Monday, March 9, 2015

Blue Hydrangeas

Hello everyone!

Are you feeling "off" since today is the first Monday for daylight savings time?  I know I am.  I prefer the other time change myself.  Getting up while it's still dark just doesn't seem right!  So, some good caffeinated coffee was in high demand this morning.

This past weekend, mother nature blessed us with the most gorgeous weather!  It was sunny and warm.  Too bad it didn't last, but I did manage to capture it in pictures while it lasted.  I recently changed out the flowers on my coffee table to reflect Spring.  Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers.  So, I placed these soft blue ones in a metal basket.  

They are not real but they look pretty good to me!

They add just a hint of color to this mostly grey and white room.

I think they're a great way to transition into Spring.

Are you starting to enjoy some Spring weather where you live?

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. I am feeling it today....I am very tired and feel completely "off". Love your hydrangeas...very pretty and springy :o)

  2. Love the pop of color...beautiful spring inspiration! Looks pretty in that metal basket~hugs, Poppy

  3. Bright and sunny today. They are saying highs in the high 70's YEAH!!
    I am BOT a fan of the Spring forward time change either. Do not like getting up in the dark....They should just leave well enough alone.
    Pretty pop of colour .

  4. Kelly,
    Your blue hydrangea's are gorgeous. Love that faux flowers are looking so real. Looks so pretty with all your grey and whites. Happy new week my friend.

  5. I was tired this morning too. And it wasn't fun driving my son to school in the dark, rainy weather. Anyway, I love the pop of blue in your room. Such pretty pics with the sun shining in the windows. Enjoy your week!

  6. Your hydrangea are perfect in the room...they become a beautiful focal point!

  7. Today a high of 48 and the snow is melting, cannot wait till spring and to see flowers growing!
    That is just the right amount of color for your it!

  8. The blue is a wonderful color for your room this time of year.
    Mary Alice

  9. I love the blue ones. It's nice a sunny today, just a bit cold.

  10. I so agree with you Kelly...7:00 a.m. and still dark is not easy! Thankfully it will be short-lived and I do enjoy the light at the end of the day. Your pretty hydrangeas are such a pretty burst of spring on your table. Just gorgeous! Jane

  11. We had a beautiful weekend. It is time for Spring to stay. I like your hydrangeas.

  12. Beautiful pop of colour Kelly!
    It's a beautiful spring day here today!
    Hope this lovely weather stays.

  13. Kelly - love the pop of color in those blue hydrangeas! Gorgeous - those are one of my most favorite flowers in any color.

    I love theDST change. But then, I am not a morning person and would rather have that extra hour at night. It is a change tho!


  14. Kelly - love the pop of color in those blue hydrangeas! Gorgeous - those are one of my most favorite flowers in any color.

    I love theDST change. But then, I am not a morning person and would rather have that extra hour at night. It is a change tho!


  15. They're a beautiful fresh shade of blue. I love your comfy furniture grouping too.
    xo Sally

  16. That is just beautiful, Kelly. I really love the whole room of yours and the hydrangeas just add to the restful feeling of the room. xo Diana

  17. We don't change time is Arizona, but it takes some getting used to because all of the TV/Radio programing (times) are all different now! The light blue sure adds a nice subtle hint of color and airiness to the room! Very pretty! Blessings, Cindy

  18. I see the lamp! I love it at your house. We had sunshine on Saturday and then it started raining. It has rained ever since. We need it so I won't complain. I love your blue hydrangeas. Have a wonderful week.

  19. Beautiful hydrangeas absolute favorite flower and I am so hoping that my hydrangeas bloom this year! Have a great week!

  20. I'm still feeling behind today. I haven't started my spring decor yet. Hydrangeas are one of my favorites. Mine didn't bloom much at all last year. Hopefully it will this year. Your faux flowers are pretty. I too love the light blue in the white and gray room. Hello spring!

  21. Love the soft blue accent in the room - so very beautiful! It looks wonderful in that wonderful room!

  22. It's warming up, slowly but surely. Love hydrangeas too, and yours look so very pretty in your gorgeous room :).

  23. So far it's been cold, rainy and/or cloudy the last two days so we have not even SEEN the sun!!
    As always, I love your house!! I took all the red pops out of our bedroom. Thinking of putting some green in there!
    I am looking forward to some warmer days and a bit of sunshine!!!

  24. I overslept yesterday because it was so dark! Yuk, can't wait till morning's sunny again. Hydrangeas are my favorite flower as well, I really miss my hydrangea garden this time of year! I've already begun writing a "hydrangea retrospective" post because I can't wait for them to bloom again! Your blue ones are perfect!

  25. Our weather has been warm and sunny here, too, and I love it! Your flowers add a nice pop of spring color to your table, and the flowers in the galvanized tub on your dresser in the background look so pretty, too!

  26. Yes I was...but I love that it stays lighter out longer <3 Beautiful hydrangeas!

  27. I actually do better with this transition. I love that it says light out later. Your room looks so pretty for spring. Our weather has turned the corner and it is going to be in the 60s for the next few days. Hooray!!! xo Laura

  28. I really love the softness of the hydrangeas so beautiful! Jo

  29. Love the pretty. I have a hydrangea bush out front. I'm hoping that it will have several blooms this last year, it only got one bloom. It was nice here today, even though we had some rain...I heard the birds singing this morning as the sun came up.

  30. the time change is driving us and the kids insane! We have been so off and cranky and tired.

  31. Hydrangeas always make me feel better! They look just right in your living room. Today it was 58, and the first time it felt like spring may actually come. We're still covered in snow, though :(


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly