Monday, February 23, 2015

Tybee Island

Hello everyone!

I returned from my trip to Tybee Island last night.  So, today has been filled with the usual laundry and unpacking that must be done after a trip.  I had a great time though.  I went with my mom and sister.  We ate out at restaurants, shopped, and visited the beach.  Of course, we couldn't go swimming since it was only February.  We had to wear coats and scarves when we first got there because it was so cold.  Luckily, it warmed up though during our visit.

This is the cute rental house that we stayed in.

It's from Mermaid Cottages.  You can click on that link and it will tell you more about their rentals.  

Here are a few snapshots of the inside. I took these with my iphone so they're a little fuzzy.

This was my room.

The house had several bedrooms and bathrooms but I only got a picture of mine.

We visited the beach before we left too.  The weather ended up being so nice on the day we had to leave.  Isn't that always the case?

This was the view from one of the tables we sat at at a restaurant.

We did some fun shopping on this trip and visited St. Simons Island and Savannah as well.  I'll share those pics with you next.

Hope you're having a good Monday so far.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Hi Kelly! Looks like a beautiful place and sounds like you had a great time. Love a good weekend getaway with "the girls." Have a terrific week my friend! Jane

  2. Kelly- I am so glad you went and had a good time. How wonderful that your Mom & Kim were able to be your travel mates!
    Love that cottage and your room is just lovely.
    Welcome home- now-get back to that laundry! xo Diana

  3. Kelly- I am so glad you went and had a good time. How wonderful that your Mom & Kim were able to be your travel mates!
    Love that cottage and your room is just lovely.
    Welcome home- now-get back to that laundry! xo Diana

  4. Glad you were able to sneak away and have a girls trip :o) That cottage is so adorable!!!!!!

  5. Kelly -looks like a wonderful place for a getaway! Glad you had a great time.


  6. Kelly, what a wonderful place to have a getaway. Thanks for sharing all the pictures.

  7. Looks like such a beautiful area to visit! Glad you had a fun get-away with your mom and sister!

  8. Looks like you had a great time!
    Great little cottage that your rented as well!

  9. How neat that you got some time away with your sister and mom. A weekend full of shopping, eating out, and visiting sounds just about perfect. :) Beautiful scenery too!

  10. kelly, i love your pictures!!!!! angie

  11. Cute cottage! I love Tybee and Savannah. Looking forward to seeing your other pictures.

  12. What a nice getaway with your mom and Kim. Lucky you!

  13. Kelly, that cottage looks so nice, I bet you all had a great time. I saw Kim's pictures too. So what did you buy while you were away?? Hope you'll share that too. Have a great week. So glad the weather warmed up for you, it is still FRIGID here in Pa.:(

  14. Sounds like a great mom and sister trip! I love Tybee Island and Savannah! Next time I'm there I'd like to try one of the mermaid cottages. your room was nice and cozy. We stayed at the Beachview B&B on Tybee. Can't wait to see more pics of your little get away and hear more about your trip.

  15. This looks like such a fun and relaxing getaway!

  16. Hi Kelly,
    So glad you had a great week end away. Hope you share all the treasures you found on your trip. Have a great week.

  17. Looks and sounds like you all had a great time!!

  18. What a beautiful place! I only know it from a program on HGTV about buying property on islands. A girls' weekend sounds like such a lot of fun - looking forward to more details.

  19. looks like a sweet little place. glad you got a chance to be with your mom and sister.

  20. What a beautiful place and gorgeous pictures. Happy you could get away to have a girls weekend.


  21. What a wonderful little getaway cottage. The pictures look amazing. Sounds like you had a great time.
    Id love to do the same one day...

  22. So happy that you got away and had a girls' weekend with the family!...Such a cute cottage and love the wall color in your room...So nice to get away and then it is nice to be home too!...Great pics Kelly!

  23. Your place was simply lovely Kelly! I'm sure you enjoyed it :).

    We are on our way home now, just near Rocky Mount NC. Terrible weather and lots of accidents, including one as I'm writing this. Who knew?!

  24. Oh my gosh! I need a getaway right now. We've been snowed in all day. (40 minutes from Rocky Mount) Too much together time! It's snowing at the beach today too. I bet it's cold! What a sweet little cottage. Looks and sounds like a good time. Girls day out... always good!

  25. Looks lovely Kelly..So relaxing and peaceful..You just can't count on February's weather.. Get that laundry done.!!!

  26. I could hear the waves. It's a sound I love.

  27. I love a girls' weekend! The house is adorable - looks nice and comfy. I have always wanted to go Tybee Island and Savannah, so I cannot wait to see your pictures! Hope you had a fun and restful time!

  28. Your cottage looks ideal! So cute and nicely decorated. I would love to go to Tybee, and I think going with your mom and sister was a great idea.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly