Saturday, December 1, 2012

A Little Christmas Craft

Hello everyone!
 I had these cute little Christmas gift tags and kept thinking I could do something with them besides just using them for packages.
So, I came up with this...........
I just tied some butcher's twine around the knobs and then tied the gift tags on (like bunting). 
Now, my little chest has a touch of red, white and grey on it to tie in with the Christmas tree!

It's such a little thing, but I like how it looks.

After I did this, I walked back over to the sofa and this is what I saw.

Do you see them?  Little bitty paws........
Let's see who is behind there.
Awwww........I just had to share! 
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Kelly ~




  1. So pretty Kelly and fits in perfectly with your decor! What a sweet shot of your fur baby!

  2. love that. i have the exact same supplies and i think i'm going to steal (borrow) this idea! and those paws sticking out from the pillow are just adorable...perfect place for a little nap.

  3. Your little one likes your new pillow too! xo

  4. LOL! That is just too cute!! AND, I love your sweet addtion to the details of a Swedish Christmas!

  5. Sometimes the little things add a lot. Your sweet little garland looks wonderful on your white furniture!

  6. That's the sort of little touch I love. It would have been a shame to attach those tags to packages only to have them ripped up in minutes.

  7. What a great garland idea!!how creative... love the sweet paw picture.. melts my heart!

  8. Hi Kelly,
    Well wouldn't you know it, dogs always find the best place to have a good sleep!! So cute, love the pillow...your Christmas decor is beautiful! Love your theme this year.
    Have a happy decorating day!

  9. Good Afternoon Kelly, Your little garland has a lovely Swedish feel, so simple, but so perfect. Your little dog is gorgeous. Years ago we had a lovely little King Charles Spaniel, named Chloe and she used to hide amongst my daughters cuddly toys. It was hard to differentiate between the cuddly toys and Chloe as she was so cute. Have an enjoyable weekend. Best Wishes Daphne

  10. I love the garland Kelly...especially with the gray. Who knew gray would be a color for Christmas!
    My bff has a dog just like yours Sammie is her name and I think her paws are so cute!

  11. That is really cute and goes well with your theme.

  12. Super cute Kelly and so is your little pooch all snuggled behind your pillow!

  13. How cute Kelly. Yes I see those cute paws... hiding...
    Too cute! Thanks for sharing.

  14. I love this, Kelly! It looks super cute tied to the knobs. I am making a few garlands, too, I have always wanted one but can't sew so I have found some other ideas.

    Your puppy is a doll! My little Layla does the same thing!

    Happy Weekend!


  15. That is such a sweet and simple addition to the dresser.

  16. Everything looks so good Kelly and just like here there is always someone behind the pillows. So cute


  17. The dresser looks so cute with the little touch of festive decor! And how cute that your dog snuggled in for a cozy nap!

  18. Great idea, Kelly. Cute doggie! :-)

  19. Your little put found a nice cozy spot for a nap how darling! Great use of leftover gift tags. I like the simplicity of the twine and the little pop of color!

  20. It's the little things. I have to get some of that bakers twine. Looks so cute.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly