Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Natural Decor

Hello everyone!

I decided to change up some things around my house using decor from nature.  I found these curly looking sticks called Coco sticks and placed them in a large frosted vase behind my sofa.

I love the texture it adds to the room.  

It sits beside a basket and cloche.

As you can see, today is very overcast.  It was hard to get decent pictures.  It was even chilly outside!

Oh........and I moved my clock out of the foyer and into the family room.  I know it's crazy how often I move things around.  I am pretty sure, this is not going to move for awhile though.  LOL!

In my kitchen, I added a faux succulent under a cloche.  I have been wanting some succulents since I've been seeing them everywhere.  

I may have to get some more now!

On the family front, today was a VERY big day for my 19 yr old son.  He got sworn into the Marines!  I now have to accept the fact that he will be gone to boot camp during all of the upcoming holidays.  Boo Hoo!  He ships off to SC in just 20 more days and won't return until January.  Lord help me!

This room is going to feel mighty quiet without him.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Kelly, all of your changes and additions are lovely! I especially love the sticks and the succulents. I love succulents, too! How proud you must be of your son!

  2. Everything looks great, Kelly! I love those faux succulents. They really do look real. I saw some curly sticks at Hob Lob the other day and almost bought them. I like what you did with them. Sending good thoughts for your son (and you) while he's gone. That's got to be hard during the holidays, but I bet you're super proud of him. :)

  3. Looks wonderful as always. Luv the coco sticks.
    Congratulations on your son's acceptance. But sorry about the holidays :-/
    Hugs, Gee

  4. Your family room looks so pretty....love the coco sticks. Your succulent looks so real too...love it under the cloche :o) I will be thinking of you during the holidays when your son is gone. He will definitely be a changed man when he comes back! I know you must be so VERY proud :o)

  5. Your home is always so pretty. I love the changes, they go along with the cooler weather. Hugs to you Mama! My son is 21, I cannot imagine him leaving for bootcamp. I know you're proud, get lots of hugs and kisses in the next 20 days. Have a good night!

  6. Hi Kelly! Love those Coco sticks! Can I ask where you found them? I have some craft-store "sticks" in an over-large glass jar/vase, and... well, they are a little too straight for me, I think. I was thinking of something a little different, but hadn't found just the right thing yet...

    Thinking of you as your son (and you) transition into this new stage of life. Blessings!! ~Sally @DrinkingFromMySaucer

  7. I guess your son is in for a lot of strenuous training, but I'm sure he'll make a terrific marine. I'm sure you're going to miss him a lot.
    Your home always looks so fresh and pretty no matter what the season.
    Mary Alice

  8. I'm sorry your Son won't be there for the holidays-this is something I'm sure I'll have to deal with too in the future, and I don't look forward to it! Costco had some very neat succulents in glass cloche/containers. They reminded me of yours :)

  9. You have such a pretty home.

    You must be so proud of your son. Please tell him THANK YOU for being brave and going to work to keep us safe and free. We couldn't even blog without those like him, seriously.

    Freedom of speech should NEVER be taken for granted, so many do not have that right.


  10. Kelly your home always looks so welcoming and cozy. I miss my kids when I don't see them in a week. I can't imagine months. Your family must be so proud.

  11. Your home is looking lovely with your natural touches, Kelly. I love the coco sticks!

    Congratulations! You must be so proud of your son. I feel for you not having him home for the holidays this year. We celebrate holidays together whenever we can, which usually is NOT on the holiday, but late is better than not at all. It's just not the same without your kids. :(

  12. Oh I know you will miss him, but you must be bursting with pride!! Good for him!

  13. Very pretty Kelly...this room always looks so cozy!
    Congrats to your son! I know your going to miss him but I know how proud you must be too!

  14. Ok, I really like the Coco sticks...what?? Cody is in the Marines? good thing I read your blog, or I would miss all these important news. Ryan didn't know either. Well, tell hime we are very proud of him

  15. Oh, Kelly, I know you're proud, but, you'll miss your son. Such a brave young man. Your home looks beautiful, and serene, as always.

  16. Hi Kelly,

    You must be so proud of your son. It's amazing.. we spend so many years preparing them to become adults and then suddenly here we are! What an adventure for him .. and the family.

    Your decor is so pretty. I love the grain sack pillows. I've got some that look identical and they are perfect for my family room couch.

    The natural elements are so pretty. Gorgeous vignette :)

  17. Everything looks great!!
    I know that the holidays won't seem the same without your son...but I know that you must be so proud of him.

  18. Hi Kelly,
    Everything looks so pretty. I love all the change up you do. How proud you must be of your son. He is following in the footsteps of his dad and becoming a true hero. I have always felt firemen are real life heros and the men and women that go into the military to keep us free and safe. Good luck to him.

  19. This time of year I am surrounded by cool natural deco stuff. I never think to go out and grab it.

  20. Nice changes Kelly..as always, looks great

  21. Kelly. Everything you do is beautiful! I bet it is be hard to let your son go but I know you must be so proud of him.

  22. Congrats about your son you must be so proud! I love the changes that you made. The clock looks so pretty in its new place! Lovely home as always.


  23. I love your home. I really love all the white. I like to use natural things for decorations. You have wonderful ideas.

  24. All of the natural decor elements look so pretty, Kelly. Wishing your son all the best -- he is a hero already for simply joining the Marines! I can imagine how hard it is to know you won't see him for months.

  25. I love your natural touches, Kelly. Congrats to your son, but I know you will miss him. xo Laura

  26. I always love seeing your home!
    Congratulations on your son! It's hard to see them grow up and move on in life and this is such a MAJOR milestone. You have so much to be proud of and we are grateful to have young men like him in our country!

  27. Your family room is simply beautiful! Congrats to your son. My 18 yr old left full-time for school in Sept and the house seems so quiet without him. But we are proud to see them start their lives!

  28. I love your new additions. Your home looks so pretty and cozy.

  29. Kelly...you just have the best decorating ideas...I LOVE those branches and I think your pictures were perfect! I had to check because I haven't seen your blog come up lately and sure enough, it shows I wasn't "following". That is happening a lot lately and I see comments on blogs I normally follow and can't remember the last time I saw them on my blogroll! So...if I haven't been here, I apologize.

    I wish you all the best with your son being gone. I'll be honest, if it were mean I would be a wreck, but in my efforts to support you...hang in there! lol! :)


  30. Hi Kelly,

    Thanks so much for visiting me today. I will look forward to following your blog posts:)

    Just noticed the antlers .. love them and just bought three smaller ones to group together. I've put them up and I'm trying to get used to them;) I like the way they look in a country french or more rustic home.


  31. My daughter was in boot camp during the holidays too. She was in the navy. It was so difficult, especially because she was our oldest! Just be strong, because he will be lonely and tired and will need all the uplifting letters you can send him.

  32. Love those curly sticks!And your clock.....I must find that post about your beautiful clock.Just trying to catch up today!


  33. kelly, i don't know how i missed this post but wanted to stop in and say how proud i am of your son. and yes, it will be hard on you because i remember when my "baby" went into the navy. oh...i missed him so much! it was the first year his dad and I were separated and he (son) had been such a support for me i couldn't stand the thought of him leaving. the most important thing i can tell you is to write, write, write that boy as often as you can because they get so lonesome and feel like they are so alone. shane said they told them their families were "dead"! can you imagine? i still have his letters all these years later, they make me cry when i read them.

    but it made a man out of him and he needed some direction at that time in his life. he is now so successful and i think the navy helped him in a lot of ways.

    i'll pray for peace for you and also your son. it will be an adjustment but you WILL survive!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly