Friday, November 28, 2014

How I Spent Thanksgiving

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.  It was such a nice week here.  The schools were closed and it was  nice to sleep in and not have so many deadlines to meet during the week.  However, I think I got a little TOO relaxed when I realized that I forgot my son's orthodontist appointment on Wednesday!  Oops!  Guess I'll be adding that to my "back to reality" calendar for December.  

I wanted to share a few pics from Thanksgiving day with you.  We spent the day at my niece's husband's family farm.  It is the same place that they got married so it was nice to see it without so many people around.  I was able to actually see the property for a change and it is really gorgeous.  

There is a huge lake that wraps around the front of the property, along with a barn full of livestock.

Here is a view of the side of the house.  I forgot to get a picture of the front.  It has a pretty porch off to the side too.

This was where their reception was held.  See all of the chandeliers inside?

It was extremely cold here!  But despite the cold, the guys (and some of the gals) did some skeet shooting.  It was fun to watch.

Here is my husband having a go at it.

Back inside, there were beautiful tables set up.

This was the kids table.

And since the main event at Thanksgiving is eating, we had plenty of food to eat!

There were several TV's scattered about to watch football on too.  

It was such a nice day!  Now, that Thanksgiving is over, Christmas season has begun.  So, yesterday I started my Christmas decorating.  I'll share some of that soon.

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. What a lovely setting for a Thanksgiving gathering!

    Today I begin the real decorating after a climb up to the attic. I love spreading my Christmas decorating over several days.

  2. danke für die bilder und inspirationen, liebe grüße von angie

  3. Kelley, That is a beautiful place. Lots of room. Very pretty lake also. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  4. Hi Kelly,
    Looks like a beautiful place to have your Thanksgiving. So happy to see you had so much fun and great food.
    Happy Decorating.

  5. Kelly, What beautiful property! Looks like a great way to spend Thanksgiving.

  6. What a wonderful place. That is a real feast. Beautiful.

  7. What a great set up.where is the farm located? Is that where your niece and hubby lives.

  8. Belated Thanksgiving wishes! That looks like a beautiful setting for the dinner and get together. I keep saying that our next home will have a room big enough to set up two big long tables.

  9. What a nice way to spend the holiday! Their property is stunning!

  10. Glad we got to see you and the family. The trip made us really tired, but we could not stay few days longer.

  11. Oh my goodness, Kelly. What a beautiful venue. Wow! Your photos are great and that is one of the prettiest table settings I have ever seen. I will have to keep this in mind! Great!

  12. How nice that you were all able to get together at such a lovely place, and how fortunate they are to have such a farm! What fun!

  13. So glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. Looks like it was the perfect place for a large group. Have fun decorating!

  14. What a gorgeous place. Can't wait to see your decorating. xo Laura

  15. What a gorgeous farm!...beautiful tables and do I see Mr. Savvy?...glad you had a great time.

  16. Whoa it's so beautiful! Looks like the weather was decent too!

  17. What a beautiful place to spend Thanksgiving! I love the huge dining area too! Looks like y'all had a great time together and just look at all that food! Yum!!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly