Thursday, October 3, 2013

Farmhouse Style in the Kitchen

Hello everyone!

Hope that October is starting out well for you.  

I wanted to share some farmhouse style I added to my kitchen.  

I found this bull head at Decor Steals several weeks ago and just fell in love with it.  

I hung it on my windows near the table in the kitchen.

It's a simple black and white color combination that goes well in here.

I changed up my centerpiece to be less summery too.  I moved a crate in here and filled it with faux herb plants.

It adds just enough warmth and interest without being too fussy.

On the adjacent wall, I hung my wire wall pockets and draped printed and striped pillow covers out of them. I like the subtle pattern they add.

Outside, we've been busy pruning and cleaning the leaves out of our yard.  It feels good to be getting everything ready for the cooler months.  I know my husband is glad that "lawn season" is winding down.

We literally spent all day pruning everything back, blowing leaves, edging, mowing, etc.  I even have a blister on my toe to prove it!  It looks so much better now. 

What have you been up to this week?

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Love the new cow and I will do some work in the yard tomorrow before all the rain gets here Sunday. Plus I have Leila this weekend.

  2. Love the new addition looks great in your kitchen! I've been doing yard work too and replacing all the summer plants with fall ones.

  3. That bull head is a great addition, Kelly. It looks great with your decor.

  4. Kelly,
    Love the bull head it looks perfect on the window. That is really cool. We did the whole yard thing too. Cleared the deck and winterized and put stuff away. Still have summer going on out front so that will be awhile here in Chicago land. Our trees are just starting to turn colors because we have still had summer weather. I love the way you are up on a hill. Beautiful.

  5. We are still getting a heat wave. I'm wanting the cooler days so the allergy season would leave. Sniff, blow...
    Grab the bull by the horns....

  6. Well, HELLO to the new resident at your house! Now EVERYONE will want a bull hanging in their window! I know I DO!!
    We just maintained during the heat of the summer and now that it's cooled off enough to work at all the pruning and cutting back (my lantana and Asian Jasmine have gone WILD!) there's no TIME due to allergies and my trips and other things to be done. I hope I can get a day or two soon to whip everything in shape for winter!
    Thinking of you and your son.....I know you miss him! I get to see mine on Sunday. He lives in California and will fly up to San Francisco to spend the day. He's 25 and my 'baby!'

  7. The bull head is great Kelly! I have been doing some fall cleaning inside, getting the house ready for winter.

  8. Love your new addition, looks great in your kitchen. We've been doing the same, lots of pruning!

  9. Love the bull head and the crate on the table too. Looks like y'all have been busy in the yard. We pruned a lot too a couple of weeks ago. I literally cut several feet of limbs off our esperanza and bottle brush trees. So glad to get all that done. Now I'm waiting on it to cool off a little so I can add some mums. :)

  10. it all looks so good kelly! i have the black/white/creme/khaki in my kitchen too...i'm hoping i can share my kitchen either over the weekend or first of next we're supposed to close on my mom's house that's been for sale 4 years(!) and everything you can imagine has gone wrong. Can't wait until 4:00 and it's all over.

    I have the yearling calf head from decor steals that i still need to hang other than that my kitchen is "done".

    my husband and i spent one saturday morning in the front yard and now the back and down the driveway needs our attention...and yes, he's glad too lawn season is winding down!


  11. I saw that bull head and wanted it so badly but just didn't have a spot for it! It looks fabulous in your kitchen :o) We are having summer temps the last few days but it is suppose to cool off again this weekend. All of my flowers still look nice so I haven't changed them out for Mums yet.

  12. Your kitchen and dining area looks so good with your fall touches. The bull head is perfect on the window.
    Mary Alice

  13. Love the bull; it looks right at home in your kitchen. Great idea for the wire wall pockets and pillow covers!I would never have thought of it-- it looks perfect!

  14. Luv the Bull head!!! He is reigning over the table :-)
    What am I doing this week.. Well, I am back to working as I do int eh Fall. I am a Seasonal Social Worker with the Salvation Army and I take applications for Holiday Assistance .I have had a BUSY 4 days at the office. Many more to come...
    Hugs, Gee

  15. Kelly, I like the crate on your table. Very nice kitchen too. I like when our yard and the flowerbeds are cleaned and ready for winter. xoxo,Susie

  16. Kelly, I love farmhouse style! The crate looks great and I love the wall pockets! I plan to get out this week and slowly start putting all the pots and garden stuff away. It's funny how we get tired of each season and are ready for the next one! Guess we like change right?

  17. Forgot to mention, love the bull! head!

  18. Love the bull head, Kelly. It is the perfect accent to your home. xo

  19. Looks great, Kelly! I put out the pumpkins and gourds on the back porch; but our summer flowers are still going strong. It's very warm still. Hopefully, in the next week or so, it will cool down enough for me to get the pansies going.

  20. You really have that farmhouse look going in your kitchen, Kelly, yet it looks feminine and pretty. Great look and I am loving the bull's head!

    It's a good feeling to get the yard cleaned up to put to bed. Do you have to cut your grass at all in the winter? I love how you have that hill in front, your house is beautiful inside and out!


  21. Your kitchen is looking lovely Kelly. I'd love to have those huge windows in our house!

    I need to cut my perennials back, but they're still blooming. Go figure!

  22. Love the bull looks great on the window. I just purchased a cow print to hang in my farmhouse kitchen. Hope to get it up after the show is over.

  23. Hi Kelly,

    I have a very similar bottle drying rack.. love them! Your bull head is perfect in this spot. I've got the deer antlers but haven't done the full head yet .. but I'm tempted!!

  24. Kelly love the addition of the bullhead and the crate on the dining room table is pretty. Nice touches!


  25. you have the best kitchen Kelly....I always want to come steal stuff after seeing your pictures

  26. I see a chalkboard lamp shade that wants to be "fallified".

  27. Great cow Kelly!!...I always love seeing all of the changes you make...each change so refreshing and always creative!...We are also waiting for the "less grass cutting" months!!...take care of that toe!

  28. Kelley -- your home is just amazing. I had a hard time getting past your huge ceiling-to-floor windows. They're magnificent! But the way you've styled your home is beautiful. You mix neutrals so perfectly to give it a clean, calm look. Love it!

    xoxo laurie

  29. Very nice addition Kelly. I love the bull. Your style is always fresh and pleasing to me. xo

  30. we took a last minute trip to the mountains a couple of hours from here. Definitely didn't get much done at home. Love your new additions

  31. It's been raining here for days so no outside work lately. Your cow and changes are always!

  32. Your kitchen looks great! We are doing lots of yard work too but I'm looking forward to it being done. I have lots of indoor projects on the honey do list!

  33. Loving the bull head!
    it compliments your dining room! yard work never ends does it?

  34. The bull head is so fun!! And I love how you draped the fabric in the wall baskets! :)

  35. I almost bought that bull too! But I recently bought the heifer and I did not want to freak my husband out with a bunch of animal heads on the wall.He was not sure about the heifer head but is not getting used to it lol! Oh yes I need to get out in my yard.We are experiencing computer issues.So I cannot edit any photos until our new one comes.For now I am just trying to catch up on all of my reading.I am so behind!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly