Wednesday, July 2, 2014

My Patriotic Decor

Hello everyone!

I decided to go ahead and decorate my front porch for the 4th of July.  I tried to get some good pics from the street level, but because we have so many trees, it's hard to get a good picture in the summer.  The leaves are full and really hide our house.  Time to limb up some of those trees!  

See what I mean?  Oh well.  I love the shade and privacy that our trees give us.  So, you'll just have to squint your eyes to see the red, white, and blue bunting on the porch railings.  

As you can see (in the above pic) we need to remove our dead pompass grass bushes. They didn't survive our harsh winter! (My husband is secretly happy about it now that he doesn't have to prune them anymore.)

Let's head up the stairs to the porch.

I didn't want to cover up our leaded glass on the door, so I just placed some flags in my pot of flowers.

I also added some flags to my back deck flower pots. (Sorry, no pic.)

Inside, I don't really decorate for the 4th because of my light shabby chic color scheme, but I was lucky enough to have a very sweet blogging friend send me something she made! Carol from Art and Sand, made me a patriotic pillow cover.  However, the colors were traditional red, white and blue.  So, rather than only being able to use this pillow cover during the 4th of July (outside on my bench), I decided to tweak it just a tad so it could be used indoors year round! 

I painted over the red stripes in a grey color.  Now, it fits in with my everyday decor and brings a bit of patriotism to my home. I hung it inside this empty frame that I painted in blue (same as the dresser in my foyer).

Y'all know by now that I don't follow traditional decorating rules, right?  This was definitely breaking some rules!  But, I'm happy that I can keep it up year round or even take it down and stuff it to be used as a pillow as it was originally intended.  I may consider getting this matted and have some glass placed over it.  

Carol...........thank you again for your thoughtfulness.  I never would've thought that I could have a flag pillow in my house and love it so much! Hope you don't mind my tweaking it.

Thanks for stopping by.  

Hope all of you have a great 4th of July too!

~ Kelly ~


  1. OH, MY!

    I love the tweaking of the pillow. I really thought you would just have the pillow out for the 4th because of your color scheme. But, you are so clever and the pillow looks perfectly aged to fit your house.

    Your porch is amazing. I am struck by the beauty of your home. In my area, a home like yours with land, would be close to $2 million.

  2. Well, aren't you smart thinking outside the box. I love that framed.

  3. I just love the bunting on your porch!! All of your decorating for the fourth looks so pretty! Trees are a blessing and a curse. I LOVE trees, but was just out trimming mine this morning hoping to get a little more sunlight in my front yard so I can grow flowers! It is not easy to find flowers that love shad and very hot weather.

  4. Your porch looks great all decked out for the 4th!

  5. Luv what you did to make the pillow cover 'fit' 8n your home. Perfect.
    The decorations on the porch as well.
    Happy 4th!

  6. The buntings are my favorite part of your decor! I love seeing them on porch railings like that. Love the pillow cover in the frame too. Your home looks so lovely with all the trees surrounding it. It makes me want to plant more trees in our yard. :)

  7. your exterior looks so lush and green. hope you guys have a good 4th. i am taking the kids to see transformers this afternoon...thanks to your recommendation.

  8. Love the bunting on your porch! Love the pillow cover from Carol too!! Your tweaking it...made it perfect with your décor inside and looks great with the frame around it!!

  9. Love your decorations! Very Festive!

  10. I don't think I've ever seen the outside of your home. It is beautiful! I love the trees and the privacy. What a nice place.

  11. Your house is just beautiful, Kelly, and I love the view through the leaves of the bunting. Great idea about the pillow cover -- it looks great in that frame - I don't know that I would have thought of that. Love it!

  12. Your home is beautiful. Love the steps leading to the porch. Reminds me of the homes in Huntsville Alabama. Great idea to use the flag year around. Love the hunting too. Oh check, I just love everything.

  13. Your porch is very pretty Kelly! And the flag pillow is perfect framed! I would've never thought to do that. I love it! Hope you have a great 4th!

  14. Your porch looks so pretty decorated with he patriotic buntings! Love the little flag pillow too! I seem to be lagging behind this year....I bought a bunting because I thought the one from last year was faded. Then my husband found the one from last year and it was fine but now I can't find my little flags. LOL!!!! I decided to just give up and call it good :o)
    Happy 4th of July!!!

  15. They say a house always looks more interesting when viewed through a canopy of trees and I agree! Your yard is beautifully landscaped and your porch makes for a nice welcome. I love the faded look of the flag Carol made for you!

  16. Love your front porch bunting!

  17. Definitely a great moment of inspiration, painting the stripes! So clever and perect with your decor. Jane

  18. your decor is beautiful. I do love that little framed flag! It's so lovely Kelly!

  19. What a beautiful house you have Kelly! I don't think I've ever seen the outside. What a treat it must be for you to pull into your driveway every day.

    I'm such a sucker for porches ;)

  20. Wooow! You've decorated them perfectly!! Especially love the pillow, which suits your living room:)You're so talented!

  21. Beautiful porch and I love how you did the pillow to match your home~

  22. Looks beautiful Kelly! you did more than I:) I have but a few things out back and that is about all I had time for. I love your porch! Enjoy the 4th.

  23. Kelly,
    Your porch looks so pretty. Love all your gorgeous trees. Have a great 4th.

  24. Your home is beautiful and the patriotic buntings look perfect on the porch. I'm intrigued by the front scraping- it looks zig zagged? I lost a tree to the harsh winter weather. Pampas grass is cool- it gets so tall- we can't grow it up here because of our harsh winters. That's interesting how you crafted the pillow to work inside your home. You are good at thinking outside of the box as they say! Have a wonderful 4th!

  25. Love your patriotic decor Kelly and love your wooded lot!...What great idea to tone down the bright colors of the "flag"...looks fabulous on the wall!!! Happy 4th to you and your family!

  26. you did a great job! love the tweaked pillow cover

  27. Hope you enjoyed your holiday.We just arrived back in town the morning before so it was quiet here.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly