Friday, May 2, 2014

A Simple Switch

Hello everyone!

Have you ever lied in bed at night and thought about things?  Well, of course you have!!!  But, I sometimes think about things that seem unimportant or even unnecessary.  Which leads me to a change I made in my home recently.  It came to me like a light bulb moment.  You would've thought I was solving some world wide crisis or something.  LOL!

It was nothing more than thinking of a change over the bench in my foyer. See?  Told ya.  Nothing earth shattering going on here.   A simple switch was all I had to do.

This dog picture got switched...............

with these plates.

The dog picture was a bit lost on this wall.  I wanted it in a more prominent location.  

And now it is.  I like its scale better for this wall, compared to the plates, since it's on a wider area.  

Who knew that a simple switch could solve my problem.  Now, I wonder what thoughts will float around in my head tonight!  

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Always! I think of these things I should do or look up then come morning I don't remember what it

  2. Lord yes I think when I go to bed. Can't turn it off sometimes. Nice switch.

  3. Great switch Kelly...I don't think I came with an off switch lol!!

  4. oh we are SO "in synch" my friend! Just yesterday....I must have switched around at least a half dozen things in this maison of ours. pictures...plates...mirrors. amazing how it can completely changes the look and feel of a space and for ZERO dollars..right? love your switcharoos! will be sharing mine soon as well;)

  5. LOVE it....what a great idea!!! I have always said I do my best work at night while sleeping. LOL!!!
    Have a great weekend!

  6. I love the little changes. Yes, I do my best thinking at night. Sometimes I get up right then and make the change. My husband is aware when he hears clanking that I've decided something had to change.

  7. Very nice! Oh yes... it seems that my beady may be tired, but my mind is still decorating :)

  8. Love it Kelly. I am so like that too. I come up with some of my ideas while lying in bed! LOL! It is amazing how a little switch like this can make such a big impact. It just looks great.

  9. Looks just wonderful Kelly, love the dog picture too! Sometimes those switches are all a room needs!

    Yes, they do sell BM at Home Depot, just have those darn gift cards for Lowes!
    Have a great weekend!
    PS. I am going to sand the sign more, thanks!

  10. Glad I am not the only have "epiphanies" ...
    Love the plates over the bench....

  11. The dog picture looks great above the bench! Love the ornate frame it it's in! When I lie in bed and think about decorating it literally keeps me up at night. I can't sleep because I get so excited about ideas, so I don't let myself do it very often. :)

  12. Love the dog picture in its new location!! Small changes make such a difference!! Looks great, Kelly!

  13. LOL! I'm always doing stuff like this in my brain at night, too! I guess creativity never takes a break! The change looks great!

  14. Love the switch! I have so many decorating ideas at night that I started keeping a pad of paper and a pen in my bedside table so I can jot them down when they come to me in the middle of the night. Lol! By the way, your wood floors look so pretty!

  15. The switch looks great!! I'm always thinking of things to change out or move around at night when I first get into's like my brain just won't shut off...LOL...
    Hope you have a great weekend.

  16. Been there, done that. Many times. These days I'm thinking a bit more about gardening and getting this place put together in the first place. But yeah, I've done a good bit of lying awake with some "earth shattering light bulb moment" that I could barely wait for the light of day to change to get up and do it.

  17. Yep- and it caused me to move some things around my living room. I like the dog picture there- it does work well and shows of nicely. Great idea!

  18. I love the switch Kelly! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who decorates in the dark LOL! Have you ever got out of bed to go and change something around? I have.

  19. Isn't it funny how those simple little changes can make such a big difference? I do that, too...change things around and feel like I have moved to a different home sometimes. lol xo Diana

  20. I've even gotten up in the middle of the night to make a tweak here and there if a lightbulb moment keeps me up. I really like the dog picture above the bench. that's a great dog portrait!

  21. I'm smiling as I do the same thing. The picture is just fabulous in its new location.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  22. I guess that's why I don't sleep much! LOL I move stuff around constantly.


  23. As usual, I love looking at your beautiful style.

  24. LOL your so funny and why yes I do think about stuff like that when I am lying in bed.I guess us creative people do that.Love your changes Kelly!

  25. Well, doggon-it, it looks great! I always lay in bed with those types of thoughts in my head -- keeps me from worrying about stuff that would keep me awake!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly