It pops now.

  6. Kelly, It looks a whole lot better that if I had done it. I'd have had a mess. I wouldn't worry about it, unless it makes you crazy.

  7. I was just thinking how cute it was. Didn't even notice the alignment.

  8. Just adds to the charm!!! ;) blessings ~ tanna

  9. That was so much work, I wouldn't change it either~it is kind of quirky in a cute way!!

  10. It looks wonderful Kelly!

  11. Hi Kelly,

    Love the new re-done clock!
    Black and white always looks so smart...The numbers are perfect!
    Well done!
    All the Best,

  12. Your "new" clock looks great. I'm sure only you will notice. You did a great job!

  13. Hi Kelly! OH, your clock looks great! I would never have noticed anything out of place! I love it.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly