Sunday, October 14, 2012

Painted Dresser in Bedroom

Hello everyone!

How was your weekend?  Mine seemed to go by fast. We've been enjoying some nice weather here in GA and have actually broken out the jackets at night! 

Last week, I worked on something I thought I'd share with you today.
You may recall I moved the trumeau mirror out of my master bedroom and into the family room.  So, that left me with an empty space on the wall to fill.  I have a collection of floral still life paintings in my bedroom and bathroom.  I decided to move one of them where the mirror used to be. And as a result of doing that, I decided the dresser should be painted white to match it better.
I like how much lighter it looks now! 

I decided to change up the vignette on top of it too.  My purple orchid and a dainty rose patterned dish along with some Rachel Ashwell fabric samples fill the top of it.

Remember the leaning mirror that I once had in the family room?  Well, that moved  back in here where it belonged. 
Much better, don't you think?  I really missed it not being in here!
Across from the bed, is a chair and dresser.  Beside the dresser, I sort of created a gallery wall with some of the other floral paintings that I have. 

I have had these for a very long time and am glad that they work in my bedroom so well.

Here is a full view of the room as you enter.

So, now I have replaced the empty areas that were once here from shopping in one room to fill another.  Or at least until next time............
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Kelly ~




  1. The night stand looks great painted. Love your art too.

  2. Kelly what beautiful still life paintings! I too love those but most are out of my price range.LOVE your art wall.And that one next to your bed looks perfect above your pretty painted nightstand!Love that vignette too!

  3. Very pretty and romantic, Kelly. It looks like a great spot to unwind.

  4. I looooove your bedside dresser!! What a beautiful piece!!

  5. Kelly, you always do such nice work that I'm sure you didn't even leave a blank spot in the room that you stole from. Paintings are beautiful and I really love the painted chest. Can't wait to see where it goes next.. I can see the book now, "The Travels of a Painted Chest".. Happy Sunday..Judy

  6. Looks like a magazine cover. Beautiful dresser.

  7. Kelly those paintings are beautiful! Love the new look of your dresser too!

  8. Kelly, your bedroom is so pretty! It feels so soothing and relaxing. I love it!

  9. you are becoming a painting machine! Isn't it wonderful the difference paint makes? By the way, I really like that big mirror...

  10. Very pretty and inviting, Kelly. Your photos made me yawn, but in a good way. lol

  11. I love the fabric that you have draping down by your headboard what and how did you do that? Just love it!
    You did a great job on the dresser, now you make me want to finish my

  12. love how the chest turned out...thinking that the bed is next~! lol
    seriously the painting just takes on a life of its own!

  13. AAAhhh, luv the new look.
    My bed is almost identical to yours :-) I am thinking of painting it white (??) not quite sure as yet. The room was done in a Tuscan theme ( entire house was) and we are in the process of reverting back to a softer French Country, so my leaning mirror is gold... soon to be a flat white with a nice soft coat of wax!
    Thanks for the inspiration!
    Cheers, Gee

  14. Your room is so beautiful. Love how the chest turned out. Love the mirror too.

  15. Shopping one's house is just the best, isn't it? I like what you've done with the dresser.

  16. I really like what you have done, Kelly. I love the contrast of the white dresser and framed picture next to the dark bed. I all looks great.


  17. What kind of paint did you use on the bedside chest? Its so pretty. Your whole room is gorgeous!

  18. Hi Kelly! How beautiful! I love your pretty floral paintings and yor little chest looks wonderful painted white! You're a fast worker too! :) Love your bedroom, it's just so pretty.
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  19. Your room looks wonderful..Do you think you'll be able to leave it alone for awhile?? :)

  20. Soooo pretty! The painted chest is really nice.


  21. Soooo pretty! The painted chest is really nice.


  22. You have been busy! I think the white dresser and mirror frame are perfect...but I thought that before too. Love it all.

  23. Funny how one thing leads to another! I love the chest and I have a thing for floral pictures. Everything looks so pretty...especially the standing mirror!

    Have a great week!


  24. Hi Kelly! I would like to pick out just one or two things that are my favorite in this room, but I can't - I LOVE them ALL!!!! So pretty. Jane

  25. Hi Kelly, love the collected oil paintings you have. The chest is pretty in white. I am painting a table to sell and am just about sick from bending over but it is perfect weather for painting right now. xo, olive

  26. The dresser looks great painted white. I love the look of your master. (beautiful)

  27. Oh Kelly, I just love the dresser!...your bedroom is beautiful and love what you have done to it!!!...So many gorgeous things in the room!!..

  28. Oh what a beautiful room. Now where does hubby sleep..... LOL

  29. It looks beautiful, Kelly. I love the grouping of paintings, also.

  30. Very pretty, Kelly! Love the bedside chest white. What a great orchid! The urn it's in is wonderful. I love that look.

  31. What a great space to start with. Love the new look of your dresser too! Are those fresh flowers? :)

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Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly