Monday, June 15, 2015

A New Use for a Closet

Hello everyone!

I mentioned in an earlier blog post that I was going to be using my spare bedroom closet for something that I've needed for a long time.  But, before I share that with you, I thought about all of the other cool ideas I could've done with it.  In fact, it would've been much more photo worthy than what I ended up doing with it!

I could've turned it into a compact office.  

Or a sewing area (if I sewed!)

Or maybe just an extra seating area.

I liked this idea as a place to store wrapping paper and ribbon.

Yes, there were so many possibilities that I could've gone with.  

I painted the closet interior and added another shelf.

And now, the moment has come to do something wonderful with it.

Are you ready to see it?

Ta Da!  I used it for all my decorative throw pillows that I've been storing in the attic.  It was such a hardship to go up into the attic and sift through bags and bags of pillows whenever I wanted one.  So, now they are neatly organized in this closet from top to bottom (literally)!

So, needless to say, this closet will not be open for viewing.  The doors will stay closed! 

Anyone know of a good pillow sale going on right now?  I don't think I have enough.  

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Oh Kelly too funny!! Love the use but..... you're right you can never have too many pillows!!

  2. LOL I have a thing for pillows too Kelly! Our extra bedroom closet is filled with pillows and blankets. Not anywhere near as neat and tidy as yours though.
    xo Sally

  3. Oh how funny and incredibly cool! I just get covers and switch them on the pillows. Doesn't take up quite as much space.

  4. Great idea Kelly... now it will be much easier to swap them out!!

  5. You too have a pillow addiction. Yours are organized so it will be so easy for you to swap them out. I love to swap out pillows seasonally.

  6. Kelly, you sure have a lot of pillows! But do you think your sister has more? Just wondering!

  7. Oh my goodness, I thought my mom was the only one to have so many pillows. You definitely will have no excuses for finding them now :)

  8. Holy Cow! You have a ton of pillows! They are all beautiful!

  9. Hahahahahahahahaha!!!! Yea, we both have a bit of a pillow problem. Maybe we can go to pillows anonymous together.

  10. Yay! Everyone should have a pillow closet! I have one, too, but I still have to go upstairs to the den to get them. Still, it is better than the attic.

  11. Holy cats, lady! That is one massive collections of pillows - and I love it, lol! This closet would make me very happy - how fun. Jane

  12. Wow Kelly you could open your own pillow store!!! How awesome to have that many pillows. What a great storage idea. This was a great use of the closet.

  13. I would love to have a closet for my pillows, I noticed the other day that I'm starting to get overun with them!

  14. have a great pillow collection and the closet is a perfect place to store them. The only problem I see is if you buy anymore might need to enlarge the closet!!

  15. Kelly you can have your own pillow shop. Goodness....I love them all. What clever gal you are.

  16. Oh my, oh my, oh my, this post makes me want to dance! I thought I was the Biggest pillow hoarder alive, I'm Not - LOL! Love what you have done with that closet! Love! Blessings, Cindy

  17. Lol! This is so much better than an office, a sewing space, or a reading nook. Doesn't everyone need a closet for pillows?? Of course they do!

  18. Great ideas if you can afford to give up a closet..

  19. So funny! I think you found the perfect use for that spare closet. :) I love it!

  20. I've never seen so many pillows other than in HomeSense. Maybe they
    have a 12-Step Program for that. (Just kidding) I love your collection.

  21. Boy Kelly you have a great collection of throw pillows. Clever.


  22. OMG Kelly, I love it!!! I even counted them all.

    I think i need to go shopping for more cushions.


  23. Wow, what a great idea! I am amazed how many pillows you have. ;) That is a great collection. And you are right, pillows instantly change a room's whole look. Love it.

  24. That pic makes me think of the movie, Twenty-Seven Dresses. Her closet was brimming with bridesmaids dresses and yours with pillows.

    Of course, I will never show you a photo of my attic and all the pillows stored there.

  25. Okay - I'd love to be turned loose into that closet - - you know, one of those "whatever you can get past the finish line in one minute," kind of races?? I think I'd start with your bottom shelf! :) Good job getting organized!

  26. Yowza, Kelly! That sure is a lot of pillows! But how great to now have a place for them that you can easily access! Awesome!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly