Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Does your house have an old soul?

Hello everyone!

In an age where everything is mass produced and most things come from China, it seems I crave something different for my home.  Now, don't misunderstand me.  My home has plenty of mass produced items in it and I'm sure several are from China.  There is nothing wrong with that.  What I crave, though, is that my home has things in it that don't LOOK that way! 

After looking around my house, I tried to find things that made me feel like my home had an old soul.  Meaning, that it had a story to tell...... a past life.  The homes with that feeling, are the most interesting to me. I don't think you have to live in a historic home to have that same feeling. 

Here are some of the things that I found:

Leaded Glass Front Door

Bead Board Walls

Wood Flooring

Floor Length Windows With Panes


Pedestal Sink

Bridge Faucet

Transom Windows

Antique Furniture

Vintage Accents

So, with all of those additions, I think that helps give my home the feeling of an old soul.  That's what I like to surround myself with.  It's like coming home to an old friend everyday.

Does your house have an old soul too?

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~
I'm linking to the following:


  1. Loved all the pics. Your faucet and the blue bottle in the last pic are my favorites. You have really made that house a home.

  2. Your home is beautiful and reflects you very well. I think my house does, as it was built in 1934. And like you, I love my wood floors!

  3. People often tell me *I* am an old soul. I think my house reflects that, even though it is only six months old!

    I think your house def has that vibe. I love your collections! You armoire is beautiful!


  4. Our old house which predates the Civil War does have an old soul for sure. The yellow house where most of my photos happen is filled with vintage objects and furniture so we are working on it. I almost never buy new.

  5. Kelly these pictures are beautiful! I LOVE that first shot of your entry! You have such a beautiful home!

  6. I always love seeing your house, it's so pretty!

    I also try adding things to my house so it doesn't appear to have mass produced stuff either. I have wood floors, antique furniture, chandys, vintage accents, etc. much like you do. I also love decorating with books and I know you do too!

    Thanks for sharing your gorgeous home...


  7. Lovely. And taking direction from your homes soul, then yup - mine has some too. In fact I have all the trimmings you do, but no chandelier. I must need one too huh?


  8. Yes, I have some things that add that feeling, too.

  9. I love this post Kelly. I was just looking around my home today, because I have been cooped up these past few days. Anyhow, I was thinking about how many stories we don't even know about behind out antiques. I realize our taste is not for everyone, but honestly, I do not follow all these trends in decorating. I do not really care for what everyone else has. Although, I like many things others have, I usually don't go out and have to have the same. Jack had to write a paragraph about his dream house, it was pretty cute. One of the things he said is his home would have antiques in that were passed down from his parents LOL. I asked him what about your brother...he said Oh Mom he won't want them. Great post, very thought provoking, now that I wrote a book!

  10. For the record, your home is one of my FAVS, I LOVE your style!

  11. You have so many lovely elements in your home and I love how you explored it's 'old soul'. I have the pedestal sink and will have to look around and see my home with different eyes. I definitely need a little chandy for our master bathroom though.

  12. What a great post and photos...oh I do love a house with soul! Our house was built in 1876 and boy do we have soul....sometimes we will get a wiff of perfume out of no where...like to think its a sign that we are welcome and the woman who lived here for 98 years likes what we have done..who knows? Anyway,your home is lovely thats for sure! xo

  13. Me again...love your taps..out of this world!!! x0

  14. Love these photos of your home, they really do give us a glimpse of your homes soul. We live in a 130 year old home, but we have only lived here 6 months so we are "discovering" it's soul. We have floor length windows upstairs and I love them.

  15. Love your transoms! My 135-year old home has an old soul as is evident by its slanted, creaky floors, crooked doors, drafty windows, and weird noises at night. :)

  16. Your home has a wonderful old soul! I have all of the same things you do only my lead glass window is in my bathroom.

  17. Your home is so pretty and yes, I can see that it has an old soul. My house is very old and I can imagine the people that lived here before. They would be old souls by now, too!!


  18. I love the soul of your home and what a lovely thought expressed. I visited a home once that was so lifeless. It had nice things but there was nothing with personality or expressed her taste. Your home has great "soul" and feels full of life.

  19. Kelly, this was a great post! I agree that accents reminiscent of the past give a home personality. I love knowing and telling the stories behind the antique pieces in my home.

  20. Your home has a beautiful soul, Kelly. It's warm and inviting, with a vintage feel.

  21. Hi Kelly,
    Love this post!!
    Your home is gorgeous! With all of its style and accessories. I think you have achieved a very nice balance...Just beautiful!
    All the Best,

  22. Beautiful post with so many elegant details. Your post is so inspiring and makes me want to go around my house looking for those timeless details. Love the bead board walls, the sparkling chandy and the vintage bottles. Thanks for sharing with us today~Poppy


  23. I totally agree, that adding soul and character really makes a home. I'm trying to do that with our home, since it's newer and although has nice features, lacked the soul you speak of. We're slowly getting there though! Love your antique cabinet btw.

  24. Kelly,Love this post on thinking about the "soul of a house".
    All the wonderful details gives your home so much character.
    Great photos and I LOVE your book case and old books.

  25. I'm a big fan of the old soul myself! ;) blessings ~ tanna

  26. Lovely. I think that I like the transom best of all - but it's all beautiful.

  27. What a great way to say what I do to my new house! Yes I try to do the same thing you do, you know before this house/marriage I always lived in old old houses and I adore them. But you showed perfectly how to add those things that give a house soul. I loved these pics Kelly!

  28. I love visiting your beautiful home Kelly. Definitely has soul.

    Our home has a few of the same elements as yours, including the leaded glass doors. I have a few antique/vintage pieces. I think the room that has the best old soul feel, in our home,is the kitchen/hearth room area.

  29. Kelly your home is so much fun to see I want those floors in my house. have a wonderful day


  30. Hi Kelly! Oh, your home certainly has 'home' written all over it! I just love seeing inside and you have the best decorating taste and sense and I'm seeing so many things I could covet! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  31. Oh, I do all I can to make sure that it does! I love old houses as they have all the charm and character that just says "home". Yours has it in spades.
    We'd love to have you share with us at WIW. The link is open.

  32. You have summed up why I absolutely love older homes. The character and the stories and the patina are wonderful! I really like all of your "soul" additions.


  33. What a good post Kelly...I love old homes and all the character they have to them. Your right you can achieve that feeling by adding unique, old, warm pieces. I think your home has a great cozy homey feel to it...love the pics you shared :)

  34. My homes have always had old souls. Living in a 5th wheel has been more of a challenge to give it an old soul, but I'm working on it! :)

  35. I think certain architectural details add soul to a house and the items the homeowner adds make a room feel like it has been decorated over time - like the antique furniture and accessories. I love the floor-to-ceiling windows and beadboard and certainly wooden floors. Great post!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly