Monday, September 3, 2012

Smoking BBQ Ribs

Hello everyone!
I hope everyone had a nice Labor Day weekend.  My husband cooked some delicious BBQ ribs on the grill today.  So, I thought I'd share the recipe with you. 
He used St. Louis style pork ribs for this recipe.  We also used our Weber charcoal grill.  We've been married 25 yrs and this is only our 2nd grill ever.......our 2nd Weber grill that is.  We highly recommend this grill if you're looking for a great one at an affordable price! 
First, you wash the ribs and remove the fat film from the back.  Pat dry and apply Stubbs Rib Rub (found in the seasoning aisle). Let the ribs sit out for several hours to reach room temperature.

Heat your coals in the grill and push to the side.  Add a pan of water to the other side. 
Place the grill rack back on top and then add your rib rack.
Set your rack of ribs in the rack.

Then add wet hickory wood chips on top of the hot coals.

Put the cover back on the grill.

The thermometer on the grill should read a constant 250 degrees.
(Oops!  Took my picture too soon. But trust me it got up to 250.)
Smoke for about 3 hours.  Then cover in foil and smoke one more hour. 
Remove ribs from grill and brush with extra BBQ sauce.

Eat and enjoy!
Hope you'll give these a try.  They have a lot of meat on them and were so delicious.  You should've smelled it smoking all day! 
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Kelly ~




  1. Our neighbour across the fence grills pretty much every night!...and we smell it! He grilled our ribs last year at our baby gender reveal party. We celebrated with turkey burgers and fries today

  2. Kelly, these look delicious! It was Texas BBQ over here...and brisket, and! I can almost smell yours through the computer!

  3. Well, those sound delicious but how in the heck do you keep your grill looking so new...or is that the new one? I loved our Weber and I don't think there is anything that can beat it for grilling. Sadly, MyHero likes the convenience of gas grilling- xo Diana

  4. Sounds great! I love a good barbecue especially on a charcoal grill. We have the same grill and just love it....I had some good barbecue in St. Simons Island, GA this weekend at Southern Soul, it was awesome!

  5. They look delish Kelly. We had our cookout yesterday as everyone ( the lads) had plans. Hamburgers and potato salad.
    Thanks for sharing..
    Cheers, Gee

  6. That looks SO delicious!!! Amber and Mike grilled today! Amber's room mate from college came over and with Louis Dean and me as well as Amber and Mike - well, we had a good group! I LOVE the fragrance of outdoor cooking!!!

    Hope you have a lovely first full September week!

  7. They do look delish! I've never tried ribs on the grill, and unfortunately we have a gas model. I do use the wet wood chips wrapped in foil on our "coals". I cut slits in the top and bottom of the foil and it adds the smokey flavor missing from meat cooked on gas grills.

  8. Oh, my those look good. We need another new grill and may go back to charcoal. Not sure though. You are so lucky to have a husband that grills. Not mine.

  9. Looks like your Labor day was great Kelly, those ribs look so good.


  10. Wish I had smellavision on my computer! They sound fabulous! We do the gas and I admit, the charcoal sure is a GREAT taste. XO, Pinky

  11. My hubby does not really cook, but he can grill...what is with that?...He has a great "grill recipe" for ribs, but he does not use a grill rack...I will be certain to show him this recipe...looks wonderful...So glad you had a great holiday...

  12. They look delicious! Two questions...where did you get a rib rack? And do the coals continue to burn that long, or do you have to have to add more coals and wet chips during the cooking time? Thanks!

  13. I know what I'm cooking tonight!

    Jan @

  14. I can't think of anything I enjoy smelling much more than something cooking on the grill!! Thanks for sharing this recipe, Kelly! Looks great. blessings ~ tanna

  15. Looks yummy!!! There's nothing better than smoked meat on a summer holiday!!
    McCall Manor

  16. They look wonderful Kelly..How do you keep a grill at a constant temperature???

  17. We love our Weber too - it's at least twenty years old and sits out through wind and rain and snow! Your ribs looked delish - we made pork chops on ours for Labor Day! Hope you enjoyed the day. Jane

  18. Hi Kelly,

    Oh my goodness do they look good. Yum!!!


  19. Ooh... you southerners sure do know how to barbecue :) Those look delish!

  20. Oh my goodness, these look delicious. I love BBQ ribs... and have wondered how to cook them on the grill. I'll have to give this a try!

  21. OMG its breakfast time and I am drooling over your hubbyu's ribs!! I cannot make these, but maybe this will help...we have the same smoker and each time I tried it did not work right. Of course I didn't know what I was doing!! lol

  22. I have never got ribs right, edible, but not moanable.


  23. Your ribs are looking very good. We also had ribs for Labor Day that my son-in-law grilled. Quite a labor of love.

    Your back yard looks pretty!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly