Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Day!

Hello everyone!

We are having a snow day today and tomorrow.  Schools have been closed and there is plenty of snow on the ground to play in.  

We haven't seen this white stuff in a couple of years, so it was fun to see it falling yesterday.

We only received a couple of inches, but it's the pretty white powdery kind.  I was glad that we didn't get sleet and ice with it.

The sun has been shining all day but it has still been below freezing.

My dog isn't sure what to make of all of it.

I'm sure you all have heard what a traffic nightmare Atlanta has endured during all of this.  Luckily, I was home when all of this happened, but so many were not.  I'm glad that they are making progress in getting the roads cleared now.

Meanwhile, I'm staying put inside and looking out through my windows to enjoy this pretty view.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Yes pretty!! Now you know what we have but 8 times that amount or more....

  2. Looks just like my yard ;) have fun in the snow!

  3. Just beautiful pictures. I love the bird house, and the bird bath with the pretty.

  4. Beautiful. Just beautiful. You live where your home can be untouched by trucks, cars, etc. Ours is now a mess.

    Love it.

  5. Your snow looks so pretty. You are lucky to not have been out and about. Crazy weather. My son lives in Birmingham, but he was lucky as was able to get home before all hell broke lose - literally. Crazy situation.
    Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design

  6. Your son looks like he's having fun in the snow! It's looks just like our snow that we got last night!! My little puppy loves the snow! He's an English bulldog and they aren't suppose to like the cold...go figure...LOL!

  7. Glad that you are okay and get a couple of days off.
    What a mess Atlanta was. It must have been so scary for the children.

  8. Your snow looks so pure and beautiful.....
    I'm glad you are safe inside and didn't have to deal with the whole traffic mess :o)

  9. It was nice for those of us who weren't stranded in it and now it can go away.

  10. They closed schools over a couple of inches? I have to laugh. But when I lived in TX no one knew how to drive in it. And I think I bought the only 4 wheel drive SUV in town. No one drives them, they'd tell me. Still have it. They may be beginning to order 4 wheel drives now.

  11. Well, that is pretty there. I am so glad that you can enjoy it and don't hate the chance to play in it a bit. Wish I could send you TONS of it from here!;>) xo Diana

  12. I was so glad my daughters were both home, too. Atlanta just isn't prepared for the snow. Enjoy.


  13. no snow for us, but frigid temperatures for sure. This has been a cold, COLD Winter.

  14. Glad you are safe and warm. What a nightmare in Atlanta and Birmingham.

    Your snow is pretty. We had mostly ice and are homebound but I have enjoyed the rest.

  15. finally!! ha, my kids only lasted 5 mins outside in it. they were too cold.

  16. I will be glad when it is gone. We can keep the pretty pictures though. My dog loves it-the cat not so much. xo, olive

  17. Wouldn't want you to be left out Kelly !!!

  18. Pretty pictures, the kids look happy but I am sure they got cold quickly. Not being used to this clothing is probably a problem for long term playing in the snow. Our two doxies have had it in NJ with this cold and snow. They are tired of cold wet paws.


  19. That snow is really beautiful! We just got the sleet and ice down here. At least my kids got one "snow" day out of it though. :) Glad you are safe and sound at home and can just enjoy it out your window.

  20. Looks like your boy is having a good time. We got about the same amount but I stayed in the house!

  21. I love the sight of the snow falling, especially at night..the sparkle of it when the sunlight hits it…and the sight of kids having so much fun..the snow certainly was not a great thing in your area..I feel badly for those who were stranded.

  22. We had a high of 22 today after a -4 that night.
    I wanted to let you know that it is $18.something a quart, you can only order it online right now. I plan on buying more paint and the brush for the wax:) It's affordable and the paint is cremey.

  23. Kelly,
    You crack me up!! Would you like some more of that pretty white stuff. We have plenty here in the midwest and have a lot more fresh stuff due in this week end we would love to share it with you in the south ha ha! Enjoy!

  24. The snow is really pretty, but we've had so much of it here that I'm so over it and am really hoping that they are wrong about another snow storm this coming week.

  25. We have never had a snow day in my neck of the woods. We have had mudslide day though.

    Enjoy the rest of the week off from school with the kids.

  26. I'm sure your kids are enjoying this...I'm not finding it so fun-ha!
    Your pics are pretty, though :)

  27. it's gorgeous! I think I may have a go at one of those beauties! And I'm with you on the kindle thing... I was definitely in the 'real book' camp until I was bought a kindle as a surprise. Now I absolutely love it!
    Astonishing Dining Room

  28. Glad you enjoyed your snow days. We have had a few too many here already. Your pictures are great!

  29. LOL you are funny Kelly.I am the same way staying inside and looking out the window.I have not frolicked in the snow since I was a kid.I cannot wait for this winter to end.We have had a record number of snow this year :-(


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly