Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A Prairie Style Wedding - Part II

Hello everyone!

I wanted to continue with part 2 of the wedding we attended last Saturday night.  Now, it's time to welcome the wedding party and bride and groom to the reception.  

The wedding party was announced and then they lined up for the bride and groom to enter.

Weren't their dresses pretty?  They were all short in a light mint green with pink and white flower bouquets.

And here comes the bride and groom!

They began dancing to their wedding song, All of Me, by John Legend.

Her dress was beautiful in all lace.  The dress was off white.  

After the dance, it was time for food.

We had a choice of chicken or salmon, steamed veggies, stuffed baked potato, fried green tomatoes and salad.

Then the bride and groom cut the cake.

Sorry, my pictures aren't so good.  I was trying to catch pictures whenever I could and they weren't always in focus.

There were toasts made with champagne and a father and daughter dance. Unfortunately, we didn't stay till the end because we had such a long drive to make to get home. So, I missed a few other things.  But, we had a great time and the bride and groom are now honeymooning on a tropical island!

As we were leaving, I caught one last pic of the tent set up for extra guests.  Isn't it pretty? 

Now, are you in the mood for a wedding?  This is the season!

Congrats to Josh & Sally Thomas!
May 24, 2014

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Hi Oh, I've enjoyed seeing the second part of the wedding! The bride was so lovely and her dress too! The bride's maids dresses also. They could actually wear that one again! :) So many bride's maids dresses never get worn again. The food looks scrumptious! ;) Thanks for sharing this sweet event.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. A pretty wedding! Love the color scheme and the beautiful setting. Congratulations to the happy couple. Oh to be on a tropical island about now.... iced tea on the back porch overlooking the garden will have to do :-)
    Hope you will come over to my "new" blog with my "old" name when you get a minute.

  3. I love the setting they chose and the bride's dress is wonderful - that back!

  4. Such a nice reception. Now on to the next wedding and reception soon.

  5. Wow!!!
    What an amazing wedding you went to. I had to go back and see the last post I missed. The place looks like a dream come true for the couple. I especially love how they decorated the reception with furniture. who would of thought?
    The food looks so yummy I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I am just looking at this.
    Xo Marissa

  6. What a beautiful bride! I've never seen bridesmaids wear short dresses like that...it makes me feel old! lol!

  7. What an adorable couple. They look like they are very much in love. xo Laura

  8. What a gorgeous venue....so charming and the couple is so cute too :o)

  9. Gosh, those bridesmaid dresses are so pretty! What a cute couple! I love weddings. :) Thanks for sharing part 2 with us!

  10. What a beautiful wedding in just my style. Looks like fun! I want a do-over and a barn wedding. Love this! The dressers were pretty and the vintage pieces were great! Love it! What great photos!

  11. Thanks for part two Kelly of this beautiful wedding. The girls dresses were so pretty in the mint green and the bride gorgeous. Glad you had such a great time.

  12. Such a lovely wedding. The bride and groom are amazing. Great pics.

  13. What a pretty reception and so different. Love the floral arrangements and old furniture for the bar, etc. Cute, cute bride's maids dresses! Congratulations to the newlyweds.

  14. love the dress. Now I need to go and check out the part 1 post. I haven't been blogging as much, as we are wrapping up the end of the (home)school year.

  15. Aren't they just the CUTEST couple? What a great wedding? I just read the PartI, too. What a fun event and I love those short, mint green dresses. The bride is just a beautiful girl! God bless them as they start their lives together. xo Diana

  16. What a cute couple- love her dress. She looked so pretty- and so did the bridesmaids. I love the casual atmosphere and how they looked comfortable in it. Congratulations to the newlyweds!

  17. Such a gorgeous wedding and a gorgeous couple...may they have a lifetime together of health and happiness.

  18. Kelley, I think it was all beautiful. Very nice . Those cute little mint green dresses...oh there was a time I would have loved to have worn one that cute.xoxo,Susie

  19. Love their theme of a Prairie Style Wedding...everything looks so pretty. Love the bridesmaids dresses...and the bride looked so beautiful in her wedding dress. What a special day they had to start the rest of their lives together.

  20. Great wedding! I like the theme.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly