Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Preparations

Hello everyone!
It has been an incredibly busy week!  I have hardly been able to visit all of you.  I hope to get back to that very soon!  I'm winding down the last of my Christmas preparations and thought I'd share just a few of them with you.
The shopping is done and the presents are wrapped.
The baking is done and the teachers gifts have been delivered.
I've been busy crafting Christmas cards and ornaments too. 
I added these to my bottle rack to keep the stockings company.

Before I go, I wanted to share the recipe for the Strawberry Pretzel Salad I made the other day.  I promised you the recipe.
(Since I copied the magazine page, this is now printable!)
Here is a pic from the magazine too.  Sorry, I forgot to photograph the one I made. 
It's delicious and makes a nice dish to take to a gathering.  So give it a try!
  I will be back to normal posting after Christmas.  We have Christmas with my in laws family and a birthday to celebrate this weekend and then I'm hosting Christmas Eve dinner with my family on Monday.  I'm looking forward to a full day of rest on Christmas day.  We don't have to go anywhere or do anything!  Yay!
I hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas!
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Kelly ~



  1. I am WOWED once again I love your style! Everything is perfect! now take a break and relax with a nice cup of coco!

  2. Kelly,
    Everything at your home is beautiful and yummy!
    The best of the season's blessings to you and your family!
    Merry Christmas!

  3. The strawberry Pretzel salad is really good. A coworker of mine used to make it for my birthday every year! The ornaments you made are really cute, and look great with the little stockings

  4. Your Christmas plans sound very much like ours...Christmas will just be our family and a lot more quiet here at home. We do however celebrate with extended family Christmas Eve as well as the night before. I am as ready as I ever will be. I need to do a post tomorrow and bake cookies. Done!

    I didn't know you were so crafty! I used to make my own cards, too. I'd love to get back into that. The recipe sounds super good! Love what you did with the bottle rack!

    Have a lovely Christmas, Kelly!


  5. I forgot...we are still hoping to make it for Christmas Eve. We are going to make the final decision tomorrow or Saturday.

  6. Wow! You have been very,very busy! The little ornaments look so cute hung with your stockings and the goodie bags are so sweet too! The pretzel salad looks delicious....I might have to try that :o)
    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!!!

  7. Your ornaments are so pretty! I have been wanting to try the stawberry dessert for a long time so I am glad you posted the recipe! Your cookies look yummy too! I'm going to try to make some oreo truffles with my boys for Christmas, hopefully they turn out! I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!!

  8. Oops! I also meant to say how much I loved your wrapping paper...very pretty!

  9. You have been busy busy. Cute ornaments you made and I have not baked yet. Must go to the store and then start.

  10. That strawberry pretzel salad is seriously one of the best things I've ever put in my mouth!! Have a wonderful Christmas, Kelly!

  11. Have a PEACEFUL Christmas Day. You have been busy and will be for a few more.

  12. That recipe looks so good. You have been a very busy bee...and you sure wrap nice too.

  13. Merry Christmas, Kelly!!!
    I have made that salad before and it was YUMMY!!
    Everything looks Christmas ready at your place! Now just enjoy it!

    Ours is a slower pace this year. We'll be back in full swing in 2013!

  14. Looks like you are ready!!!! All looks great. Merry Christmas!

  15. HI Kelly! Oh, what loveliness! You've even made your own Christmas cards! :)
    Your cookies are so pretty and the salad looks good! You amaze me with all you do.
    Merry Christmas, Dear One,
    Shelia :)

  16. Love the wrapped gifts under the tree, have a very Merry Christmas with your family and friends! I've really enjoyed your blog this year and look forward to another great year ahead!

  17. Your ornaments are adorable!!...I am so glad that you are finished with your holiday preps and now enjoying your family...Have a wonderful, joyous Christmas Kelly!!

  18. everything looks awesome Kelly.....Merry Christmas

  19. It looks like you're all ready! Merry Christmas to you and yours - it all looks just lovely!

  20. Good Morning Kelly, Your home is spic and span, your presents are wrapped and ready, your baking is enjoy Christmas. Best Wishes Daphne

  21. Everything looks so perfect, Kelly!! I can see why you are looking forward to a full day's rest!! Sending you and yours the warmest of Christmas wishes~ tanna

  22. Kelly I still have to wrap my gifts! LOVE seeing one last peek at your pretty holiday home!Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!

  23. I'm starting my baking tonight and will bake the rest of the weekend. Still have to wrap the presents!! Heading over to school later this morning to host a Christmas party for my youngest's class....I'm feeling a little over whelmed right about now LOL!!
    Your home looks wonderful Kelly, those ornaments are so cute! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  24. Good job Kelly! I am wrapping today and getting groceries later. Still much to do. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  25. I just love strawberry pretzel salad..Your house looks wonderful..Have a great Christmas..

  26. I've made a version of this recipe a few years ago and it's great! It's always a hit a party. Your decorating looks great! Now that everything is done you can relax and enjoy the holidays. We're driving to Delaware right after Christmas to surprise my grandaughter for her birthday (it's on December 28th) All the grandkids will be surprised because they are keeping it a secret. I have 3 grandkids. Enjoy the holidays!

  27. Wow, Kelly, everything looks so jolly and festive! :-) Merry Christmas, and all the best! Hugs!

  28. Looks like your ready to go... and yummy stuff to eat.


  29. I love the homemade gift wrap and note cards...but I am getting a complex as I am so far behind this season....I love the simple touches though, and you have much inspiration for those of us behind in our decorating, baking and wrapping!! Merry Christmas!

  30. HI, Kelly

    You lovely sister Kim send me over here. I love your Christmas decor. Just lovely.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours.



  31. Merry Christmas dear Kelly. Good health to you in the new year.


  32. It sounds so exciting at your houses..baking, and teachers' gifts...I remember those days. :)
    Your cookies look yummy, and I'll have to try the strawberry pretzel salad. I'll bet it'll go great with ham.
    Wishing you and your family a fun filled Christmas.

  33. I wish I could have been there, snooping ...lololol...Have a happy new year

  34. I have made that pretzel salad for many years and it IS delicious! Noone guesses that the crust is pretzels! Love the ornaments too. XO, Pinky

  35. Pretzel Salad is one of my all time favorites. Cute wrapping paper.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly