Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Oops! Something Very Bad has Happened!

Hello everyone!

At the moment, I'm unable to post any of my own pictures on my blog very possibly due to a virus that has attacked my computer.  I downloaded something that ended up being a virus and it has affected many different areas of my computer.  It started with the program used to download pics from my camera and now has attacked pic monkey used to edit my photos. Guess, I have to find something else. My husband thought he fixed the problem, but everything I try to use has some how been affected!  Hopefully, I will be able to get this problem fixed so I can get back to blogging.  Otherwise, I guess this it!  

Fingers crossed that I will be back................

~ Kelly ~

Added note:  This problem may have been eliminated.  I hope to have a new post up and running tomorrow!


  1. oh no kelly! hope you get it fixed soon...what do you mean "this is it"? you're not going to stop blogging are you?

  2. Yikes! Good luck and I'll check back tomorrow. BTW- I love the pics from your previous post and the FARM sign, your home looks so polished, yet comfy! Lovely!

  3. Oh man. I keep getting messages on my computer lately that say to update flashplayer. I Googled it and it says that is a malware thing that will download if you click on it. It looks so real!!

  4. Hate when that happens!
    Try cleaning it overnight. That usually works for us.
    Good luck

  5. Oh no Kelly! I hope it is fixed now.

  6. Oh No Kelly that I think is all of our worst nightmare what you are going through. I hope you can get that fixed. What a pain. Good luck.

  7. Oh, how awful, Kelly! But I'm glad to read the update that you seemed to have fixed it. Good luck!

  8. I feel your pain, Kelly! My laptop is living on borrowed time right now. It takes forever to open up blogs and leave comments! I hope you get it all figured out soon!


  9. I hope everything is up and running tomorrow. I'll check back. Have a good day.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly