Friday, February 13, 2015

New Furniture Arrangement in Family Room

Hello everyone!

We are in the middle of having our house exterior painted right now.  Before the painters could begin painting, they had to pressure wash our house.  Sometimes, a little bit of water can get in under the windows when that happens.  So, I was careful to move furniture away from windows and pull drapes back etc.  When I did that in the family room, I discovered how nice the furniture looked all grouped in a cozy seating area together.  So, voila!  A new furniture arrangement was born.

Now, everything is in a U shape in the center of the room.  I ended up moving a few other pieces around to make the room feel more balanced too.  

The clock moved across the room to this wall.

And the chest of drawers that was there, moved where the clock used to be.  

I really like the new arrangement.  I think it makes the room feel bigger too.  

I will be sure to share the home exterior when it's all done.  I'm going with a new color scheme so it will look very different.  There is still a lot left to do.  The painters have been working around the colder temps and wind, so it is slowing down the process.  I'm excited to see what it looks like when it's all done.

Also, I wanted to let you know something very exciting!  Next Wednesday night at 7:00 my blog will be sharing a link party.  My blog, along with 7 others want you to "share your style"!  You can link up on Wednesday night and your link will appear on all of our blogs at the same time.  You will be getting a lot of exposure that way.  Each week a different blogger will host the party, but it will show up on all 8 blogs.  So, I hope that you will join me in this new endeavor!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Wow! You go girl!! You have been so busy inside now out!!
    Your living room always looks so inviting!

  2. The new arrangement looks great Kelly! So happy to be hosting with you:-)

  3. Love the new arrangement...can't wait to see the new house color too! Have a great weekend!!!

  4. Love it Kelly. Isn't it amazing how just changing up a few pieces of furniture can changed the whole look to the room. Looks so cozy and inviting. Have a great Valentine's Week End.

  5. Really pretty Kelly! Oh how I love all of your creamy white. Such a cozy and inviting room!
    XO Barbara

  6. The new arrangement looks nice and cozy.
    Pretty exciting stuff going on over at yours... can't wait to see the end results!
    Congrats on the link party!

  7. Love the new arrangement. Can't wait to see the exterior.

  8. I always love looking of pictures of your rooms - so welcoming.

    I stopped linking to parties when I was ill in the fall - no energy to visit other partiers. But, this week I actually joined a couple of parties. I think it will be fun to link to your party - thanks for hosting.

  9. Hey Kelly, I always love seeing your family room photos! You have so many pretty pieces in there. Your new arrangement looks nice and cozy, isn't it nice when new ideas just sort of happen on accident like that! I'll be back for your blogger linky party. Have a great weekend!

  10. Y'all are some busy bees lately! Love the new arrangement! I had my sofa pushed up against our wall of windows for years because I wanted more room in our family room. Now that I moved it out a bit (just enough to walk behind the sofa) I love it! It actually makes for a nice, cozy little seating area. Just one more thing I should have done years ago. :) Can't wait to see the new paint! Maybe my subway tile will be finished by Wednesday and I can link it up to your party. I haven't been joining parties for a long time now, but I would like to start back up. Enjoy your Valentine's Day weekend!

  11. Your living room is gorgeous! I like the new arrangement. So cozy! And a new exterior color... how exciting! Congratulations on the new linky party. Sounds like fun and great inspiration.

  12. I love your home. It's serenely beautiful!

  13. I agree - your home IS serenely beautiful!!! I don't have much flexibiltiy in moving furniture anymore. Everything is pretty much where it needs to be. I am excited about changing the wallpaper in the dining room this year. Haven't even started to look for a new one yet but I am looking forward to the project!!!

  14. Kelley, Your home is beautiful. I like your style. You were smart to think about the pressure of power washing. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  15. Love love LOVE the new arrangement Kelly! It looks so cozy...of course, it did before. Nothing like a new furniture arrangement to change up a room. Jane

  16. Congratulations on the new link party. I can't wait to see the new paint job.

  17. Love the new arrangement Kelly!...and I will be making a note to hook up to the party!..Happy Valentine's Day!

  18. Love it Kelly, it makes a room feel cozy when furniture is off the walls. Great clock. Can't wait for the party


  19. I like the new look Kelly..Happy Valentines Day..

  20. Kelly- That looks SOOOO good. I love the cozy feel of it. Congrats on your new blogland venture.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you- xo Diana

  21. Hi Kelly, The new arrangement looks great! I love switching things up, too! A quick question, where did you get your pillows on your sofa & chair and what size are they?

    Hope your exterior paint turns out fab!

    Thanks so much,

  22. Kelly, guess I should leave my email, aka BuffyPalomar


  23. Really like the new arrangement! You guys are on a roll there ... look forward to seeing more!

  24. Wow! You have been busy! I've been away from blog world for a couple of weeks. Glad to catch up today. Everything looks wonderful, and I can't wait to see the exterior. Have a good Sunday.

  25. Oh how fun to get tearing though a home to arrange such beauty and calming comfort to gaze at.
    I have such a small sitting room living space and windows make it so disrupting for this designer to arrange much of anything in its space, so I drool and envy ones like you who can change it up often.
    I move a piece out to replace with a new piece and that's as much change as it can take.

    I have lots of room but little space areas, and you my dear have me wanting to jump up and get going on arranging something.

    It looks so calming here, a home to love.


  26. I think your room looks so inviting and cozy with the new furniture arrangement, Kelly!

  27. Beautiful as always it!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly