Friday, January 23, 2015

My Week

Hello everyone!

TGIF!  Are you glad that it's Friday?  It doesn't feel like it was a 4 day week to me (since Monday was a holiday).  This week felt long for some reason.  I guess because of what has been going on around me.  

Today, the weather is, in one word..........Yucky!  It is a do nothing, wear your comfy clothes, stay inside kind of day.  It's cold, windy and rainy.  Did you know that I avoid going out during bad weather?  I all costs!  I hate driving in it and just being out in it in general.  I guess I wouldn't do well in states that have a lot of bad storms all the time huh?  So, I'm hunkered down inside today, all day!  

My dog has been having problems too.  Nothing life threatening, thank goodness!  Just having....................


He is having a problem with clogged anal ducts.  Ew!  Gross!  I said it.  Soooooooo, I had to take him to the doctor to get them "expressed".  Ah yes, so lovely huh?  I found out that he needs more fiber in his diet (possibly).  So, they suggested canned pumpkin for that.  Also, one of his ducts weren't able to be fully expressed.  Oh goody!  So I have to have him soak in warm water and epsom salt for 10 min every day for a week and then take him back to have the procedure done again.  Do you know how to get a dog to SIT in the water?!  They obviously don't know mine too well.  He won't sit  but rather stands as if he's being punished for something.  Then, I have to scoop up some of the water and hold it on his "back side"!  He keeps looking at me like "when will this be over?"  I won't even tell you what led me to know that he had a problem with this either.  But, let's just say that I have towels on my furniture now.  

Here he is all sweet (sleeping on a towel).  You should see me stalking him after he has laid down.  This is where my OCD really comes out!  

I discovered this problem is very common.  Have you ever had this happen to your dog?  What did you do about it?  

Since tomorrow is going to be bad weather too, I think we will go see this movie.

We haven't seen it yet and of course it's breaking box office records right now.  So, we're looking forward to seeing it.  My husband has already read the book.  Have you seen it yet?

Hope you all have a great weekend and are having better weather than me.

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


Dee said...

I had a Yorkie that totally familiarized me with the Butt Scootin' Boogie. Unfortunately, the white carpet was his favorite place to try to "express" himself.

Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

Oh poor Max! (and poor you too!) Not a fun thing to deal with. I've heard that's extremely common with dogs. The canned pumpkin should help. Boy, you really have had a rough week, huh? Hope Max gets better soon. Enjoy the movie! I added it to my Netflix queue. It looks like a good one!

Brenda Pruitt said...

My dogs sometimes have this done when they go to the groomer. She will tell me if she needed to do it. I haven't had any problems with this otherwise. They haven't been since I had surgery, so might be about time! Poor baby. He can't help it.

Unknown said...

Mastwr Vic goes to the grooves regularly and they taken care of those glands... like every 4 to 6 weeks. NO boot scooting in this house. From he was a pup, 5 months old, we were advised to give him sodium free veggies, green beans, spinach, kale, collars, every other day with his food. So we have. Last week I steamed and froze a BIG pumpkin and he gets a cup every other day.He luvs it.
Weather is grey today... rain looming for the next 2 days. :0
Good luck with Max.

20 North Ora said...

Bella has hers done on a regular basis at the vets. Never heard of giving them pumpkin. Will try that.


Ron said...

I want to see the movie too. Good luck with the doggie.

Laura @ duke manor farm said...

well how's that for a shi(^y story line? :) ( no pun intended) hope things get better. let us know how the movie is, i want to see it.

aarond said...

Our little dog we used to have would have this problem too. The Vet would take care of it. Speaking of pumpkin, I am making my dogs their own treats now because so many of the treats and dog food has ingredients that are killing our dogs so the last ones I made had pumpkin in them. I also made some with sweet potato. Good luck with the little one.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Poor Max. Yes Bailey gets her expressed when she is groomed and even more than that when she was a puppy. Very common in Yorkies. We saw that movie last week. Best one in a long time!

chateau chic said...

So sorry it's been one of those weeks. We're having snow as I write...which I'd much rather have than rain.
Mary Alice

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Oh, I feel so bad for your sweet dog!....I am sure his mommy is taking very good care of him!...Have not seen the movie yet, but plan on it soon...Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Our lab hasn't had that problem but I have heard about it quite often, and the pumpkin too. The movie is on our sons' list too and I wouldn't mind seeing it.

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

years ago my daughter's dog started "scooting" all the time. The vet expressed the glands and recommended pumpkin too. Good luck

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

When we had a dog, our groomer took care of that....poor puppy and poor you! Not fun for sure.

We have not seen the movie but hope too. We have been having rainy cold weather here as well.

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Same thing happens to my dog. You just can't gross out another dog owner - I could have eaten an entire meal while I read your story, lol. Hope your weather improves. We are supposed to get two snowstorms this weekend! UGH!

White Lace and Promises said...

Oh, poor baby! My Grand dog was going crazy last week. We thought it was because of the baby. Then I noticed that he was scooting on his butt. They knew what that meant. My SIL does it himself. The vet showed him how. I could never do it. But after it was over, he was like our baby again. They have a Shitzu??? Yes, yucky weather today. I went to cheer up a friend and it made me feel better. I sure wanted to stay inside and read and sleep! That's what I usually do.

cynthia lee designs said...

Sorry to hear about your poor little doggie having problems. None of our dogs have ever had that problem. Love going to the movies on rainy days. They are calling for snow here on Sunday.

Rosy said...

No I never had the problem with any of my dogs, but then of course that could also changed in the future.

You have a nice blog and this is my first visit here, and I look forward at coming back again.

Debby said...

My yorkie has this problem. I always ask the groomer to do it. Once she was bleeding. I thought maybe the other dog bit her. I have no reason to believe he would ever do that. Here I guess they can explode causing that. It is yucky. It makes them smell like a skunk.
Your poor pooch looks emarrased that you would speak of his anal glands.
Pumpkin is great for dogs. When mine get upset tummies they get rice and pumpkin.

Sherry @ Thrift My House said...

Oh Kelly! What a week you've had! I hope Max is feeling better. Enjoy your date night! Hope you'll review the movie for us.

angie said...

I love their dog !!! a beautiful weekend wishes angie

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

This is pretty common for dogs. Unfortunately, my hubby gets it too. If you think it's funny seeing a dog scoot his butt on the carpet, try watching a 60 something unflexible man do it. :/


(A friend saw the movie this week. Liked it)

Junkchiccottage said...

Hi Kelly,
My daughter has the same issue with her Boston. Now she just has the glands expressed when they have him groomed and bathed at the groomer. He does not get groomed more than a few times a year but it does help with the gland issues. Poor Max it is hard when you cannot explain to them what is happening. I feel for you.
Hope they can get the other one done and he will be back to normal again. My daughter found that expressing them 2 times a year was helpful and she does not have him leaking anymore. Not a good week for little Max.

Unknown said...

Oh Kelly,I'm so sorry to hear about your puppy. We went through a few months of tummy troubles with our schnauzer and she is now on pro-biotics. It seems to help. Rain here in Virginia this Saturday - yuck. Have a good weekend!

Art and Sand said...

Funny topic to be discussing. I didn't know about the anal gland thing until we got a goldendoodle. The first time we took her in for grooming, they asked if we wanted the anal glands done. I had no idea what that meant because our old mutt never went to a groomer.

Barbara @ 21 Rosemary Lane said...

Oh yes Kelly I had a dog with the same problem . My ex would "express it" himself...really gross! I hope your little guy feels better soon. He is soooo cute! And American Snipper is on my list of movies to see too. Bradley Cooper actually grew up in the town right next to where I grew up. He is also starring in The Elephant Man on broadway. Amazing actor. Want to see the movie before the Academy Awards!
Have a great weekend!
XO Barbara

Debbie said...

Oh my are too cute, Kelly!
My toy poodle Bella scoots around the floor too. Her brother Bosco started the craze last year. They both have the same problem as your pooch. Ain't life grand?!
I saw the article about the movie in People magazine. It looks pretty amazing!
Have a great weekend.

Katie Mansfield said...

I haven't seen the movie. I'm not sure I'll be able to but I'm sure it is great. All I can say about the Doggie Woes? Bless Your Heart!

OzzienDiane said...

Aw poor puppy. My Jack Russel has had a problem with anal glands in the past. Pumpkin is the answer! I make his food since he has food allergies. Here is my recipe: 1 chicken breast boiled and shredded, 1/2 cup of pumpkin, 1/2 cup of white rice. Works like a dream!

Miss Merry said...

I don't have dogs, but I do have "granddogs". When the vet told my daughter about it, they said they could do it for her (for a fee) or teach her how to do it herself. Guess which option she chose! Worth every penny!

SImple and Serene Living said...

Poor dog and poor you. Doesn't sound like fun for either of you. Hope you got to go out and see the movie. Sounds like you needed a distraction. xo Laura

Jane@Bluebird1959 said...

Oh yikes...good thing you love him! I have heard great things about the movie, and just bought the book yesterday. Wishing you a sunny and clean (ha!) week! Jane

tina said...

Poor little baby! We have our little pup groomed every 4 weeks and they express the glands then. So, we never have problems with it. I have heard it can become quite painful if there is a problem though. The vet has offered to show us how to do it, but it is a delicate area and I am afraid I would hurt her! Hope he is better soon.

Bliss said...

I just caught up on all your posts, and THIS is the one I choose to comment on????? Lets just say Mo makes regular trips to the vet, he gets his nails done with a side of _____. We always had big dogs, never heard of this in all my life, but I know it now!