Thursday, October 9, 2014

Things I Love About the Fall Season

Hello everyone!

Did you know that October is my favorite month of the year?  It's when the leaves start changing colors and the heat and humidity begin to subside.  The festivals begin and apple orchards draw crowds.  I thought I'd share just a few of my favorite things about this Fall season that make October my favorite month.

Driving on roads with bright leaves surrounding me.
 (We're not there yet, but give it a couple more weeks.)

Seeing pumpkins and gourds everywhere!

All the creative faces carved in pumpkins for Halloween.

Sitting around a campfire at night roasting marshmallows.

My favorite TV show, Homeland, returns.

Eating chili again on cold nights for dinner.

Going to Fall festivals on the weekend.

Sampling the Fall donuts at Dunkin Donuts.

So..................have I made you excited about October yet?  Get out and enjoy this month!  I'm making up for not having a great October last year (since I missed my son while he was away at boot camp).  

One last thing that this month is good for.............


If everyone would get it, we wouldn't see so much flu going around this Winter.  Do your part!  

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Beautiful fall pictures Kelly. I love the month of October too.

  2. I love October, too...the photos are beautiful! And the flu mine last week!

  3. Love the beautiful fall pictures Kelly…can't wait for our leaves to turn color. Happy Fall!

  4. I think If I lived somewhere a little more north, Id enjoy it more. its still pretty warm down here , but I love the change when it does change.
    need to check out that show homeland ..
    looks spooky.

  5. Yes, Kelly, you've gotten me a little more excited! Love the pictures you used...and great advice about the flu shot. I like all the things about fall that you do, including Homeland! OMG, what a show!

  6. So pretty! What a beautiful collection of fall images. I get my flu shot every year and I drag my kiddos too!

  7. October is a month for a new season that we all enjoy. Love all your pics.

    I don't watch much TV so thanks for the shout out about a good show. Hope I get to check it out.

  8. All my favorite loves. October is my favorite too except for having to have a mammogram and see my specialist. Ughhhh.

  9. Kelly,

    We are two peas in a pod! These are gorgeous pictures and I can't wait to see our leaves turn like these!

    Jane xx

  10. Fall is the best and what a wonderful month October is. I adore the rich hearty foods like chili and stews...the crispness in the air, and the gorgeous color which provides the backdrop for this stunning season! You have nailed it Kelly...thank you for sharing such pretty images and lovely thoughts!
    Have a great weekend!
    XO Barbara

  11. Fall is my very favorite too ... love your Fall inspiration Kelly!....

  12. Fall is my favorite time of the year too. I'm going to get my flu shot this coming week.

  13. Thanks for all the wonderful reminders about fall. It is a wonderful time of year. I need to call my Dr. :)

  14. I just got my flu shot at work today, so I did my part! Your fall inspiration photos are gorgeous Kelly! We are almost at the end of our fall colors now. This season passes much too quickly!

  15. I had to laugh because I too love October, but for totally different reasons.

    I love October because the beach is empty, but the days are hot. I love being lazy if I want to be although volleyball season has begun and I have to be at school 3 afternoons a week.

    I love that it is lobster season and we can see the buoys floating off the jetty showing the divers where their lobster traps are.

    I love a hot bowl of Steve's cioppino with fresh lobster.

    And, I agree with you on the chili.

  16. I agree Kelly- October is a wonderful month! I wish we could stretch it out much longer! We're turning color up north here but slowly. I think this coming week will be spectacular. Love the pictures you found to use especially the one with the old wagon. I worked to make my deck feel cozy like that.

  17. I think you covered it all, what's not to love about Fall!

  18. You pretty much covered all the bases Kelly!

    As for the flu shot, I reluctantly got one yesterday and as a result was sick as a dog last night, I'm better now but for a while there I thought it was going to mess up my plans (wedding tomorrow and 'beauty day' today). I haven't gotten one in years because I always get sick but figured I'd give it a try again.

    Enjoy your lovely Fall weekend!

  19. Your images are gorgeous! I love October too! I hate to see bare trees in November but it's worth it for the October burst of color!

  20. I don't know anyone who doesn't like fall..Love your pictures..

  21. Beautiful fall images. Your meal is chilly and I love that I get to make us homemade pot pie's . That's our comfort food. October is one of my favorite months too.


  22. I love fall too! Those leaves turning colors are gorgeous! We don't have much of that here. Our bald cypress will turn orange right before the leaves fall, but that won't be until almost Thanksgiving. I love all the fall festivals too. I can't believe it's been a whole year since your son was away. I know you're so happy to have him back. :)

  23. Great images Kelly...Fall is my favorite season! Our trees are starting to look like that first's so beautiful!

  24. These pictures really capture the feeling of fall! Thanks for sharing and happy weekend!

  25. You mentioned all the good things about the Fall season.
    I'm such a Summer person, it's difficult for me to let go of it.
    Once I DO get into Fall...I really do enjoy it.
    Have a great weekend, Kelly!!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly