Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Vintage Styling in the Kitchen

Hello everyone!
I wanted to share a few new finds for my kitchen that have a vintage flair.  In fact one of them really is vintage! 
I love the look of grain sacks, so I found this red and white one with some body's initials on it and knew it would be a nice addition to my small collection.  This is my first red one though!

I have it draped over an ottoman in my kitchen.  I realize the initials are backwards, but if I turn the grain sack around, you can't see the initials, so this will have to do!  LOL!
On my kitchen table, I added this striped runner.  It blends well with the other burlap items in the room.  It also adds just a touch of red.
And, finally, one of my Christmas presents got delivered.  I ordered this enamel bread box.  I even use it to store bread in!  I've always wanted one, but didn't want to pay $100 for an authentic vintage one, so this is a reproduction for about half the cost. 
I'm really enjoying the added vintage touches in my kitchen.
I wish, however, I enjoyed putting together this post!  Not so!  It took me twice as long since Blogger is STILL giving me fits about posting pics.  Then, it continued to give me problems in the HTML format.  I don't know when this issue will get fixed.  I don't think I should have to switch to Google Chrome, either, if this is a temporary problem.  Blogger needs to do a better job communicating with its members about what is going on.  Sorry for the rant, but with this being such a widespread problem and lasting so long, you would think SOMEONE would have some answers by now. 
******UPDATED NOTE********
Well, looks like this is a permanent problem and not a temporary one.  I will have to make the switch to Google Chrome then.  I really appreciate everyone's advice on how to handle this situation! 
I really appreciate your visit!
~ Kelly~


  1. Love the bread box and burlap is always fun to use in decorating!
    Sorry about the blogger frustration, I switched over to google chrome and everything works fine with my blog now but I only open google chrome for blogging otherwise I use mozilla firefox for all my other internet stuff. That way I don't have to worry about re-doing all my favorites, etc.

  2. Girl...I am so with you on the Blogger issue! Why is it impossible to find anyone help and why don't they email members saying there's a probem and give an estimated time for when it will be fixed. I do not want to down load Google Chrome either. Today not just my browser button is gone, but also the thing on the side that lets you plan posts for a future date/time. So annoying!
    Anyway on to something pleasant. :) I love all your new goodies! My favorite is your table runner. It is so pretty!! It looks great on your table. I want something like your bread box, but for my laundry room, but haven't even been able to find a reproduction.

  3. Kelly, I hate to say this but it's not going to get better. Google and Internet Explorer (and others) are purposefully not playing nice with each other. Google owns Blogger AND Chrome, so there you have it. I changed over back last summer after having tons of trouble. Once I downloaded GC the trouble was over. It only takes about 5 minutes. LOVE your wonderful new touches. those initials are wonderful!

  4. Sorry you are still having blog problems. That gets old. My Sweet Savannah has had to start over since her email got hacked and she can't sign in to her old blog. I think that is what happened. Love your vintage grain sack and runner. Great bread box. I use my vintage one, too and bread lasts a lot longer.

  5. Install Google Chrome and that will fix it. Love that touch of red. In Georgia you can grow amaryllis in your flower garden too. I have about twenty of them between the two houses to get off topic.

  6. The grainsack and runner are great pieces. I love the breadbox and mine is very similar. It is also a reproduction that a friend gave to me for doing a big sewing project for her. Now I know why I am not having problems, I have google Chrome. Actually my guys still use explorer but I added Chrome to the same tabletop computer.

  7. Love the touches of red! I too love my vintage bread box. I hope you enjoy yours too.

  8. I love the new additions Kelly!! Sorry to hear your still having a problem with blogger, it's so frustrating when there's a glitch in the system!!

  9. Wonderful treasures!!!! Your new grainsack is so pretty and so is your breadbox. I keep bread in mine too! Sorry you are still having problems posting :o(

  10. Love that grain sack!And that bread box too! I found one at a thrift store a year ago.I use it for our cat food in the laundry room.I just bought an olive bucket can't wait to get it!
    Sorry you are still having issues.

  11. Your new items looks so pretty in your home. Loving those bits of red around, especially the grain sack with the initials.
    Mary Alice

  12. LK my initials. If you ever want to get rid of that cute little thing. Looks great how you have it.

  13. Yes I heard that Google chrome is the way to go...My internet explorer is always giving me problems ..Mr wants me to switch to Google Chrome.
    I do hope you get things resolved.
    I will miss you....

  14. I love your breadbox! It looks so pretty in your kitchen! I agree with others, since installing chrome, I've not had any issues. Hope you get things worked out.

  15. Kelly, I love your new additions. The touches of red are wonderful. Sorry to hear you're having problems with Blogger. I switched to Google Chrome, a long time ago, because it was just faster than IE. So far, so good!

  16. kelly, do you use windows live writer? i switched to that a few years ago and NEVER have any problem's soooo much easier than blogger to write posts and upload, rearrange, etc. photos. i think you'd like it.

    i love that runner...i made a lumber pillow out of drop cloth and stenciled a black stripe on it to look like a vintage grain sack...turned out pretty good too!

  17. Kelly- I am not sure if I mentioned it to you, or not-so ignore me if I did. Are you using Chome Google? That has seemed to solve everyone's problems with pictures. You just have to use that for your browser when you access your blog- Your pictures are great and I love all your vintage touches- xo Diana

  18. Love all your new additions, especially the bread box!! I'm frustrated with the posting issues, too! Grrrr! Hope you have a great week! blessings ~ tanna

  19. Love the vintage style breadbox! Love the grain sack and runner pretty!!

  20. Love the bread box. Yes, it is not fun at all trying to post pictures right now! I too hope they fix it soon!

  21. I love all of your new touches to your kitchen. That grain sack is wonderful. I hate that we "HAVE TO" use Google Chrome but they own blogger and there isn't much we can do about it. It is very simple to download and is worth it for me not to have the hassles.

  22. I love your vintage table runner and new breadbox!

    I downloaded Google Chrome and only log on when I want to upload photos, then I just add photos the way I always did. Hope that helps!

  23. Switching to Chrome was life-changing for me. I couldn't believe how much easier everything was...just do it! Love all your vintagey goodness. The bread box is divine. :o)

  24. Hi Kelly! Love the grain sacks. I just purchase a runner for the kitchen table that has the grain sack look. Love your enamel bread box! I'm sure you'll find many uses for this!

  25. Love your finds that bucket the flowers are in is great and I love the pillows.


  26. Sorry you are having computer troubles with loading your pics. Nothing more frustrating. I love your vintage touches Kelly in your warm and cozy kitchen.

  27. Right now the vintage touches in my kitchen are my 25 year old crock pot and a sink of dirty dishes. Not much to love huh?


  28. love the white breadbox, and you linen/grainsack addition! glad Chrome will fix the problem

  29. You do what you do so well -- love the embroidered grain sack.

    I too am having trouble getting photos to load. I used a Mac, and have always used Safari, so I don't know anything about Chrome. I don't understand what is happening -- they are so slow to load. It took 3 hours while I was falling asleep in front of the TV last night to get photos on for the current post. Before that, you couldn't see them once the post was published. I emailed Blogger, and some woman informed me that she could see them fine so what's the prob?

    Well hooray for her. Finally, they were were visible after a few days, so maybe they did something, who knows.


  30. Very cute vintage items. I love the bread box. I hope loading your photos will be easier. So far, I haven't had any issues and I use Firefox.

  31. Oh, I also forgot to tell you, I am your newest follower. Linda

  32. Love your vintage grain sack and table runner Kelly.

    I switched to google chrome several months back and have not had a problem since.

  33. Hi Kelly, I left a comment yesterday commiserating with your problem and came back today to see what advice everyone gave and my comment was not there. So you may have lost some others too. Hope it all works out.

    I love your post and the changes you showed. Love your red initialed grain sack and table runner. I hope to run into a reasonably priced olive bucket some day. Yours look nice.

  34. Kelly, I really love the grainsack and runner. I must like the breadbox because I am the same one. I can relate to the blogger problems! I've had so many problems uploading pictures and yesterday I couldn't even open my blog. I am thinking of changing to .com. What a headache!
    Take care, Sherry

  35. Love your bread box!
    And I well remember all the issues with blogger - I do not miss anything about blogger in any way! Because it is a free blog platform they don't move fast at all to solve problems. come on over to wordpress!

  36. I love old photos of beautiful linen.

  37. Rant away! I think Blogger never communicates about wonder so many switch to WP. Anyway I love the touches of red...everything you do is done so classy.

  38. Hi Kelly,
    I love your runner with the initials, very nice! I also love the striped runner. I enjoy red, it feels so warm and nice, to me anyways. Your home is looking very nice.
    Hugs, cindy

  39. Kelly, I LOVE your bench with your pillows and new grain sack! The ones with red are my favorite :)

  40. the pops of red in your kitchen..the bread box is great!...I bought my vintage one a bazillion years ago..and thought back then that $35 was expensive!

  41. The bread box is fantastic, and I really like your vintage linens with the pops of red.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly