Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Utensil Wall Art

Hello everyone! 

I don't know why it is, but lately I've been making changes to my kitchen.  Not on purpose..... it just happened to be where some of my new stuff ended up.  Maybe it's because of moving my checked draperies in here.  Whatever the reason, I wanted to share a few more changes. 

Yesterday, my husband and I had a fun day of shopping and eating out while our youngest was in school.  He went to one store and I went to another and then we met back up together.  That way, we both got to shop where we wanted to!  Ha! 

I found this amazing wall art from Home Goods (of all places).  I kept looking at it and liking it, but wasn't sure if I wanted to buy it.  It's the grey script wall hanging with a fork shape on it.

See it over there?  Anyway, it turns out that it was missing the rod to hang it with.  I was holding it up and giving it a "once over" and heard a woman say that she had that too.  She looked at the price and said that was a deal!  She said she bought hers at a high end furniture boutique for $80!  Gulp!  Now, I would've never paid that much for it, but it did make me feel better about the price that Home Goods was selling it for.  It was only $25.  She explained how it was hung so I figured I could duplicate that without a problem.  This was the only one of it's kind in the store so I decided to grab it!  This was not at the usual Home Goods that I shop at either. 

Here's a closer look.

It's made of fabric.

So, after I hung it.  Everything else around it needed to be changed.  The whole domino effect began.  I'm sure you know what I mean.

I once had large cow canvases hung by the window, but it looked too cluttered with my new wall art.  Down they came, and other things put in their place. 

White serving dishes and a bread board  accent the grey cabinet.

Black and white graphic art accents the opposite side of the window.

My olive bucket moved to the center of the table and filled with flowers.

All of these changes just because of some new wall art.  Crazy huh?  It has really become a nice focal point to the room.  I'm happy that I stumbled upon it and felt like I found something unique for a reasonable price. 

Have you ever purchased something that started an entire domino effect in your home?

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~

Linking to: Wow-Us-Wednesday



  1. That looks nice along with the other changes. You know I always get the domino effect here. I was at your HomeGoods yesterday, too. O.K. where did the cows go?

  2. I can relate.. One new item, brings on a whole room of change. Always changing, never the same. But I like it like that. Keeps the house fresh and new...
    Some days I just shop around the house... never know what I might come up with.
    Luving the changes..
    Cheers, Gee

  3. domino effect here all the time! great saving! that is a neat looking fork

  4. Kelly,
    What a great find! And yes I am actually doing that in my home now.Something new and then everything gets the old switch- er- roo.

  5. Love it. But, another question.... I love the rack that you hold your coffee mugs on. I must have one. Where did you find??? Let me know. Thanks, Ron @ Uptown Acorn

  6. Hi Kelly, we domino all the time here too. Our walls are a rotating gallery of sorts. I love your breadboard on the wall and that olive bucket makes me determined to find one. xoxo, olive

  7. Hi Kelly: Really like that piece. And the changes too. Just finished our kitchen and already found something in a catalog that I have to have so will need to change something around in order to use it. Oh, Well. It's an exciting life we all lead..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  8. love the changes. I love your kitchen/eating areas.

  9. Hi Kelly! What a great accent piece! It really makes a statement. I love all of the changes that you made; and I've got my eye on that olive bucket. Awesome!

  10. Great purchase and really...how could you pass it up? I thought I had my living room "finished" until I got a marble top dresser from my FIL. It moved into my living room last night and everything was looking like a tornado went through. It needs painted which terrifies me. I restored some semblance of order but need to tweak a bit. Have to admit it was actually fun!

  11. A fun addition! Love the olive bucket.

  12. One change always leads to another here too Kelly! Your changes look great and I love your new purchase! Pretty shots!

  13. Kelly your kitchen always looks great to me. No matter the changes.
    Going shopping tomorrow in the states can't wait. I'll make sure I go to a Home Goods store.

  14. You did get a great price on your hanging wall utensil! Love the domino affect because it gives a whole new fresh look! It's fun to see your changes because they're always inspiring.
    Mary Alice

  15. I LOVE that new piece, Kelly! Everything looks terrific. It is killing me reading all the blogs and vbeing stuck in decorating purgatory!!! XO, Pinky

  16. That's really pretty, Kelly! I don't think I've seen the utensils on fabric before. I haven't been to Home Goods in forever! I have to go soon to look for an area rug for the living room. I'm sure I will find other things that will jump into my cart.

  17. kelly, your kitchen is so pretty. I can never find the deals like others!!

  18. It looks great- I like all your changes and that piece is really nice! I always end up moving the whole danged room around when I try to bring something new in. It is a sickness, I tell you! xo Diana

  19. Kelly...I love that wall art...it is perfect in that space in your kitchen!!!...Yes, it always happens when you get something new for the wall, you have to rehang many others....the snowball effect!...Congrats on the great deal!!..HomeGoods is getting more and more higher end things..I just saw a rug that was in the Ballard catalog...the same exact rug for more than half the price of Ballards...unfortunately, I did not have a place for it.....so love HomeGoods!!! Glad you had a great day!!

  20. Hi Kelly, I like the utensil art wall hanging, I have a subway art in my dining room that I am currentlynre-decorating. Like your olive bucket on your table.

  21. I'm enjoying all your changes and additions, Kelly. Beautiful graphics.

  22. Oh yes, I sure have done this! I think it brings a great balance to that side with the doors.

  23. love this new addition. it looks great and for $25 bucks, it was worth it! Love HG for that! and yes, isn't it crazy how that starts a domino effect. the changes look fab though!!!!

  24. That is a statement piece for sure! Looks good in your kitchen. I haven't bought anything in a while that started a domino effect but I am sure when I buy a new home, that will happen.

  25. I love your kitchen Kelly! But I STILL want those curtains (LOL)!

  26. I love the hanging fork! It would go so good in my kitchen, where, I don't know. I visited the grand opening of Kirklands in my area, they did not have that!

    Love your blog!


  27. Hi Kelly! Oh, I love your new wall art and so glad you were able to find out how to hang it! Is it hand painted? Love all of your changes and love your olive bucket on the table! Yep, I do the same thing and I've been dominoeing all day! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  28. Yes, I've experienced the moving of things all over my house when adding something new. I figure it's a good excuse to clean. Love your changes - your room is beautiful.

  29. A literal fork in the road (or aisle in this case)! Glad you snagged it for your home. It looks great, and what a deal! I think my dream job would be personal HomeGoods shopper. I figure someone should be paying me for the time I spend in there :)

    Your home is lovely as always. Are you sure you have boys living in there??

  30. That looks great, and yes I know what you mean by the domino effect. Mine doesn't always turn out so good after. But I bet if you chalked a little on your chalkboard light it would work out quicker.

    I know you put those pic's of the light in just for me.

  31. Just when you though it couldn't get any better..

  32. I especially like the rack on which your coffee mugs are hanging. Where did you get it, if you don't mind saying?

  33. I really love it. It is the perfect addition to your kitchen. The domino effect just keeps on happening, my friend :)

  34. Its fantastic!! I love the fork!! Its such a focal point and I think it balances off the dark doors..its really nice Kelly! You have such great taste!

  35. Looks wonderful Kelly!

    Yes, I always seem to purchase something that causes the domino effect!:-)

  36. Get's ya everytime that domino effect. I really love this wall art Kelly!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly