Sunday, December 28, 2014

What's New!

Hello everyone!

We are still in holiday mode over here.  With there being no school and rainy weather, it is easy to become a bit lazy.  I wanted to share a few pics of my newest treasures received for Christmas.  My favorite gift was this beautiful wooden horse.

When I saw it for sale from Antique Farmhouse, I told my husband I REALLY wanted it! So, he obliged.  I have a smaller horse statue, but this one is much bigger and makes a statement all by itself.  For now, it is in front of the fireplace, but when I take the tree down, it might move behind my sofa.  I will decide later.

For the holiday, he is dressed in some greenery too.  

Horses are a big part of Swedish decor, so I'm thrilled to have this one! And since I didn't have any books on the subject, I received this book too.

I have really enjoyed it so far.

My love for blue and white grainsacks has not subsided either.  So, I received this vintage one and made it into a pillow for my sofa.

My collection of these is really growing.

I will probably take down my Christmas decor in the next day or so since we are almost into January now.  Since I didn't do so much this year, it hasn't beckoned me to take it down so soon.  Hopefully, it won't be such a dreaded task either. 

Do you have plans for New Year's Eve?  The countdown is on!

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Hi Kelly,
    Ohhhhhh I love and am swooning over your wooden horse. It is awesome. What a wonderful gift to cherish.
    We have been having pretty mild weather up here in Chicago land. Cold but lots of sun no snow yet. So I felt motivated to take down the Christmas and start some 2015 projects early. Happy New Year sweet friend.

  2. Love your pony! Now I want a pony too :)

  3. What a great addition to your collection. Your wood horse is just magnificent.

  4. Nice horse!!!! I luv horses, painted quite a few... sketched a few but am afraid of them :/
    Happy New Year Kelly!
    Hugs, Gee

  5. I love your new horse! Such a great piece! I know I've told you already, but I really love your Christmas coffee table arrangement this year. I would leave that out for awhile. ;)

  6. I love your horse! I have that book and I really enjoy it.

  7. Your horse and your pillows are amazing!

  8. What a sweet find! I'm glad your hubby obliged!! lol
    I'm going to leave up my decorations until the weekend. I always wait till after the New Year.

  9. That horse is beautiful! Such gorgeous patina Kelly, you must be thrilled!

  10. I love that horse. I have been looking for one to use, but have not found one I want without the huge price tag. Love your new grainsack, too. I have been taking down Christmas ever since we got home earlier. Basically finished and now I need to vacuum.

  11. Love your wonderful goodies, Kelly, especially your new'll have fun with that! Have a happy New Years!

  12. Your wooden horse is perfect for your room. I started to say someone knows what you like! Sometimes we just have to HINT BIG! Love it!

  13. The horse is a perfect addition to you style
    Gotta send those little hints. Happy New Year.

  14. The horse is a perfect addition to you style
    Gotta send those little hints. Happy New Year.

  15. I LOVE all of your new treasures! The horse and the blue striped grain sack both look awesome in your space. I didn't know horses were a big part of Swedish decor, it's got me wondering why?? Pretty though. I have not touched my Christmas decorations yet, I'm still enjoying them!

  16. Kelly...I love your horse!! I have a small white one that sits on a shelf on the bookcase. I put a few Christmas decorations away yesterday and will put a few more things away on Monday. The tree will come down last on New Years Day.

  17. What a wonderful gift....I love the horse!
    Happy New Year.

  18. Your family room looks so pretty with all the new additions!! Love that horse and those pretty grainsacks!

  19. I love your new horse, Kelly. I hope to spend my New Year's eve night snug in my bed. XO Laura

  20. What a beautiful gift Kelly and it is so perfect for your home...raining here too!...

  21. Love your horse, Kelly...Nice addition..No plans for NY eve...Quiet time at home..

  22. I love your new wooden horse! I know that must have made you one happy person come Christmas morning! It goes so well with your decor. We just took down all our decorations yesterday and it feels good to have it done. We don't have any big plans for NYE. We usually pick up dinner, stay in, and do a few fireworks. We're so wild. :)

  23. Oh, that horse!

    When we downsized, some of my collections had to go and one that I parted with sadly was my rocking horse collection. I never had a big one, but I always wanted one. Yours is awesome!

    On New Year's Ever, we are hosting the 9:00 to midnight portion of a progressive dinner on our lane. All our decorations have been removed and I just need to get everything into the attic. I look at it as a time to start over and decorate anew.

    Happy New Year

  24. What a beautiful gift and it looks perfect in your home! Oh yes it's hard for me to work while my husband and daughter are off...but alas I am LOL.We are staying in on New Years Eve.And it will be Mexican or Chinese we have not decided yet.Happy New year!And best wishes in 2015!

  25. I think I'm going to have to hunt down a copy of that book. Your horse is adorable. I started taking stuff down but I still have the big tree to do. Maybe tomorrow. Have a Happy New Year.

  26. What a nice Christmas gift. As usual, I am keeping the Italian tradition and will have our Christmas decor up until January 6th at least, which we call the Epiphany day, and the day the children get their stockings. Happy New Year!

  27. Wow girl you are nailing it! Love your horse, the perfect addition. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Kelly

  28. oh no, you are sounding like kim with your pillow stash! Love that horse. what a great husband! happy new year to you and your family.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly