Friday, June 13, 2014

My Magazine Feature

Hello everyone!

Well, I'm can hardly contain myself now that the magazine is out on newsstands that has our home featured in it!  I heard about it last week, but only just now found it.  I was overwhelmed with happiness as I flipped through it reading every word.  I did not see the article until just now.  I was happy to see that everything was written correctly and gave me great pride to read my family names mentioned in it as well.

Here are a couple of pages from my feature.
It's titled "French Essence".

You'd never know, by looking at this photo, that the temps were freezing outside!

Even my sweet blogging friend, Laurie from Heavens Walk, was featured!  

This is her pretty porch.

It's such an honor to have been selected to be in a real magazine!  Mine is now sitting out on my coffee table with pride.  

Many thanks go out to the people involved.  My dear sister, Kim, for sending my name to Fifi O'Neill (the founder of the magazine) in the first place.  Also, to Fifi for choosing me.  The photographers, Gridley and Graves who had to battle a snowstorm just to get here, and to Sandra  Soria, the writer of my article and editor of the magazine.

So, I will be wearing a smile on my face all weekend I'm sure!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Father's Day on Sunday too.

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Yay!! I'm so happy for you, Kelly! Your home is so beautiful. It's nice to see it recognized in a magazine. You should frame the pages that your home is featured on. :) Enjoy the weekend!

  2. I'm so excited for you, Kelly! That's a gorgeous shot of your living room. I'll be looking for the magazine this weekend!

  3. How exciting! I'm have to do a little name dropping and tell everyone here that my blog friend was featured in Romantic Country. Can't wait to get my copy!

  4. It looks wonderful, Kelly! Congratulations!!

  5. Yay it's out. So thrilled for you and I must find a copy!!

  6. I am so excited for you. I can't wait to get a copy of this issue.

  7. Congrats Kelly! Wow you and Kim are killing it this year with the magazine features!! Woohoo!! Sisters are the best aren't they? Especially the ones named Kim. (I have a Kim for a sister and she totally rocks!) Will be running out tomorrow to pick up a copy. I save every issue one of my blogging contemporaries are featured in. You should frame this issue...I know I would! :D
    XO Barbara

  8. Congratulations Kelly!!! How awesome is that! Your home is beautiful and so deserving of a magazine feature! So happy for you!

  9. Congrats, Kelly! You have made your home so gorgeous and you totally deserve it - I'm so happy for you!

  10. Kelly I am so thrilled for you! Your home is beautiful and deserves to be in a magazine. I will look for the magazine this weekend!

  11. Kelly, so happy for you....such a thrilling thing to have happen. What a talented duo you and Kim are! Jane

  12. I'm gonna be the geeky lady in the magazine isle saying " I know her".

  13. *excited squeal for you*
    Congratulations Kelly!!! Well done you!
    Hugs, Gee

  14. I am so happy for you!! So exciting!! I have got to go to the mall and see if they have the mag at the book store!

  15. Congratulations on the magazine feature, I love your home and can't wait to get a copy!

  16. Hi Kelly,
    Congrats on the magazine feature!! Romantic Country is my favorite magazine...I'll have to look for it tomorrow when I go to the store.

  17. Congrats Kelly. I just got my copy today and your feature is just beautiful. I loved getting my hands on this today to read your feature and see the gorgeous pictures of your home. Your home is so deserving of this honor. Wooo Hooo you go girl.

  18. Oh, Kelly- I am SOOO very happy for you! How wonderful is that! You deserve to be featured. You have done a beautiful job on your home and besides that-you are just a nice person all the way around.

    I think you should frame that piece! xo Diana

  19. Congratulations, Kelly! I am so genuinely happy for you! Your home is so gorgeous, it is no surprise that they would choose you! I hope you smile about it for a long, long time!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Congratulations, Kelly!!! EVERYONE loves you and your beautiful home!!

  22. OH OH OH!!! Must run and buy this issue!! CONGRATS KELLY!!


  23. I'm so excited for you, Kelly! Such a beautiful white kitchen, absolutely love it. I am sure your client loves it too. Thanks for stopping by!
    Modern Kitchen

  24. How exciting! I'll have to pick up a copy to see it!

  25. oh kelly, i am so excited for you beautiful home to be gracing the pages of the magazine. an experience an opportunity that will create lasting memories.

  26. Congratulations & so well deserved! Your house is gorgeous.

    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

  27. I was happy to see your home featured in the magazine Kelly. As I turned the pages, I said....I know this house!! Its fun to see fellow bloggers homes light up the pages of national mags!

  28. Frame it Kelly! Congrats to you and I agree with everything that Diana said:)

  29. Frame it Kelly! Congrats to you and I agree with everything that Diana said:)

  30. I have been on the lookout for your magazine to come off to the store to get my copy!...So excited for you!!!!...everything looks fabulous!!! YAY!!

  31. What a thrill for you! Sincere congratulations.

  32. So excited for you, my dear blogging friend. You are truly deserving! xo

  33. Congratulations, Kelly!!! Your feature looks absolutely awesome! Can't wait to pick up a copy.
    Mary Alice

  34. Congratulations, Kelly!
    Can't wait to see your feature.
    Your home is so lovely. You deserve this honor.

  35. Congratulations, Kelly!!! The photo you showed us looks gorgeous and I can hardly wait to get my hands on a copy!!

  36. How exciting Kelly!! Can't wait to grab a happy for you!

  37. Your house is always beautiful and definitely "magazine" worthy.

    I will hunt for a copy of the magazine today.

  38. Congratulations!!!!! This is fabulous. I am totally thrilled for you.

  39. You should be proud Kelly..good job

  40. Congratulations! How exciting for you!

  41. congratulations on having your lovely home showcased in that wonderful magazine. I'm going to buy a copy this afternoon.

  42. Oh, Kelly, I am so happy for you! You work hard to create a beautiful home, and it's so nice to see your hard work recognized in such a meaningful way. A dream come true, I'm sure--it would be for me! :)

  43. Big congratulations, Kelly! It is a gorgeous feature, your home belongs in a magazine. Fabulous!

  44. Congratulations to you, sweet Kelly! I feel so honored that I was selected to be in the same issue as you. What a blessing for both of us, and how fun it was to meet our beloved Fifi. :) Your home is absolutely beautiful. And thank you so much for the shout out, too. :)

    xoxo laurie

  45. Congratulations, Kelly! It couldn't have happened to a nicer blog friend!

  46. Congratulations Make sure you put one in a protective cover and show it off as much as you can. Just Beautiful

  47. Congratulations Kelly! I'm so excited for you. Must go and see about picking up a copy.

  48. Congratulations, Kelly ... well deserved! Love the pictures and will run out today to get a copy!

  49. Kelly, it's a fantastic feature! I knew it was you right when I first saw the pics (when I got my mag in the mail last week) and was so happy! Congrats :)

  50. So well deserved, Kelly. I am thrilled for you. I am sure they loved working with you. It looks fabulous and I can't wait to look for the magazine and buy it thinking of you.

  51. Congratulations Kelly how exciting! Well they came here last summer and I have never heard a thing I guess that's it...never got featured oh well.

  52. Congratulations Kelly! Your home is beautiful and I come to your blog often for inspiration so it is no surprise that it is featured in a magazine.

  53. Congratulations Kelly! Your home is perfect for this magazine and I'm not at all surprised. I'll have to run out and get a copy.

  54. Congrats Kelly!!! I am so very happy for you. I've gotta get out and buy a copy.


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    wholesale Jewelry

  56. Congratulations. Nothing could be more wonderful. This issue looks like it's full of some of the famous bloggers (you being one) and Miss Mustard Seed on the cover. I need to find a copy. I'm thrilled for you. Kathryn in Southern California

  57. So cool! I looked for this magazine today but coulnd't find it :( Maybe I'll have to buy it online. I'm so happy for you - that is just so so so very fun and exciting!

  58. Oh my goodness Kelly! I can't believe I missed this! Well, yes I can because things have been busy, but I'm so glad I scrolled down when I just visited and didn't just comment on your porch post (which looks great btw). I'm so thrilled for you! What an honor to be featured, but one that you wholeheartedly deserve! Your home is lovely and should be shared with the world! Congratulations!!

  59. That's wonderful news, Kelly! How thrilling and exciting! I usually get this magazine, too, so I will be on the look-out for the new issue.

  60. I am soooo happy for you! It is quite an accomplishment for your talent and your home to be recognized and featured in a magazine. Fifi does such awesome work and has really promoted so many bloggers by featuring their lovely homes.

    I'll have to get me a copy!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly