Thursday, March 6, 2014

Grain Sack Covered Bench

Hello everyone!

I just recently decided a change was needed in my foyer.  Yep, just like that!  It all started when I made a small change in my family room, which I'll share with you soon, and that led to a change in my foyer.  Doesn't that always happen?  

I ended up placing this bench (that was in my bedroom) in place of the old column.  Then, I draped a vintage blue striped grain sack over it.  

Then, I hung blue and white transfer ware plates on the wall above.  Couldn't have a naked wall now, could I?

I stacked some decorating books on top of the bench as well.  

So, now my foyer has a different look by bringing in more of these blue and white colors.

I like it!!  

I think things go a lot easier when ideas come to you on a whim.  That is what happened to me.  Now, what happened to my column?  It now resides in my basement (the home accessory cemetary).  That's where they sit until they are needed once again.  

Today, is bitter cold, and windy, and cloudy,  and down right unpleasant.  I miss the weather we had yesterday and this past weekend.  When - will - Winter - ever - go - away ?????????

Thanks for stopping by.  

~ Kelly ~


  1. Can't go wrong with a classic like blue and white. Yes, where is spring? I am not getting out in this I don't think.

  2. I love the little bench topped with the grain sack in your foyer.....very pretty! It has been so cold and miserable here...I really hope we see some spring time weather soon?!?!?

  3. Beautiful blue and white... classic.
    The weather here is soggy, and chilly. After a week of beautiful weather and abundant sunshine in Southern Florida, coming home to this , well I want a redo!
    But I guess the rain is needed to green us back up to Florida standards.
    Happy today Kelly.

  4. The bench looks great with the grain sack over it and I love the blue and white plates on the wall. I had to laugh at "the home accessory cemetery" Lol! Sure wish I had a basement!

  5. Your house always looks so clean and peaceful! Do you have music playing? I keep either the classical radio station on or have 5 CD's rotating in my player.
    How I would LOVE a basement!!! Of course it would be chock FULL of debris!!

  6. Love the bench and grain sack of course. Your home is always a joy to view.

  7. I love the look of the bench topped with the grain sack...very pretty!

  8. Love the addidion of the bench all the blue and white is perfect. Hugs, Marty

  9. I like it! I'll have to look up the column in another post to see what it was. I see it ties into the chest by the stairs too. Love the blue plates too :-) I think I do my best work oh whims!

  10. The bench draped in grain sack looks great there with the plates on the wall.

  11. I am beginning to think this Winter will never end. It is mind numbing at this point! I love your bench in the foyer and the grain sack is perfect!!!

  12. Blue and white is my favorite combo, so I love it. Sometimes the simplest changes are the best. xo Laura

  13. My "stuff" goes in the basement too Kelly, this winter my husband cleaned it out and I got everything organized, so easy now to get to the decorations for the holidays.
    I do love your vintage grainsack!

  14. Your bench in the foyer looks great there and the grain sack looks perfect there too. I really love blue and white together.

  15. Oh- yeah- it looks great. I love your bench there and the grainsack cloth covering it. Your blue and white is, of course, gorgeous.

    Hope you get warm there soon- we are way too cold even for us! xo Diana

  16. the blue and white brings a nice warmth to that space. I like the draped grain sack, both for texture and color

  17. Your blue & white brings a nice touch of spring into your entry hall, Kelly! Love the plates!

  18. Kelly,
    Love the blue and white grain sack on the bench. The hall way looks so pretty. Hopefully we will all see some kind of spring soon.

  19. That is a lovely look! I'm a blue anf white person at heart! It's always fun to Change things around!

  20. I am loving how you are incorporating more blues into your beautiful white and grey that grain sack on the bench!...your creative mind is always working! Have a great weekend, hopefully it will be warmer...we have had freezing rain for the past 20 hours...

  21. Kelly, this is so pretty. Love grain sac and transfer ware is a favorite with me. I hope too start a small collection when settled.


  22. Love the change in your foyer.Blue and white always looks so fresh together.....Good job!

  23. Looking beautiful and pared down~I just can breathe easily in your home! And I feel it about the weather, I will so appreciate spring this year!

  24. Blue and white looks beautiful in your home Kelly! Love the grain sack on that bench...<3

  25. Blue and white always looks so fresh. Your little vignette looks so pretty...I am not good about moving things around my house, but you really inspire me to do it. And, I agree---it feels like winter will NEVER end!

  26. Its amazing how a little change can make such a huge differene. I love the little bench in your hallway. And the blue dishes are so pretty. You sound like me, always changing things up.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly