Sunday, March 1, 2015

Excursions in Savannah

Hello everyone!

I hope you all are enjoying your weekend so far.  I am battling a nasty cold and sinus infection.  I probably caught it from all the running around I've been doing lately between my home improvements and traveling to the Georgia coast.  It's not unusual for me to get sick after a lot of "events" going on.

I wanted to share the last of my "girls weekend" pics with you today.  After spending a day at St. Simon's Island, we traveled into Savannah.  We didn't spend a lot of time looking at the beautiful homes though.  I just realized that after we got back.  But, since I have traveled there before I didn't feel like I missed out on that.  Instead, we did some shopping and lots of walking around the city.

Our first stop was this beautiful store, called The Paris Market.  

It had two levels.  These pics are from the lower level. There were so many pretty things in this shop.
I loved this long table set up with metal chairs.  Sorry this pic isn't focused too well.

Isn't this the cutest table setting?

I bought something in this store on the upper level, which I forgot to take pictures of.  I will share that with you soon.

Here is a view of the street just outside the shop. It was a beautiful day for walking around the city!

After we hit a few shops, we visited the famous Bonaventure Cemetery.

It's so interesting to read the old dates on the tombstones and look at the beautiful gardens surrounding them.  

After the cemetery visit, we went back into the city to eat an early dinner.  Then we walked around some more shops above River Street.

This is our view looking down on River Street.

While in a shop, we looked out the window and saw this huge cargo ship coming into port.  

The store window wasn't very clean, so it was hard to get a clear picture.  The ship was massive in person!

We later walked down onto River Street and stopped in this chocolate shop.

They sold anything and everything that could be dipped in chocolate!  Yum!

We were fortunate to have good weather most of the time we were traveling.  The first day was the coldest but that still didn't get in the way of us having fun.  

My next trip is coming up in May.  After school is out, me and my family will be going to New Smyrna Beach in Florida.  I don't think I'll have to worry about it being too cold then!

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. It looks like you had a ball and that Paris shop is phenomenal. WHAT a fun shop to walk through...even if you did buy something and not show it to us!;>)
    I can tell that ship is huge when you compare it to the cars that are below your window seat.
    WE LOVE New Smyrna Beach. We have a time share there and will be going there in June...just hubby and me...and maybe Lulu because she made a friend there two years ago-a girl her age that they text/talk every day. No quiet ride down for us if she goes.

    If they have one of the street fairs while you are there-make sure you walk it. There is the most comical lady that is always there that dresses her dogs up-totes them there in a wheelchair and sells pictures of
    Here is the link to a post I put up about the lady.

    Have a great Sunday- hope you are feeling better soon- xo Diana

  2. Hi, Kelly. Thanks so much for your sweet comments about our Peter Rabbit birthday party! It was so fun to do for our little guy!! And I'm glad you stopped by, because it brought me to your post...we were in Savannah for a day several years ago and really didn't do a good job of scouting it out. After seeing your post I know we must return--soon, I hope! Thanks again! ~Zuni

  3. How fun to go on a trip with your mom and sister. Girl time away is the best!! Nothing better than shopping and eating chocolate....and site seeing.

  4. I love seeing photos of different places and that store looks like an awesome place to visit. Hope you are feeling better soon. Florida in May sounds wonderful, especially since we are still in a deep freeze with lots and lots of snow. Have a great week!

  5. I can tell from your posts and Kim's that you all had a great trip and alot of fun! This store looks awsome, would love to shop in there! Hope you feel better soon!

  6. I love Savannah. The Paris Market is one of my favorite shops too.

  7. Hi Kelly ~ the Paris Market looks amazing... excited to see what you found. I'd love to visit Savannah some day! Glad you had a fun little get-a-way! ~julie

  8. OMG...the Paris Market looks like an amazing shop!!! I can't wait to see what you bought there!!!! Glad you had a great trip and the weather was pretty nice :o)

  9. What a treat the time away must have been. That shop looks amazing!

  10. Hubby and I took a cruise from Hilton Head to Savannah. The cruise part wasn't a lot of fun. Hot and stuffy and so many people. We passed those cargo ships I was in awe that they could stay afloat. Each one of those boxes being rail road cars. Amazing, isn't it. They had all kinds of big box names on them. We weren't in the town long. We took a tour on a little bus. I'd love to go back again. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Glad you had fun.

  11. Kelly,
    I love the Paris shop how pretty is that shop! I love all the fun treasures. The river view was great. I bet your up coming trip to Smyrna Beach will be so much fun.

  12. What a filled weekend you had last week. Hope you get better soon. We are thinking about coming down in a few days (for Ryan's dad birthday). I hope the weather is good

  13. The Paris Market is one of my fave Savannah shops. I also love One Fish, Two Fish in the Design District. Love Savannah!

  14. I'm glad you enjoyed your trip Kelly. I'm so sorry you're sick. I get sinus infections and they are not fun. Feel better soon. Hopefully you can rest up a bit.

  15. You sound a little bit like my daughter. She gets sick fairly often, and almost always when something is coming up. I remember once she was a bridesmaid and had pneumonia! Although we didn't mention it, I know we were both nervous she would be sick for her own wedding, but thank goodness she dodged that bullet! Hope you shake the blahs soon. :(

    We didn't see these stores when we were there in December, but then again it was quite chilly. Looks like lots of fun, and you certainly saw some interesting shops. It's always fun exploring new places, whether we do it ourselves or vicariously through each other :)

  16. Savannah is one of my favorite places to be..Love old Southern towns with such history and charm...So glad you had a great time...looks like you not only hit some great shops but some great places of interest too...and yes, I cannot help but stop in those fabulous candy shops that they have!! Hope you are feeling better!

  17. When we were in Savannah last summer, the Paris Market was my favorite shop. Great photos!
    Mary Alice

  18. I love Savannah -- to visit! I lived there for a short time around 1970 when all the "urban renewal" was underway. I had a garden apartment over on Jones St. near Mrs Wilkes Boarding House restaurant. I enjoyed your and Kim's photos, and I need to get down for another visit. Tybee is great, too -- almost froze to death in March about three years ago! I think that is when I began to be obsessed with all those bright colors, and that is why my back porch looks the way it does. The Paris Market is fun to look (I have never bought anything!) and I love that candy store on River street. Food is very good everywhere. I think my fave is The Olde Pink House.

  19. I forgot say -- hope you feel better very soon. And I forgot till I saw Ron's comment -- my favorite shop is One Fish, Two Fish.

  20. Oh to shop this Paris Market, so would love to make a vacation holiday in Savannah, you always share the best.
    Love all the beauty in your travels.
    The grave markers are soulful.

  21. Looks like y'all had such good weather for shopping! That chocolate shop looks yummy too. We were at a chocolate shop somewhere in California once and they had chocolate dipped bacon. Hmmm...I like bacon, and I like chocolate, but just not together. Lol!

  22. I've never been to Georgia other than driving through it a few times. I would love to take in the architecture. Oh and maybe dip one of everything in chocolate.

  23. lovely photos! this looks like such a gorgeous place!


  24. How awful to hear that you have come down with a sinus infection.
    Hope you feel better real soon.
    Love the Paris store as well .
    That's probably as close to Paris that I will ever get.

  25. Tagging along with you via the blog is the next best thing to going myself!
    Take care of yourself! I think we get exhausted and don't have the wherewithal to fight sickess!!

  26. I really really want to go to Savannah! Loved your pictures and mini tour! My first stop would be that chocolate shop!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly