Monday, May 19, 2014

My New Favorite Show on HGTV

Hello everyone!

I'm sure you've noticed lately how HGTV has more shows about selling houses than they do decorating them.  But I found a show this weekend that was about renovating a house that a couple bought and turning it into their dream home.  I was so impressed!  The show reminded me of the new American Dream Builders show with Nate Burkus and the old Extreme Makeover Home Edition show that used to be on.........only better!  

It's a new show  that just came out  last month and it's called Fixer Upper.  Have any of you seen it yet? A married couple, named Joanna and Chip Gaines have their own business called Magnolia Homes in Waco Texas.  They are SO talented and yet down to earth.  I don't know how they do all that they do with a young family of children and animals and a farm to run.  Amazing!  Anyway, here are some pictures of their work.  

And , if that wasn't enough.  They built their own dream home recently in the same fashion.  They found some land with an old farmhouse on it that needed to be redone.  So, that's what they set out to do.  It is so pretty and full of style inside.

So, if you've given up on HGTV, give them one more chance for this show alone.  It comes on Thursday nights at 11 pm eastern time. (I just record it.)  It's so much fun to watch.  

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~ 


  1. I have pinned some of those pics in the past of my dream home farm house they have, but have not seen the show. 11? Um, bedtime. Darn wish I could record. May have to stay up and watch.

  2. Fixer Upper is my new favorite HGTV show, too!

  3. Thanks for the tip, Kelly. I will definitely PVR it as this sounds like my kind of show.

  4. oh i can hardly wait. I love the style of their work and home. yes, getting tired of house hunters and international but do like love it or list it. have a great week.

  5. I had given up on HGTV. Maybe they are trying to fix their ratings. This definitely looks like a good one to watch. xo Laura

  6. I enjoy that show too, Kelly! Wish they would do more decorating shows. I really miss the old HGTV!

  7. I love that show too...I just have to DVR it!....great pics Kelly!

  8. I just discovered the show and as a "house whisperer" I really love it.

  9. I used to watch nothing but HGTV but not lately. I love decorating and design shows, so I'll be DVRing this one based on your assessment. Thanks.

  10. I havn't seen it, but I really don't want to see any more real estate shows. Where are all the decorators anyway. Did they fire them all?

  11. Thanks Kelly for the heads up! Since I'm on central time zone 10:00 is not too bad. Lokking forward to watching it.


  12. Yep! I love that show already!

  13. I haven't seen it but I'll definitely look for it. Love their farmhouse style!

  14. Haven't seen it but will mark my calendar for 11 Thursday night!

  15. Kelly, I stopped watching HGTV because of the re-runs,and too many selling home shows too.
    Thank you for posting this I will look for this show on Thursday..

  16. I adore Fixer Upper. I think it is just a wonderful show and HGTV needs more shows like this.

  17. I've been on a long blog break, but had to pop in to say I LOVE that show!!! It's on earlier Friday nights in my area and I look forward to the show at the end of the week. Have a good week!

  18. This is a must see...thanks for sharing Kelly!!

  19. I KNOW! Not sure how we missed it in the past but Maurie and I watched all three new episodes on Saturday night. We drive right through Waco to visit our daughter in Austin, just might have to make a stop at their adorable store :) Unfortunately he gave me two thumbs down to the idea of moving to Waco, lol! Great feature, Kelly!

  20. Thanks for the tip! It looks like a pretty interesting show. :) I love all the pictures you shared.

  21. I happen to see that last week too! It was good. It was on here Thursday night I think 9:00 p.m.

  22. I find that I rarely watch HGTV anymore--all my favorite decorating and design shows were discontinued. I'll give it one more chance and record the new show this Friday evening to see how I like it. Thanks for telling your readers about Fixer Upper!

  23. If these pictures were food, I'd say gourmet delicious.

  24. Kelly....this is my favorite new show also....although I didn't know the name of it! I would LOVE to see this show take off....these folks are amazing! I love how they repurpose!


  25. I've been watching, too, Kelly! I really like their personalities, and they do amazing work. As a former TV exec, who scheduled tv programs, I could never understand why they only ran House Hunters all the darn time! I felt like writing them a letter and giving them my "professional" opinion, LOL! I'm glad they're doing a few other shows now, but I still miss the decorating ones.

  26. Thanks so much for sharing this! I'd heard about this new show but hadn't seen these images. Gorgeous! I had given up on HGTV. Shows like this one will get me watching again. :)

  27. I have not seen this show but I will look for it now. I kind of gave up on HGTV because all the creative people are no longer on there. I don't understand why they dropped shows that were so popular.

    Thanks for the tip-that sounds like my kind of show! xo Diana

  28. Thanks for sharing this. I watch a few shows on HGTV, but haven't heard of this one. Just set it up to record.

  29. I've seen this show and thought it was a refreshing change from what they've been running lately. They are one talented couple! I'm not sure what time it's on here in the east, but I came across it once or twice. Since I'm pretty much a night owl, 11 is easy peasy for me anyway.

    I too wonder why they would discontinue shows that are doing well. Didn't their mothers tell them 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'??

  30. oh, I so miss Kitty Bartholomew. I'm going to give this show a look, but I've pretty much given up on HGTV. What are they thinking?

  31. So glad to read this, I had no idea I was not the only one out there that thought HGTV has become a snooze fest! Way too many home buying shows, not enough decorating! I'm a Realtor, so it's like shop talk watching House Hunters and all the spin offs! :) What the heck happened to Design Star and all of the design star winners shows? It's too bad! Thanks for the hope with Fixer Upper. I just set the DVR! :)

  32. I happened to see parts of the show as I was involved with something else at the same time so I am excited to watch with undivided attention.

    I agree that HGTV is not what it used to be. They air episodes of the same show all day long. I actually did write them over a year ago and never even got a response! I am thinking they are concentrating on their magazine instead. It seems they might run their ratings into the ground! Enough rant already! Thank you Kelly for reminding us about the show.

  33. Like all of the rest of the commenter's, I gave up watching HGTV also because of their programming. I will certainly check this show out. Thank you for the info.

  34. I had totally given up HGTV, but last Saturday (I think) when I was icing my knees, I was channel surfing and landed there. I noticed they were doing up a house, and then several more episodes came on. There went the time! Anyway, you are right, they are very talented, and do a fabulous job.

    HGTV needs to get a clue that so many of us miss all the good shows they used to have.

    I didn't know when this came on, but I think I will also set it to record. Thanks for the heads up!

  35. OMG Yessss! *squeel* I LOVE that show!!!

  36. Yes, I love that new show along with Flip or Flop! I still adore House Hunters. Been watching it for 15 years.

  37. Sounds interesting. Yeah, I haven't watched HGTV in quite some time. Maybe I'll have to give it another chance!

  38. I am so glad you wrote this blog today. I just discovered Fixer Upper this past weekend and think it may possibly be the best show HGTV has ever run. I quickly set my recorder and have watched all the recorded episodes several times already . Can't wait for another one this week.

  39. And by the way...just discovered your blog recently and love it too.

  40. I love this show. My brother met this couple in Waco on one of his junking expeditions. I also have friends that went to Baylor with them. They are very nice and down to earth. Her decorating style is so cute. I want to move to Waco and have her do a Fixer Upper for me.

  41. I love the show! Great ideas and beautifully finished homes.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I'm obsessed with this show...really, like I count down the days to the next episode! So glad HGTV finally has a good decorating show back!

  44. Sounds like a great show,I never have time to watch tv anymore.If I did I would be watching that!

  45. I haven't seen this show Kelly but I'll definitely look for it. I LOVE this farmhouse. Inside and Out!
    Thank you for sharing :)


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