Thursday, May 23, 2013

My 5th Grade Graduate

Hello everyone!

Today was Honor's Day at my son's school for the 5th grade.  Tomorrow is his last day
being at elementary school.  He will move on to middle school next year.  He passed all of his CRCT tests and even made the A/B honor roll this year.  I was so proud of him.  I have to work extra hard with him because of his developmental delays.  He has come so far.  I'm seeing more and more progress every year.  Next year will be a big challenge for him though. Middle school will be very different from elementary school and he will be expected to do more for himself.

Here are a few pics from his big day today!

Presentation of medals for graduating 5th grade.

His wonderful teacher at the mic!

Sitting among his classmates during the presentation.

Back in the classroom showing off his medal.

Certificates of achievement presented in the classroom.

His certificates.

A cake for celebration.

A short film was also played showing pics of the activities they participated in during the school year.

Now.........summer here we come!!

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Yay, Will and I can't believe it is time for school to be out again. It just started!

  2. congratulations to your sweet boy! my grandson has a learning disability and speech impediment but he made the A-B honor roll too! we're so proud of him and i know you are proud of your baby too.

    here;s to a great summer!

  3. AAhh... Congratulations on your son's graduation from 5th Grade. Woot Woot!!
    Bring on Summer Vacation :-)
    Hugs, Gee

  4. Congratulations!!! Well done for both son and mom!! Enjoy the summer with this precious boy! Hope he stays sweet ALL his life!!

  5. Kudos to Will! May he have a brilliant fun-filled summer!

  6. Congratulations to you and to Will! What a good-looking boy…Hope he has a fun-filled summer!

  7. Congratulations to your cute little guy on his accomplishments this year! You had much to be proud of at his graduation.
    Mary Alice

  8. Congrats to Will!! I know you're so proud of him. He sure is a handsome boy! You'll have to save all those awards to put in his baby book. Hope y'all have a wonderful summer! :)

  9. Congrats to Will!!! He looks like he is a sweetie Kelly:)

  10. Congratulations to Will! Enjoy the lazy days of summer!

  11. Aww, Will is so handsome. Congratulations on a successful 5th grade year. :)

  12. What a precious little guy you have there, Kelly. Look out, they grow up in a flash! Congratulations to him!


  13. Oh, how wonderful that he has achieved great things this year...He looks so proud and I bet Mom and Dad are extremely proud...!!!...Congrats to Will!

  14. What a sweet face Will has! He must be the delight of your life. Congratulations to him for his achievements!

  15. Congrats to you and Will!! What an achievement! You both must be so happy and proud. Have a great weekend!


  16. Congratulations to the little men and you!!!! so cute!!!

  17. Congratulations to your sweet son!This year really flew didn't it?My daughter is now and 8th grader!!
    Have a great weekend!

  18. Awww Congratulations to your little man! He looks so sweet. I know you are one proud mama!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly