Saturday, March 21, 2015

I Found a Place to Use Red

Hello everyone!

Remember how I wanted to use some red accents in my home?  I tried some in my family room but then changed it to blue. So,  I found some red accent pillows that felt right and I used them in my sitting room and foyer instead.  They tie in with the blue nicely without being overwhelming. 

I added these red grainsack striped pillows to the chairs in my front sitting room.

They bring a bit of color to this otherwise neutral room.

I like that they are still in a style that goes with Swedish and Country French design.

A few changes were made to the secretary as well.  I removed the books since they ended up filling the dough bowl on the coffee table.  Simple white pitchers and some greenery fill it now.  My Whitewood Farm sign moved in here above the secretary and my white slipcovered ottoman moved beneath it.

I moved the floor lamp (from the family room) in here beside a chair.

I'll share what replaced this lamp in the family room later.

In the foyer, I used this pretty red patterned pillow sham on my bench.

I bought this after having seen it used on my sisters bed and fell in love with the color and pattern!  

Thanks sis for the inspiration!  You can see her beautiful bedroom HERE

So, now I have the blue that I love AND a few additions of the red that I like as well.  It all works together and isn't too much color.  (Y'all know I still like neutral colors.)

Hope you all are enjoying the first weekend of Spring!  

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. That photo of you bench with your new pillow is absolutely gorgeous! Of course I love the red accent pillows. I'm slowly working toward a lighter neutral palette so I can change out accent colors for the seasons. Very pretty!

  2. The pillows look great! I think red and blue always work together very well. The beauty of having a neutral color palette, right? I love being able to add in different colors when the mood strikes.

  3. Easily adding accent colours is another great reason to use a neutral background. Looks lovely, Kelly. I especially like that photo of the two chairs looking into the entry at the gorgeous little chest. I love my blues but ever since I painted the red Canada flag pillow, I keep wanting to add some red accents to the basement, along with beachy blues, when I repaint down there. Wishing you a great week ahead.

  4. Kelly I love your pops of red and that pillow sham in your foyer bench is just gorgeous! I can see whay you fell in love with it!
    Have a great weekend!
    XO Barbara

  5. Love the pillows and thanks for the mention. Funny thing that bedding has been put away.

  6. I love the touches of red you added to your sitting mixes nicely with the blue in your family room. The sign above your secretary is fabulous!

  7. I think it looks fantastic, Kelly! A bit of color makes a room just pop. The pillow like your sister's looks like a Moroccan-style (Boho) so of course I love it!

  8. Fabulous! Just the right amount of red!

  9. Aaahhh the ever recurring red :)
    The beauty of a neutral home is the ability to add pops of luvly colour. Was looking at a pretty spring green today. It was speaking to me!!

  10. Can never go wrong with a little pop of color in a neural fabulous home.

  11. That looks great with the red pops here and there, Kelly. I LOVE that pillow on your bench. Maybe you can steal another one if you visit your sister. lol

    I love your sweet home, Kelly. It is really a comfortable light-filled place! xo Diana

  12. Everything looks so beautiful Kelly!
    I love the touches of red you just added. They go really well with the rest of your decor!
    Nice Job!!

  13. Hi Kelly,
    Love the pillow on the bench it looks so pretty. Love all the pops of red. Very pretty.

  14. Hi Kelly! Just a little pop of color to add some sass! Pretty. Jane

  15. Kelly...I know how hard it is to break away from neutral/white colors, I'm very much like you. I think the red pillows look fab and the best thing, they are just pillows!! I was loving some red in my neutral rooms over Christmas (pillows and throws). This looks great and I love the pretty pillow on your bench. You have a lot of gray and I think red looks really good with gray. My family room is all white slipcovered and grainsack pillows. I've been thinking of pastel paisley pillows for the summer. I know, that's a big stretch!! Ha!

    Hoping to get by more, Kelly! :)

    Jane xxx

  16. the touches of red that you added into your decor. My favorite colors that I'm decorating with now are white with soft red and aqua. Hope to share some of it on my blog soon.

  17. Kelly, I really love that punch of red, it's so perfect with the wonderful grays and neutrals!

  18. I adore pops of red. Where did you get those sconces? They are so pretty. Everything looks fresh for spring.

  19. Your furniture is lovely. I adore the peaceful atmosphere you've created, it's something I'd like to achieve in my home as well. The red is a great addition to the whites, just the right touch of color!

  20. I like your touches of red, Kelly. Your secretary is a wonderful focal point in that room. It's all beautiful as always!

  21. Kelly, I love this room-it's gorgeous! Simple French farmhouse (which I love) with the added pops of red (which I've added in small doses too) equals perfection! :)

  22. Happy spring !! I am a fan of neutral as well..Makes using accent colors very easy..

  23. Love your sisters bedroom ..what I could see of it with the ads jumping in and covering things..Your blog too..Something new??

  24. Oh so pretty! The reds just beautiful in your neutral space. I LOVE your pillow sham!! Popping over to see it in your sister's bedroom.
    xo SAlly

  25. You know I love the red! And I must have missed your mirror in the foyer -- that style is my very favorite -- lots of curves and scrolls. Lookin' good!

  26. The pops of red are a lovely complement to your pretty rooms!
    Mary Alice

  27. Looks great Kelly. Love the bench and the mirror


  28. Love, love, love the beautiful pops of red and their patterns!!

  29. The pops of red look great, and red always looks good with grey which you have a bit if as well.

    (FYI, I didn't get this post delivered to my inbox for some reason. If it continues to happen I will resubscribe, but just thought you should know. I happened to see it on another blog).

  30. Love all the wonderful touches and the pops of red. Very nice.

  31. Love the pops of red! Really pretty but can be changed easily. I need to keep that in mind when I add colors. Your home is always beautiful Kelly!

  32. Love the red, Kelly! It really brightens things up, but in a nice, understated way. My favorite is the pillow on the bench - so pretty!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly