Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Antique Shopping

Hello everyone!

Yesterday, my husband and I spent the day together going shopping and out for lunch.  We had such a good time.  We went a little north of us up to Jasper, GA and then into Ellijay.  It's close to the mountains and very rural.  We found some great places to shop.  I had no idea that there were so many antique shops there!  

We first stopped here.

This place had just about anything you were looking for!  
I thought this headboard was pretty.  It was marked sold.  You'll notice that in this store, there is no "styling" that takes place.  Everything for sale is out in the open for your own imagination to do with what you want.  Notice the big traffic light for sale just behind the headboard!  

I spied this large tobacco basket hanging outside.  Too bad it wasn't in very good condition.  The price was good on it though.

After going inside, I spotted this old Toledo scale.  Loved it!  I don't have a place for something so large though.

One thing that caught my eye at almost every antique store we went in were these old cameras.  I really liked them!  They would make a great collection mixed with some books.  They were in the $40 range. 

I also noticed a lot of enamelware everywhere!  Tons!  It was available in lots of different colors and sizes too.

I love these old crocks.  Plenty of them were for sale.

After all that shopping, we had worked up an appetite for some lunch.  We went to this place in Ellijay. It's called the Canterberry Restaurant. It was SO good.  They sell mostly soups, sandwiches and salads.  And they have a decadent dessert counter too!  I had a cup of tomato basil soup and chicken salad sandwich.  My husband had a turkey club sandwich with chips.  Everything is made fresh and homemade there.  We WILL be going back!  

There were more shops in this town too.

So, it was a fun day of exploring, shopping and eating!  

Nothing better than a little day trip to rejuvenate your spirit.

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. It sounds like you are up and about and feeling better.

  2. I luv those exploring days together.... We are long overdue for one.
    My Mr. collects vintage cameras and he has quite a collection going. I take some and like you said I mix them in with books in my bookcases.

  3. I'm so glad you two got that time together to enjoy. Sounds like the perfect day to me!

  4. That sounds like a great day for so many reasons - the company of your husband, the great treasures and the delicious lunch. I wish we had places like that nearby!

  5. So sweet Kelly. So happy you and the hubby had a day to yourselves. Sounds like lots of fun shopping and great lunch. Love days like that.

  6. It's always fun to get away even for just a few hours. Sounds like you discovered some great places too. I used to have a big white scale like that about 12 years ago. I had to sell it when we sold our house because I didn't have room to take it with me.

  7. Looks like some fun places to shop. I would have scooped up a couple of crocks...

  8. I love finding new places to shop...what a great way to spend the afternoon!

  9. That sounds like a perfect day! How fun to get away for awhile and enjoy shopping and lunch with your man. :) My hubby was off all last week and we had a few outings like that too. Looks like you found some good antique stores to shop at too! I really want to get an enamelware tea kettle one day. I really need to visit my local antique stores again. It's been ages since I've been.

  10. Sounds like fun, Kelly! It's been a while since I've been able to do something like this. I definitely want to get out this fall, when the temps are cooler.

  11. So many fun things to look at and shop for…sounds like you had a great time!

  12. It's fun poking around in those kinds of places and even better to have a lunch out with your partner. I usually go treasure hunting by myself but if I find a spot to stop at while out and about with my husband, he's always a good sport and stops (and waits in the vehicle!)

  13. Sounds like you had a great time and a wonderful lunch with your hubby.

  14. thanks for the tour and tip on the restaurant. We're hoping to go back to GA next Spring.

  15. Congrats oh so excited for you. This is such an honor and your home so deserving. I cannot wait to see you in the next issue.

  16. That would definitely rejuvenate my spirit! I would probably spend hours in that first store looking for all of the treasures. Sounds like a wonderful day, Kelly!

  17. you must be a georgia girl - i'm near Athens myself. AND - I happen to have a fairly good condition tobacco basket and a lobster trap that i am willing to part with if you are interested in either ---- i love your inspirations here. have a beautiful day.

  18. Thanks for the shopping tour! Sounds like a fun day of exploring. me and my hubby love doing things like that. did you find anything to take home with you or did you just look at stuff?

  19. That first place with nothing styled is just the kind of place I like!

  20. Sounds like a perfect day to me! It's nice that your husband enjoys antiquing, too (mine doesn't!).

  21. I have driven through Ellijay many times but never had time to time we will make point to do so...Glad you had a wonderful day out with your hubby!!

  22. What fun...treasure hunting is one of my favorite things.I am blessed that my daughter enjoys it too! Love that scale but it does need a good spot in your home.But I think it would look amazing in your home.I can one of your boxwood plants on it.... :-)


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly