Monday, July 30, 2012

New Picture = New Vignette

Hello everyone!

Now, that I've recovered from all the happenings of vacation, I've been able to tweak a few things around the house.  While I was away, I received a package in the mail.  I  ordered a small picture from Antique Farmhouse when they were offering a shipping discount.  I spied this Apiary print and thought it would be cute in the foyer.

It depicts bee keeping in the olden days.

I love the distressed frame.

So, of course, everything else on the chest got a makeover too!  Do you do that?  You buy one thing and then everything around it suddenly needs to be "tweaked"?  I'm bad about that.  I guess that's why everything is always changing around here. 

So, I brought in some natural elements that coordinated with my new picture.  A few roses and  antlers did the trick.  Then I added my ever growing stash of Jeanne d Arc Living magazines that I love.

 I'm enjoying it here.  Of course, that meant that the items that were in here moved to a new home too.  I'll share that later. 

Did you know that my husband has a cousin who really does bee keeping?  She and her husband make their own honey and sell it.  They live on a lot of land that provides them the ability to do that.  If I wasn't so scared of getting stung, it would be neat to try.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~ 

Linking to:  Tweaking it Tuesday


  1. such a cute frame! I like to keep things moving too!

  2. I like the distressed frame.

    I love honey but don't know a beekeeper so i buy my honey at Savannah Bee Company in Savannah. Have a great week!

  3. Kelly, you just said the magic word. Tweak! I'm having my first party later today, and it's called Tweak It Tuesday. Please come over once I have the post up and link up what you've "tweaked" here!

  4. Great picture. Doug's dad use to keep bees, too.

  5. AN unusual picture for sure, I like it though.
    I have friends that are bee keepers. A couple actually......not me , I am afraid as well.

  6. Cute pic Kelly and pretty vignette! My cousin's that live in Canada were bee keepers. I could never do that, not to fond of bees!

  7. Oh your new pic is wonderful and so is the new vignette. I change things all the time like that. Can't seem to stop. Fabulous entry. Hugs, Marty

  8. love the new picture . it looks great with the other items you choose for this vignette.

  9. Bees make so much happen. I am glad you are celebrating them on that gorgeous piece of furniture.

  10. It looks lovely, Kelly, and is a perfect Summer vignette! Yes, I do wind up moving things around over one new piece. Sometimes things actually have to be put away now since we have a smaller space.

  11. Love your sweet picture, Kelly- It is darling and looks great in that setting. My Uncle was a beekeeper, too. He kept some hives on our land so we grew up with a great surplus of honey- xo Diana

  12. your entry looks so bright and pretty. I love Jeanne D'arc also =)

  13. Kelly,
    That is a great print!Love that frame too.Oh yes one thing leads to another.You can't just move one thing.It ends up being a project!I don't like bee's either.I could not handle it even with all that garb they wear.I still could not do it.

  14. Great picture..My husband used to say that he hated to go away because he never recognized anything when he came home..

  15. Looks really nice Kelly, the frame is really nice and distressed, looks great with the antlers!

  16. Lately, I have been very interested in bee keeping. Love local honey! Great tweaking. Great picture.

    Hope you are getting rain. It's raining here and we hope for more tomorrow.

  17. That painting is so unique and cute! And it looks perfect there. Tweaking is so much fun. Thanks so much for joining my party!

  18. That picture fits in there snugly.

  19. That print is so unique. I love pieces that speak to me, personally. I can't imagine bee-keeping myself, but it is fascinating for sure.

    P.S. I'm married to a firefighter, too. He's retired now, after 33 years of service. I breathed a big sigh of relief.

  20. Looks great, Kelly! When we were driving home from Gulf Shores earlier this year, we were behind a semi FULL of bee hives and a big, giant net over them! You could see some of the bees caught up in the net. I'd never seen anything like that! I think keeping bees would be neat, too. blessings ~ tanna

  21. Love your new print and vignette, Kelly...I just love anything with bees (not real ones, though lol)!

  22. Love your new picture! So pretty and unique! Looks beautiful on your entrance table with your roses and antlers vignette!

  23. Hi Kelly!....what a great picture!...Your foyer table looks so the new touches and tweaks!...yes, it always seems when you bring something new into the house there is a "snowball effect" of changing things around!...So glad you had a great vacation!

  24. I can't even see the forest through the trees in my house right now. End of summer mess war I guess. Maybe September will see me strip it down, paint the walls and let bloggers re-decorate it for me. Wanna sign up?


  25. I adore you vignette! Clean, fresh, uncluttered. It's charming!

  26. Very neat picture and love the frame too. I am ALWAYS moving things around and it is DRIVING ME CRAZY to NOT be able to do it and have to keep the house "staged" all the darn time. Love everything on your chest. XO, Pinky


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly