Friday, December 7, 2012

Farmhouse Style Christmas Touches

Hello everyone!
Can you believe it is already the weekend?  We've got a very busy weekend ahead.  My oldest son's birthday is tomorrow.  He will be 19!  So, we are going out to celebrate tomorrow night.  Then, on Sunday, we're celebrating Christmas with my husbands extended family.
I wanted to share a few added touches to my kitchen that I was waiting on.  I wanted to add some farmhouse style Christmas touches in the kitchen.  For me, that means cozy touches like red and white grain sack and greenery (just to name a few).  Also, the smell of something wonderful cooking in the kitchen. 
I received these adorable grain sack mini-stockings from Ann at Sutton Place Designs.  I just love them!  I hung them on my vintage style bottle rack in the kitchen.
I can't tell you how much I love them!

I love the quality of workmanship that went into them.  Ann cuts these from real vintage grain sacks too.
She was sweet enough to include this cute metal angel ornament too.  I hung it around the glass vase filled with birch branches.

It's those little extras that Ann does so well!
I also received these grain sack sachets she made too. They are filled with fresh lavender. 


They found a spot tucked into a white gravy boat. 
I added another small Christmas tree by the sink too.
I'm loving adding little trees here and there for a touch of country Christmas.
I established a baking center as well.  After all, I need these things for easy access soon!
I will be making a strawberry pretzel salad to take with us to the gathering on Sunday.  It is wonderful!  It's a Paula Deen recipe.  I'll try to share it in an upcoming post!
Hope y'all are having a great start to your weekend so far.
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Kelly ~



  1. I loved seeing your cheerful kitchen! I'm working on mine right now :)
    I didn't know we have kids the same age, well almost, Abby is 18 and a freshman at UT. Maybe we should do some matchmaking, haha! Have fun this weekend,
    xo, Andrea

  2. Hi Kelly! Your kitchen looks wonderful and those little stockings are darling! Love your little bitty Christmas tree too! Have a great time at your gathering and I'll be looking forward to the recipe for that salad.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  3. Kelly, The kitchen is so cherry and festive! I love all the white with the touches of Christmas red!!!

  4. Cute stockings Kelly! Love the Christmas charm of your kitchen! Happy birthday to your son!

  5. Love your drying rack. I have the same one. Great idea to hand mini stockings. Great style.

  6. It all looks so lovely Kelly! Happy Birthday to your son and I hope you have a wonderful weekend of festivities! :-)

  7. Kelly I just love those mini stockings! I'm having some full size ones sewn for me, but probably won't get them until after Christmas. I hope your son has a very happy birthday!!

  8. Love the mini stockings!! Ann does such a wonderful job on the goodies that she makes. Love the farmhouse style Christmas touches in your warm and cozy!!
    Happy Birthday to your son.

  9. Hi Kelly, Those little stockings are sweet! Ann does such a great job. Your kitchen is lovely.

  10. Happy birthday to your son, Kelly. I love your little grain sack stockings and sachets. I can almost smell the cookies baking .


  11. I got mine too. Love yours on the rack. Happy birthday Cody!! We have Doug's family get together today.

  12. I love strawberry pretzel salad! It's the perfect Christmas dish because it's so pretty. Thank you, thank you for your kind words. I have loved getting to know you. Your home is a true reflection of you, filled with beautiful things you love. It doesn't get any better than that. Happy Weekend!

  13. love those touches. I have an order from Ann coming, also. Can't her work, and I find it very reasonably priced. Yesterday I found a pretty red ticking type of ribbon in my stash and it made me think of you and your kitchen =) Have a wonderful weekend, and that recipe sounds very interesting!

  14. Love your little stockings. So cute on your bottle rack!
    Have a great weekend.
    Mary Alice

  15. Love your Christmas touches, the little stockings are adorable.


  16. Love your rack and how you have decorated your kitchen.
    Very festive!

  17. Those stockings were the perfect farmhouse touch. Ann does wonderful work. Happy birthday to your son!

  18. Oh, Kelly, I love all of your farmhouse touches to the kitchen! Ann's little stockings are adorable! Happy Birthday to your son!

  19. The salad sounds delicious Kelly, I'll be waiting for the recipe too:)
    I just adore the stockings Anne made so cute! I may order these sometime before Christmas! Love the little tree in the bucket!

  20. Aw this post makes me wish I could turn back the clock one year and do what you are doing~making your house a home with all the holiday touches like cleaning and cooking and decorating. It looks awesome in your kitchen Kelly!

  21. This is what my decorating is lacking... the little touches.


  22. Happy Birthday to your son! Those little mini stockings are so cute! Have fun at the Christmas gathering tomorrow :o)

  23. Oh I love Ann's stuff too! Love the stockings hung on the french cup rack :)

  24. Wonderful kitchen, Kelly! Happy birthday to your son! :-)

  25. If Max likes it..It's a winner..I like the Swiss cross a lot..

  26. Your little grain sack stockings are perfect on the French bottle dryer. Love your little Christmas touches in the kitchen.

  27. Kelly..everything looks the stockings on the drying rack!!....Looks like you are having lots of fun decorating!!!...


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly