Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Share Your Style Party #6

Hello everyone!

Thanks so much for stopping by our party tonight!  I hope you have a lot of great Spring ideas to share.  I think that the Winter weather is finally behind us here in Georgia.  So, I look forward to seeing all of your creative decorations,  projects, and recipes.  

Martina from Northern Nesting is your host this week.

 Hi there friends...
Welcome to another week of Share Your Style!
For those of you who don't know me I'm Martina and I blog over at
My favorite "style" is French Country...I love sharing my latest projects, and home decor changes on my if your not already I would love for you to stop on by and follow me...I love making new friends!
This is my first time being a party host...I'm so excited...especially that I get to do it with 7 of my  fabulous blogging friends!!

I love looking back at all the link ups. It's so tough to pick only a few favorites!
Here are a few from last weeks party...
Cristina over @ Finding Grace Interiors  
shared her family rooms pretty makeover...
The blog CottageFix shared a beautiful spring vignette...
Cindy over @ Edith & Evelyn Vintage Interiors shared her stunning dining room transformation...
Vickie over @ Ranger 911 found a beautiful lead glass window and hung it in her living room...
love it!
If you were featured be sure and grab our Featured button!

Now let's get this party started!!

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  1. Thanks for hosting Share Your Style. I'm inspired by all the great ideas shared here today!

  2. Thank you for the lovely party ladies! Glad to be able to join in this week!

  3. Thanks so much for hosting this great party!

  4. Hello beautiful! Thank you for hosting such a fabulous party. I love it! If you get a minute, please stop by our party . We pin and tweet each and every project.
    Lou Lou Girls


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly