Wednesday, September 12, 2012

New Additions to my Home

Hello everyone!
I'm finally able to snap pics around my home again, since I got my camera back today.  Yay!  As I mentioned in my last post, I went shopping with my sister and mom the other day.  I found a few goodies. 
This lantern caught my eye at Tuesday Morning.  Are you familiar with that store?  If not, you should be!  They have wonderful things at discounted prices. 

I placed it on my hearth in the family room. 
I also found this cute candle snuffer.  I had been wanting one, so this one came home with me.

I ordered this union jack pillow from Antique Farmhouse.  It came in and is now jazzing up my black bergere chair in the family room.

I went shopping in my basement too!  Yes, I have a whole store down there.  ha!  I brought this bottle up, that I bought plain, but then added a label and black cork to it.

My secretary got a touch of Fall by adding this twig wreath to it.  This was in my basement too!


Do you buy vintage books?  I know I do.  I love them.  However, I rarely look inside them except to see the copyright date or the language of the book.  But, one book that I had was worth looking at further.  It was an old encyclopedia (I think).  It's in a foreign language, so I can't read it.  I found these old maps in it!  So, out they came and on display they went.  Pretty neat huh?

Next time you buy an old book, look through the pages carefully.  You may be surprised to find something interesting in there.

Well that about wraps up some new additions to my home at the moment.  Hope that all of you are having a good week so far!
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Kelly ~



  1. Great finds Kelly. Our local Tuesday Morning closed about a month ago, I used to find the greatest deals there. I love that candle snuffer and the union jack pillow! I have a home store in my garage too, its fun going out there and finding stuff I forgot about LOL
    I enjoy buying old books too, especially cookbooks and I've found some neat things in their pages!
    Have a good night.

  2. i love all your finds! i went to our tuesday morning today but didn't see any lanterns...but when we were at the beach last week they had a great tuesday morning that had your lantern...i have a good many lanterns so didn't buy it but it looks great in your house!

    wait until you see the piece of furniture i bought's gorgeous! i'll be posting about my new pieces soon...

  3. :Love tha lantern too. I remember Tuesday Morning, I went there once during my vacation to the USA in 2007. Loved that store they had so many lovely items.

    Greetings from Marian

  4. Kelly,
    Great finds! Love your fall changes too! I have been so busy trying to keep up with my space and finishing up projects I have not had time to change to fall.

  5. My bff and I were in there last Friday and isn't awful I can't remember if I bought anything.lOl I do like the store though!
    Love the lantern and the maps are gorgeous...lucky you!

  6. Great finds Kelly! I love the wicker handle on your snuffer. Your secretary always looks so pretty!

  7. I never think to go to our Tuesday Morning. I will have to check it out. Love your secretary. :)

  8. Luv Tuesday Mornings. Have one about 10 minutes from my home. Needless to say, I am there a lot. Looked at your lantern and did not get it :-( Now I am rethinking it!
    Luv the new touches.. the twig wreath.. the lantern.. the bottle :-)
    Thanks for sharing.
    Cheers, Gee

  9. Great finds there, Kelly. Love that lantern- Our Tuesday Morning was only open for about a year here. It was in kind of an off the track area so I think that might be why it didn't make it.

    Everything looks great- xo Diana

  10. I love the lantern! I am a little obsessed with those at the moment. I want every one I see! Looks great!

  11. The new additions look great. You are a quick changer.

  12. Oh my gosh, so many wonderful goodies!!!! Love,love,love that bottle and the candle snuffer, and those maps...well just everything really!!!! LOL I want to go shopping in YOUR basement :o)

  13. Great finds and love the way you worked it into your home!

    Well done!

  14. Everything for fall is looking good at your house. I have a Tuesday Morning about 30 minutes from my house so I go every now and then. I have found some wonderful things there. BTW, I love your secretary.

  15. Nice finds and touches to your home, Kelly! Love the lantern. I haven't been to Tuesday Morning in months. I'll add that to the list after Home Goods!

  16. Great lantern Kelly....They just opened a very large Tuesday Morning next door to the HomeGoods near me...have not checked it out yet....I love when you "shop the house" and come up with items such as the bottle that you truly enhance!..Great additions to the room!...

  17. What a great lantern! Fall is looking great at your house Kelly. I have been resisting buying anything new, because I would just have to pack and move it in a couple of months. I am not decorating for fall because all my decorations are boxed up from our last move, so it is fun being able to see everyone else decorating.

  18. Love, Love, Love all your fall touches, Kelly! Lanterns are always perfect for this time of year. And those old maps are wonderful. I enjoy your lovely style!
    Mary Alice

  19. I love seeing all the updates to your pretty home! I'm running errands this morning, and now I'll have to stop at Tuesday Morning, what a great idea :) Isn't it to great that they are open all the time now? I remember standing in line there to get in every time they reopened!
    Have a great day Kelly!
    xo, Andrea

  20. What great finds (especially that old map)! I love the way you have it displayed with the magnifying glass!

    Have a great day rock star!

  21. Great additions Kel..I love the lantern

  22. wish we had tuesday morning here! Love the lantern and everything else. What fun that you found those maps!

  23. I love Tuesday Morning but the one by my house is very hit and miss. I was just in there last week and left empty handed.
    Love your twig wreath and that great bottle.
    Have a great Thursday!

  24. Great finds. I love the shape of the bottle and the old map pages were a great find.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly