Friday, November 1, 2013

Trick or Treating Around the Neighborhood

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to share a few pics from last night.  My son went trick or treating as a zombie doctor.

His costume came with a mask, but he decided not wear it since it was rather warm outside.  I think he had plenty on anyway.  

Want to go to some fun houses?  

Let's go!

This house ALWAYS goes all out for every holiday.  Doesn't every subdivision have at least one person that does that?  Well, this is the one in ours.  

I took these with my iPhone, so they're not the best.  There are LOTS of props and lights at this house.  They even light torches and play scary music.

Here, you can see the back of my son walking down their driveway.

There is a graveyard beside the driveway that is pretty interesting too. I wish the words were legible in my photo.

Here is the walkway leading to the porch.
There are mummy's, skeletons and witches here.

Here is a full house shot from the street.

The next house had a lot of creative grave stones in the yard.

And this scary guy.

Of course, we saw a lot of these blow-up decorations too.

My son came home with a huge bag of candy and then wanted to go back out for more!  At that point, we even took our dog with us.

Look at all his candy!

This picture doesn't do it justice.  He already went through it and pulled out the pieces he didn't like or couldn't eat (because of his orthodontic device).  So, now, we have WAY too much in this house!  I think my husband will be taking some to work and I will be sending some to his teachers for prizes.  We didn't get too many trick or treaters this year, so I have left-over from that too.  

Anybody want some candy????

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. I was just saying to my husband how kids today don't get what we were given when we went Halloweening, such as the bigger candybars but looks like your son hit the jackpot. I see some things that we did get.

  2. What a great place to trick or treat! Look at all of that candy!

  3. Wow! He really hit the candy jackpot last night! I think I'd have to swipe all those almond joys for myself. :) He had a great costume too. Those were some great decorations at that house. Do they go all out for Christmas too? Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

  4. He looks cute. I wished our neighborhood decorated like that. We do not have save roads around here and most kids go to the churches or communtity centers.

  5. Kelly,
    How fun. Your son looks so great as a zombie doctor! Wow your one neighbor really did up there home. I bet it was fun going up to that house!!! My candy here is going to the firehouse with my husband too otherwise I am eating it!!!!

  6. Looks like you had great weather!Your sons costume is cool! Oh yes lots and lots and lots of candy here.Lots of full size candy too!Happy Birthday!

  7. I've already eaten every Snickers I could get my hands on! Your son's costume was very creative! And how fun to go trick or treating in a warm climate. Your neighborhood looks like a fun place to be on Halloween, Kelly.

  8. It looks like y'all had so much fun! Wish our neighborhood did that. We did have a couple of houses with orange and purple lights, and we had our light on, but no trick or treaters. :(

  9. Looks like such a fun place to trick-or-treat! I'm wondering what that house must look like at Christmas time! Your son looks great, and judging by all that candy, seems like he had a great time! I raided my son's bag and took all the Starbursts ;)

  10. wow Kelly, your neighbors ROCK...what fun displays!!!! Your son looks awesome

  11. one thing I don't like about halloween or Easter, are the candies. I don't like throwing them out, but the sugar makes the kids really hyper (like they need any help in that dept), gives me such headaches

  12. Your son got lots of the GOOD stuff!!! Loved seeing where all he went!! Next year I think WE are going trick or treating - with the quads! No more staying home for US!

  13. Great costume! It looks like he certainly did well this year. I adore Halloween.

  14. Kelly, Your son looks cute in his costume and he racked up the candy! This looks like a fun neighborhood to live in.

  15. Cool costume!!...looks like you all had a great time.!!

  16. I just love Halloween! Looks like you all had fun :)

  17. OMG!! He did score a bagful of candy.
    Thanks for the walk about your area. We had rain. Very heavy rain so the kiddies were driven.

  18. I don't see one Mounds Bar in his haul. Those weren't the ones he picked out cuz he didn't like 'em are they? If so, I'm coming for him!

  19. No thanks! I'm in a candy coma over here. But it's only once a year, right?! Your neighbors went all out with the decor, gorgeous!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly