Thursday, September 20, 2012

What Time Is It?

Hello everyone!
You may recall that I ordered a new clock for my fireplace mantel several weeks ago.  I was using a different one in its place until the new one arrived.
Well, it finally arrived and I love it!
Wanna see it?..........
Well, that's it!
No, just kidding.  Here she is in all her glory.

The clock looks like a giant stop watch.  I like the bright white color on this better than the cream that was on the other one for this room.  The other one went back into the hallway upstairs.
Also, I went back to the store, Outrageous Interiors, to get a second boxwood wreath to balance out the other one I had.

Now, it doesn't look lopsided anymore.  Ha!  I got the last one in this size at their other store too.  Whew!  These things sell fast.
Hope your week has been good so far.  I'm working on another painting project using my French Linen chalk paint.  Some of you warned me that I would look for other things to paint with it and you were right. 
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Kelly ~


  1. Kelly, that clock looks amazing on your mantel! I love the wreaths too. They really pop.

  2. Love the new clock. So cute. Oh, yes the chalk paint addiction has struck.

  3. The clock is so fun!! Looks perfect on your mantel :)

  4. Cute clock, Kelly! Can't wait to see what you're painting!!

  5. I love the clock! I don't think I want to get started painting if that's what happens.

  6. Luv the clock!!
    Cheers, Gee

    pop on by and visit me at my place...


  7. Cute clock Kelly! I love the way the wreaths look on your secretary! Can't wait to see what's getting "chalked" :)

  8. Kelly your clock is very pretty. Great space.

  9. i am a clock freak kelly! i have a lot of little ones but not many big ones...yours is gorgeous! i have my grandfather's original pocket watch under a dome that i need to unpack and display somewhere.

    and i love, love, love your painted secretary!

  10. LOVE this clock, such a great look on your mantel!!

  11. I just love that clock, Kelly. So glad you were able to snag a second wreath. :)


  12. As much as I love the clock it's the 2 little wreaths that tug at my heart. They look perfect. Have a good weekend working outside!

  13. Well, excuse me, Kelly, while I FALL IN LOVE...with that clock. AWESOME.

    lOVE the little wreaths, too.....

    NOW, I must ask what color is your secretary? I am about to paint one and altho I was thinking BLACK...this color of yours is pulling on my heart strings.
    PLEZZZZZ don't tell me it was that color when you got it and have no idea the name of the color....:)))

  14. I hear you on the chalkpaint never dreamed I'd cave like that but I did!
    Love your clock, looks so nice on your mantel!

  15. Nice! I love the giant clock! Looks perfect on the mantel.

  16. I love clocks..I have a whole hallway wall full of them..

  17. Hi Kelly, I LOVE your clock and it looks sooo good on your mantel. Your entire mantel arrangement is a favorite of mine!
    Mary Alice

  18. Kelly, Would you just beam yourself down to my house and rearrange and update everything! You decorate with such ease. Looks great. I love your clock and the new look on your mantle.

    I am still going to call you one of these days. I wish things would settle down.

  19. Kelly,
    Great clock! I have a thing for clocks too! I love the look and sound!Have fun with your next project.I can't wait to see it.I just shared my table that I painted with French linen.I am thinking of using it on my bedroom furniture next!Have a great weekend!

  20. Love the clock look fantastic on the mantel...and yes, the other wreath looks beautifully balanced!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  21. That is a amazing find, and it looks terrific on your mantel! (something I could use in my home too)

  22. Your fabulous clock looks like an old jewelry store sign!! Love it!

  23. I can see why you love it, it's darn cute. When I saw it I looked above me to see if it would look good on my wall.



Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly