Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Decorating with Wooden Crates

Hello everyone!

How is your week going so far?  I don't know about you, but I am SO ready for some good old fashioned sunshine.  It has been rainy, cold, and foggy here for the last several days.  I don't know how you people in Seattle do it!  

So, since the weather is so dreary here, many of my photos show the lights turned on.  Hopefully, the photo police won't arrest me! (You know who you are!)  LOL!

I have a very strong affinity for old wooden crates.  Well, actually, any wooden crate, for that matter.  And if it has wording on it..........even better!  

I used this one on my kitchen table with some topiaries in it.  I love using plants to fill my crates.

I know I've shared this one before.  This is a very  old crate in my dining room.

I've also shared this one with you before.  It is an old crate with German writing.  It is used in my foyer.

I found this one recently and decided to place it under my old scale.  It's actually a wooden tray.

I love wooden trays too.  I have this extra large one on my coffee table.

This crate is one of my favorite newer ones because of the wood mixed with metal and the rope handles.  It sits on top of the refrigerator holding more plants.

One of my all time favorite combinations is an old bottle in a wooden crate.  I found this one at an antique mall last year.  It now sits on top of our computer cabinet in the kitchen.

And finally, I have this old milk crate in my family room.  

I think I know why I love old crates so much.  Since my home is mostly painted furniture and white walls, the warmth of the wood from the crates gives it a nice contrast.  I don't think I would like them so much if I had a lot of wood everywhere else in my home.  These pieces become interesting accents that also provide storage (if I should ever use them for that).  

Do you have something that you're drawn to that makes a difference in your home?

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Okay....I am officially in love. Your rooms are so pretty and the wooden boxes just make a nice exclamation point!! I have an old wooden box that came from the town of my Grandfather's birth. I need to go home and find it and use it somewhere!
    Sweet hubby has built me a number of wooden trays, and I do use those for displays.
    Question: where do you find the topiaries that are slim sticks with the fluff on top...maybe rosemary or some such??? I would love to have a few of those, but have never seen them in the stores.
    Many thanks for any info.

  2. You have a great collection. I really the the german writing!

  3. I love them too and have the same one as in your third photo down sitting on top of some baskets. Mine has dividers in the bottom for bottles. I had it up on top of my kitchen cupboards holding blue bottles, but before Christmas decided to take all of that stuff down for a simpler look and now need to find a good place for it:-)

    Love all of them and agree with the wood adding some texture to all the white.

    Have a nice day,

  4. Lovely, Kelly...I love the warmth and texture the wood brings in, too! The sun is shining here today!

  5. Love all of your old crates - of course they add rustic charm but also good, clean lines. We've swapped weather - - we are getting the most beautiful sunshine here in Seattle! But hey, it's our turn!! :) I'm sure we'll send it back to you soon. xo

  6. You do have a special collection. You've displayed them so well too, Kelly. We have old explosives crates. My husband is in that business and collects them. Honestly, I don't decorate with them. I need to change my ways!

  7. I love all of your crates. My favorite is that one on top of the fridge.

    I actually have an old wooden crate on my dining room table right now, but you know me, it is painted - yellow.

  8. Kelly you had my full attention mentioning the word CRATE....lol...I love your demijohn on top of the armoire...wowsers...I wants it...I wants it....LOL

  9. You have quite the collection of crates....love the one with the German writing!!! It has been cold and dreary here too. Warmer weather is on theway though!

  10. You have such a nice collection of crates. I do not own any. But I would love to. The ones I have seen are all expensive so waiting to find one at a boot fair or something. Love how you nhave used them.

  11. I love crates, I do not have any however. You are very creative in how you use them. We have so much dark wood ie: cherry furniture that I do not think crates would fit in our house. I love anything wood though.

  12. I love the way you use the crates, and wood trays in your home, Kelly. They add that perfect touch of "something old" to your beautiful home.
    Have a great week!

  13. You have such a pretty collection of wooden crates and trays. My favorite is the wood mixed with metal on top of your fridge. I used to put several things on top of my fridge and realized I liked it much better with just one main piece of decor up there like you have. I heard Target has lots of metal trays, baskets, and bins in their dollar spot right now, so I'm going to make a trip there tomorrow. I'm thinking of having my hubby build me a shelf unit for the living room and I want to decorate it with lots of baskets and trays. Enjoy your evening! I'm off to Taco Bell to pick up dinner. :)

  14. I love the rustic feel of those items, especially when combined with all the soft, muted touches in your home. Lovely!

  15. You have a great collection of wooden crates Kelly and I love the way you have them displayed!

  16. Love all your wood crates!! I have 3 very old ones that I use in my booth at shows, but now I'm thinking that I should bring them into the house and use them inside until show season starts in the Fall.

  17. I have loved boxes and crates FOREVER. Never met one I didn't like. They add texture to your home and it looks so pretty everywhere you have one.

  18. I agree, Kelly. Wood accents add so much warmth and texture to a home with lots of painted furniture. I love your old crates and you've found so many clever ways to use them!

  19. you are right. I love wooden crates for the same reasons. It definitely add the warmth and the interest. The one with the metal is probably my most favorite, as I have not seen many like that.

  20. I too have creates and wood caddy's as well al wood bowls....Your creates PROVE you can never had too many in one home. They look fabulous in your home, I also stack mine on the floor in a corner out of the way of my tiny cottage.

    You so know what I will be on the hunt for? More creates :))


  21. Serious crate and wood box envy from me! I like them so much I can't pick a fav.

  22. I'm drawn to every one of those trays! The one with the bottle is a beauty. I wish my house was a little less traditional (boy has my taste changed over the last 12 years!), so that I could incorporate more rustic pieces into my home.

  23. Kelly, I have always admired your crates...I was out antiquing yesterday and saw many great ones for great prices...you would have been in crate heaven!

  24. I love your crates kelly! The crates that I find seem to be very pricey, but to be honest, because our house has so much wood, it's not a huge issue for me. I agree that they add tons of texture to a home, but when you have tons of wood like we do, they're a bit much.

    The one above your fridge is my favorite, but they're all gorgeous!

  25. I have always loved old crates as décor. I include vintage tool caddies in the bunch:) And trays, too. I probably have too many trays I've picked up, many with the idea of refinishing/painting them in some way. I love all of your crates, and I also love that large basket in your foyer with the leather strap. PB used to have one and I finally went to buy it and they don't carry it any more:(

  26. Love the touched of wood here and there..Looks great Kelly

  27. Kelly, I never realized you had SO many wood crates. I had to Pin the one by your stairs (even though I love them all), just to keep it fresh in my mind how many ways you can use them in your decor. I have my eyes open now for some! :)

    I scrolled down to your last post on re~purposing things. So sorry I have been remiss, and I might not have seen this!! I love your table runner and I wanted to mention that I was at a blog the other day and the girl wrote that her table runner was just a piece of raw fabric with the edges ironed under. I thought that was great because I don't sew. I made a runner out of drop cloth (which I still have ton of)once, and used iron on tape. That wasn't easy to keep straight and took awhile. I think I'm going to try the bloggers idea. Thought I'd pass that on. :)

    Jane x

  28. You have such a wonderful collection of crates. Love them all but favorites are on the computer cabinet and your fridge.


  29. Kelly,
    I love your collection of crates and all the wonderful creative pretty vignettes you made with them. They add just warmth and a little whimsy to the rooms. Love all of them.

  30. Your collection of wooden crates is gorgeous! Love how you have displayed them around your home. Very pretty!

  31. Wow, Kelly! What an amazing collection you have, all so different and just the perfect touch for each vignette.

  32. Kelly, all of these crates are wonderful. I love them all!

  33. Kelly, Your rooms are so pretty and inviting! The wood crates and boxes really do add warmth and character!

  34. Wow, love your collection of wood crates, Kelly. I agree with Bliss, serious crate and wood box envy here too lol. I am inspired to find or create more (they are very pricey here but I will keep looking.) I love mixing white and wood and agree that it gives some warmth. Your home is beautiful. I like all the softness and just love that you have that black armoire for contrast. It is either overcast here and cold, or clear and sunny but so freezing cold that the tiny hairs in your nose freeze together instantly when we step outside.

  35. Beautiful crates Kelly! You have them displayed perfectly! So Jeanne d'Arc <3

  36. I have a very strong affinity for old wooden crates. Well, actually, any ... swoodencrates.blogspot.com

  37. I have a very strong affinity for old wooden crates. ... woodencratestable.blogspot.com

  38. Hi Kelly , I just put together another collage of HOW TO DECORATE WITH CRATES and I used a picture of your gorgeous crate for inspiration with a blog link back to you provided. I hope that is ok amiga... http://littlebrags.blogspot.com/2015/05/decorating-with-crates.html


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly