Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Creative Halloween Costume Ideas

Hello everyone!

With Halloween fast approaching, I thought it might be fun to share some creative Halloween costumes that I came across.  Some of you may still be tweaking your own costume for a party or for your kids.  These are all so inventive and unique.  If nothing else, it's entertaining to look at them.  

This boy is going as a penny. I never would've thought to do this!

This baby is a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs.

I loved this one for a group of teenage girls.  It's "Rock, Paper, Scissors"!

This one looked pretty simple.  Is that a lampshade being used as a toothpaste cap?

How cute and clever is this one?  Care for a little cheese? This mouse is too cute to get caught in a trap though!

Now, I KNOW you all know what this is!  Very cute and easy to do.

I love this one too.  It would be fairly simple to make.  "It's raining cats and dogs"!

And we must not forget the family dog!  How about this one?  It's an actual chia pet!

I look forward to answering our door to the little trick or treaters this year.  This is the first year that I don't have any kids going trick or treating.  It will feel strange to not join the crowds.

So, do you have a favorite costume from Halloween?

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Oh how fun! Love this post :-) These are some very inventive ideas!

  2. LOL- I love them all. One of my favorites is one my daughter made-an organ grinders monkey costume for my grandson..and daddy as an organ TOO cute! He IS a monkey, too! xo Diana

  3. Kelly,
    So cute. Love the boston as the chia pet. Too adorable. Don't you just love all the creativity out there with costumes.
    Happy Halloween.

  4. Those were adorable and creative! Hadn't seen many of them… thanks for bringing a smile! :)

  5. Great the mouse trap one! We usually only have a few trick or treaters but I still buy the candy for my big kid ;o)
    Happy Halloween!!!

  6. Oh my goodness!! The ice cream truck and the Chia Pet made me smile!!! Such wonderful ideas. Thanks for sharing them!! : )

    ~ Wendy

  7. Kelly, What clever people out there in blog land. I love seeing all the cute things...I am not into the gore of Halloween. xoxo,Susie

  8. I loved seeing all these cute costumes! That rock, paper, scissors one was very unique! My favorite costume when I was little was Casper The Friendly Ghost. I wore that costume WAY past Halloween and even refused to take the mask off to eat. Yep, I remember eating a sandwich by shoving it through the little mouth hole. Ha ha!

  9. Cute ideas! I have teenagers now and they no longer dress in costumes, but I do have a puppy! Hmm...

  10. Great thought went into those costumes! Looking forward to seeing my grands in costume. We don't many ghosts and goblins in the country... But just in case I'm prepared.

  11. LOL. Love that little bowl of spaghetti and meatballs. I love to answer the door and marvel at the little cuties.

  12. Oh, wow! These are SO cute!! I really love Rock, Paper, really makes you think. Hopefully the girls don't get separated! lol! And the little guy in the wheelchair car...good thinking and very touching.

    I have a post to do tomorrow...stop by and see what my daughter did!!

    Jane xx

  13. My goodness! How creative these costumes are!!

  14. What fun, fun costumes.

    We get so few trick or treaters on our lane because it dead ends at the ocean and the lane is dark at night. I have candy on hand, but I think we will be disappointed.

    Have a Happy Halloween.

  15. LOL!! Love the dog! He's looking not too happy :)

    They're all very creative, and the wheelchair one especially so!

  16. Great costumes, the little one with spaghetti and meatballs


  17. Boy, those are clever! I had a good laugh at the chia pet!

  18. Cute ideas! I had a little girl that came to the door dressed up as an American Girl Doll in a American Girl Doll Box! It looked so real! My daughter dressed up as Sue from the Middle.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly