Friday, May 17, 2013

Apple Green Accents

Hello everyone!

Are you glad that the weekend is finally here?  I know I am.  My son had to be at school by 6:45 this morning to board a bus to take him to The Tennessee Aquarium for his 5th grade field trip. So it was an early day for us! He didn't return until 6:30 tonight!  He had a blast though.  I took advantage of him being gone all day and got some things done around the house and yard.  

My husband took me out to breakfast and on the way home, we passed a neighbor having a garage sale.  I rarely go to garage sales (for one reason, I'm not a morning person and you have to get up early to get anything good at a garage sale).  However, this neighbor had something sitting out in her driveway that sparked my interest.

This little beauty was for sale!  It was in very good condition and very inexpensive, so I bought it!  I plan on cleaning it up and repainting it black to match the rest of the furniture on my front porch.  I also need to add a cushion and maybe a couple of cute pillows.  

I've recently been adding some apple green accent colors to some of my rooms.  Nothing overwhelming though.  I love how it looks with all of the white and grey in my house.  

Just a pillow here, a platter there.  A few green hydrangeas and apples.

Even some pretty green patterned Anna Griffin file folders!

It has been so nice to be able to add accents in a room for a subtle change without having to get out a paint brush!  That is the beauty of having white walls and neutral furnishings.

Well, I'm off to begin my weekend.  Looking forward to sleeping late tomorrow morning.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Lovin' the look…so crisp and fresh, just like a granny smith apple!

  2. That wicker love seat was a great find. Your home is lovely, and you are right that the neutral base allows you to add the pretty green easily. Lovely! It is definitely field trip season, our class has two trips next week and this is a long weekend for us.

  3. Score on the wicker settee Kelly!! I am not a morning person either.
    End of the school year 'big' trips... 'tis the season. Such a milestone thing for them.
    Enjoy your sleep in tomorrow... the reason I luv weekends. I was up at 6 this morning making pancakes for the clan. Cannot lie, I did sneak back inot bed for a few stolen winks when everyone left.
    Hugs. Gee

  4. I really like the addition of that shade of green. It is good to "pep" up neutrals with a spot of color here and there. I also think good for the soul. It is a different spot to rest the eye.

  5. I love lime green, I use as an accent color in my home since I like all neutrals... Actually anything green is always a favorite for me!

  6. Kelly, I love the wicker settee you found. Black with pretty cushions sounds perfect. And I'm loving the green accents in your home. I love that combination.
    Mary Alice

  7. Apple green is such a fresh pretty color. I love the file folders. :)

    Great find with the wicker settee. Does it make you want to go to more garage sales? It would me.

  8. Hi Kelly, Your home is so lovely. The green is just right. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the wicker settee.

  9. Hi Kelly,

    So nice to meet you! Apple green is one of my favourite colours as it is so multi-faceted. It can be cool and calming, but also very fresh and invigorating! Your touches of this talented hue are so pretty in your rooms.

    Thanks for the sweet comment over at Brenda's! Have a super weekend!


  10. The early bird catches the worm..or in your case the wicker settee. :) What a great piece!! Can't wait to see it when you've worked your magic on it.
    Love your apple green accents, and Anna Griffin invitations and paper goods. Have a great weekend.

  11. Ooooh! Love the wicker love seat. Mine has been black for a long time, and I am actually planning to repaint it another color this year. Of course, it is currently in the garage, just a place to crash when I get tired of painting or whatever, so it probably doesn't matter! I do love the color apple green as you know. Pier 1 has some fantastic cushions in apple green this year. Can I justify this since it is only in the garage, ya think?

  12. Fabulous find on the wicker settee, it is gorgeous. I love the touches of apple green, everything looks so crisp and fresh. Hugs, Marty

  13. I love the pops of apple green you added around of my favorite colors!

  14. Love your style! Wondering where you found the light shade hanging over your farm table?

  15. I love that wicker piece you found at the sale. I can't wait to it all done. It will be beautiful Loving the green accents!


  16. Great wicker settee! I like to add pops of apple green inside and out. It is such a cheery color.

  17. Looks like you got a great deal on the wicker settee! You're absolutely right about it being easier to decorate with neutral walls and furniture. When picking out furniture and paintings recently, I tried to make sure they would still go with our Christmas decor. LOL! I love those file folders. I have some that look like that but they're pink. I like your green ones better. :)

  18. What a fabulous piece of wicker! The apple green touches look great in your home. I think I have that same platter. Have a great weekend!

  19. Wonderful deal on the wicker settee Kelly! Don't you just love the apple green? I love it too! Looks great with all your neutrals!

  20. My sister just did thee apple green thing..Looks great...

  21. I love apple green. I have it on my back porch and deck. The perfect summer color!

  22. Love the touches of apple green.
    What a great deal on the wicker settee.
    I'm not a morning person either. Got up early today to go to a flea market and tomorrow morning our puppies are getting groomed. The only good thing about that is... we get to go out for breakfast while the yorkie girls get all pretty.

  23. Hi Kelly....can't wait to see what you do with that bench....the green accents look great...Happy Sunday!!!

  24. That is a great wicker piece. Black will be lovely. I get up at 5:30AM most Saturday's for garage sales.

  25. I love love love this wicker....I have one that Mr. Sweet bought me in 1969 and it was olden then. I have kept it all these years and now...I want APPLE GREEN pillows for it..:))

  26. love the apple accents you added! looks great! also, that wicker will look fab in black!

  27. Pretty!! PRETTY!!! Hope you had a great weekend and got a lot of sleep! I took a nice long nap today. Hard to believe the weekend is over and it will be Monday soon!

  28. You home is always so pretty you could add a pop of any color and it would look fantastic, but the green is perfect for this time of year.


  29. Love all of your "apple green" touches...and really in love with that settee!...Can't wait to see it painted and on your porch!...It was meant to be yours!!

  30. Green is my favorite color! I love the pops of green with all the white! It looks really fresh and lovely! Such a pretty look for spring!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly