Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Let's Take a Tour Outside

Hello everyone!

Now that things are finally greening up outside and the flowers are blooming, I thought I would share some pics around my yard.  We still have some work to do, however.  We need  to finish planting our garden,  clean the pollen off our front porch, and plant flowers in our planters.


Our azaleas are blooming nicely.

Our hosta is making an appearance too.

These are all planted along the walkway leading to the front porch. I'd like to add more azaleas to the other side of the porch too.

The river birch is putting out new leaves too.

Out back, we have rose bushes ready to bloom.

We also just planted our vegetable garden!  We still need to add to it though. There's not much to see right now. We currently have tomato, squash, bell pepper and jalapeno peppers planted.  

Our neighbors just put up a beautiful fence too.  We get to enjoy one side of it ourselves!

(Just ignore how splotchy our grass looks right now.  As it gets warmer it will look better.)

Our vine (forgot the name of it) is blooming on our arbor.

While I was snapping pics, my dog was doing his favorite thing! 

My poor porch planters are naked right now.  My husband is going to take me to the same nursery we went to last year to pick out some flowers for them.  Looking forward to getting the porch ready to sit outside and enjoy these pretty days before it gets blazing hot!

Hope you enjoyed the tour!

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Kelly, the outside of your home and your flowers are just gorgeous! I need to borrow your 'green thumb'-lol!

  2. Your home and garden are so pretty, Kelly. I would love to have a front porch like this! The azaleas add such nice color. I never had a lot of luck with them but I do know that you can grow them in our area...must be me!!

    I can't wait to see your pots. I may get some pansies in as they like the colder weather and that's still where we're at!


  3. Your yard is really pretty, Kelly! I love the river birch tree.

  4. Pretty, pretty! Can I borrow some of your gardening prowess please. I am all brown thumbs here :-(
    I plant only hearty natives, as I know they will thrive in-spite of my efforts! Hahahahaaa..
    Luv the gardens Kelly.
    Hugs, Gee

  5. Your home and garden are so beautiful!!!!!! It is still a little early to plant pots here... but soon :o)

  6. Kelly your home is gorgeous!And your garden is beautiful too! Not much is blooming around here yet.We need more sun and warmth but no more rain!

  7. Your home and yard is beautiful!! I was at nursery today, did not buy anything yet.

  8. Your house and yard are really looking like Spring. Your hostas and azaleas look great, and how much fun it'll be to get home grown damaters, and peppers.

  9. Kelly your home is so beautiful and I always love a garden tour! I love hosta! They look so pretty with the blooming azalea!

  10. Kelly, your garden is quite a ways ahead of mine and very beautiful, I might add. I love your porch. What a pleasure it must be to sit out there on a cool day. Hope you get to have a few of those as summer comes closer..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  11. Your home and gardens are beautiful Kelly!..just love your front porch!

  12. Kelly...your house, yard, and flowers are so pretty!! I love your porch!! Your sweet little dog looks like he is enjoying being cute!!

  13. Kelly, your outdoor space is so pretty and southern style. I love the azaleas and that front porch! In my dreams that's the kind of house I live in. :)

  14. Nobody laying in our yard chewing bones, but I hear tell it's suppose to be in the 70's this weekend. Considering we got a foot of snow last weekend that is quite the change.


  15. Kelly,

    Your home is just gorgeous and that front porch and yard are great. The dog looks adorable too!


  16. lush and gorgeous! This makes me want to move to Atlanta!

  17. Your home and garden are absolutely lovely! I've tried growing azaleas (twice) and have never had good luck with them. I had them along the side of the house and someone said maybe they weren't getting enough air circulation around them? Not sure what the problem was. Anyway, yours look stunning! I would LOVE to have a front porch like yours. So pretty and I bet it's fun to decorate too. :)

  18. Kelly,
    Your home is so charming and the yard so pretty. Love your little Boston too. So cute.

  19. Kelly, WOW!!
    you have such a gorgeous with beautiful landscaping.. Love all your blooms and I think it looks
    Marvelous simply Marvelous..

  20. You are way ahead of us...Lovely pictures..

  21. Your home and gardens look heavenly! We've still got snow on the ground.

  22. Oh how Beautiful!!
    We are so far behind you. Our Daffs are just opening. Nothing on the trees yet. Still to cool.

  23. So pretty and so green already! Our landscape is just at the very beginning of coming alive and it is not safe to plant annuals until May long weekend here.

  24. Really enjoyed the tour, Kelly! Everything looks so green. I wish we could grow azaleas here, but I'm sure they would have a heat stroke! Your home looks so pretty.

  25. Your house is gorgeous! Looking forward to seeing more pics once you finish your planting!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly