Sunday, July 8, 2012

Random Bits of Happiness

Hello everyone!

Just thought I'd share a few things around my home that are making me happy right now. Sometimes, it's the little things that make a difference. 

First of all, the one thing making me the happiest right now, is receiving these pretty little fabric swatches from Amy at Maison Decor.  She won these on Ebay a few months back and came up with a wonderful way to display them that ended up being featured in Romantic Homes Magazine.  These fabric swatches are from Rachel Ashwell of Shabby Chic and once graced her studio in Soho, NY!  How cool is that?!  Amy decided to share some and sent these to me.

Aren't they pretty?  I placed them in a small white bowl for now.

Thank you Amy!!!

I also managed to add to my white pitcher collection too.

Our vegetables from the garden are growing and giving us plenty now!

Everyday, we keep finding more and more.  Tomatoes are still green, but I think I'm going to try making some fried green tomatoes soon. 

I've really been enjoying reading my newest Jeanne d Arc Living Magazine!  The July issue is wonderful.

Just look at this incredible living room!

I also ordered this book.  It has been around for a while, so I got an extra good deal on it!

I love all of the soft images in it.

So that about does it for today!  It's still hot as Hades around here, but expected to get down into the 80's later this week.  Woo hoo! 

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly~


  1. What pretty things in your home that make you happy. That book looks like it would be a great one to have.

  2. Love all your pretties, Kelly! Your vegetables look great. I have to find a Farmer's Market here {I actually passed one last week, just have to remember where} to get some fresh fruits and veggies. We are supposed to drop into the 80's as well this week. Break out the sweaters! : )

  3. Pretty pretties. I can't wait for temps in the 80's this week. Ahhhhhhhh.

  4. You've got the right idea, Kelly - look at beautiful things, surround yourself with things that lighten your heart and make you smile.
    I am going to have to try to find that magazine!

  5. Kelly, your vegetables look yummy. Are they peonies in the wicker vase?

    I might have to order the subscription too! I am glad that it will be getting cooler in your area.

  6. The book is so "you"!! AS far as the tomatoes, make sure you pick them before the ripe completely...if you wait until they are completely red, the birds might get to it before you do. Then just put it on a window sill that gets plenty of sun, until they are red. Homegrown tomatoes are SOOO tasty.

  7. The 80's? I have been too busy to see the weather. I love the pitchers. I have promised a neighbor that I will fry him some green tomatoes soon. They are are easy and we love them.

  8. Beautiful things Kelly. I can see why they make you happy.

    I just saw your madeover kitchen stool. My grandmother had a red one like that. It sat beside her stove. I learned a lot about cooking sitting there watching her, when I was a little girl.

  9. Hi Kelly! Thanks for sharing the little things that are making your smile at the moment. As a friend once said - we must stop and smell the roses from time to time. The little scraps are so sweet and your veggies looks great! Oh, yum, when you make the green fried tomatoes, call me! ;) I love them.
    ARe you going to have some ranch dressing to dip them in? Yummy.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. Love the white pitcher! Your vegetables look yummy! Have a nice week ahead!

  11. Kelly,
    Great swatches! I have that Jeanne d'arc issue too.One of my favorite magazines.Love how you used your champagne bucket for your kitchen tools too.Lucky you.Your vegetables look delicious!

  12. Kelly I love all your pretties, I can see why they make you happy!

  13. As pretty as every single picture is in this post (as in your EVERY post!) my favorites are the veggies!! Simply beautiful!! LD would give anything for a real garden! We just don't have the space/sun for it!

  14. LOVE the fabric swatches!! I also love your white pitchers.
    Looks like we are getting the heat here in Northern Ca. we are going to be in the 100s all week!

  15. Kelly- What a sweet thing to receive from Amy. Isn't she just a doll? I love you ironstone AND I love your books- I saw that one from Cabbage and Roses the other day at a close out somewhere and could just kick myself now for not picking it up-xo Diana

  16. You've got some cool stuff, Kelly. Amy is so sweet. It finally cooled off by me. Hope you get some relief soon.

  17. Don't you wish you could get veggies like that right at home all year long? They look so nice in photos, and taste so good on the tongue!


  18. They would make me happy too Kelly, love the swatches!

  19. I agree..It's the little things that make a difference...Love your pitcher..Finally, we're in the 80's again..I hope...

  20. what beauties! we are beginning to harvest our veggies too...makes everyone happy!!

  21. All such pretties Kelly! I love those cute fabrics in the bowl, what a nice touch.

  22. Hey you!! So pretty!! But you didn't say the REASON I sent them to YOU was because it was your idea that my inspiration board should be in a magazine so that got me thank you for that!!! YOur photos are getting better and better too, I love them all! You r blog is gorgeous! I loved that room esp the clock in the Jeanne de Arc mag~I have to get a copy.

  23. What pretty pretties! Fried green tomatoes sound sooo good right now, I might have some ready too!
    I didn't order the July issue, but I have the June and it is just lovely.
    have agood evening!

  24. Love the fabric swatches. They look like 5" squares. Look great in a little pillow. Enjoy reading...


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly