Monday, June 29, 2015

Foyer & Staircase Redo

Hello everyone!

I hope that you had a good weekend.  It was nice to finally get some much needed rain and cooler temps here.  Our grass is smiling big now!

  Since it rained most of the day on Saturday, I decided to do some painting inside.  I have been wanting to get rid of the orange/brown color stain on my stair treads for a long time.  I finally got up the nerve to get my white paint out and just tackle it!  My knees are feeling it now too!  But, I'm very happy with the outcome.  Here is what my stair case looked like before.

I was getting ready to paint them in this picture.  That's why the furniture is pulled away from the wall.  

And here is what it looks like now.

I'm completely smitten with the new cleaner look!  Good-bye ugly stain color that did not match anything in my house!  Hello glossy white that fits right in!

Here is a view from the front door.

See?  White is right!

  You may also have noticed that I did some swapping around of other things too.  I swapped my blue and white knit rug (that was in the foyer) for this grey and white one (that was in my bathroom).  I also swapped my blue chest (that was in the foyer) for the white chest (that was in the sitting room).  Did you follow that?  

I changed some of the accessories around as well.  I added texture to all the white by bringing in curly willow on a wooden pedestal and a wall basket filled with greenery.

Even my dining room got some changes with an ottoman in place of a chair and some striped pillows.

Who knew that just by changing the color of my stair treads that so much else would get changed as well?    One thing always seems to lead to another.

Of course, now I keep asking myself why I waited so long to do this!  Isn't that always the way?  I had the paint on hand and everything else so this was zero dollars redecorating!

Hope you have a great Monday!

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~ 


  1. Beautiful! The paint really freshened it up. I love when simple changes make such an impact!

  2. WOW Kelly what a big difference that made...I love the way the treads look painted white!!

  3. Oh, and btw, we only had three brief showers. Gosh, we needed more. My grass is not happy!

  4. Oh my goodness. It looks so pretty! I bet that was hard work!

  5. The power of paint! Love how everything pops!

  6. You are so right Kelly! White is right!

    It has been raining here a lot so I decided to send some down your way. Glad you enjoyed it.;)

  7. Good morning Kelly! I am so impressed with the difference painting your staircase has made - it looks wonderful and so much better (even though I never thought it looked bad). Love the power of paint. Your other changes look great too - everything is so crisp and fresh looking, yet still cozy. Have a great week and a blessed fourth - see you Thursday for your link party. Jane

  8. I never would have thought to do that..Looks great..

  9. It looks great, Kelly! Really fits in well with the beautiful space!

  10. Making changes no matter how big or small always feels so good. Your stairs look so fresh and crisp!
    Mary Alice

  11. Your stairs look great!

    I sometimes wish we still lived in a home with stairs although we purposely chose a one story house when we downsized. I see so many fun ideas for painting stairs now.

  12. Kelly this is amazing....I have been wanting to do the same to our staircase. How long did it take you? Did you have matching white paint at home and did you have to sand the wood before hand?

  13. Great job Kelly. Loooove the white on the steps what a difference. Just beautiful. Love all the switcheroos too. Looks so pretty in your entry way.

  14. I'm adoring all the changes. I can imagine the knee situation right. When they say hardwood they mean HARDwood.

    Always enjoy your home


  15. looks great!! I'm thinking I should to that to the wood that shows on our stairs too. We have had so much rain here in has rained almost everyday of June. There has been a lot of flooding, but it has missed us. Most of the flooding has been north and south of us.

  16. Kelly, Painting the treads make such a big difference. I love to see how you change things around because the results are always beautiful.

  17. this totally changes the look of your entry, just gorgeous! Now come on up here and help me paint my horrible stairway. LOVE it!

  18. Kelly, what a huge improvement! Such a small change, but it does make a big difference. I love white painted floors and they fit right in your charming space.
    xo Sally

  19. Kelly, the stairs are subtle but make such a difference! Everything looks great! :)

  20. I bet that was a lot of work, but well worth it! The stairs look great! You're so good about taking "before" pics too...I always forget to do that until I'm in the middle of my project. :) I don't know why I always wait so long on some projects either. Once we decided to re-do our kitchen backsplash, we waited over a year before actually buckling down and doing it. I'm always happy with the end result, so I guess I should stop procrastinating. Lol!

  21. I love the white and grey theme with a touch of greenery. I LOVE IT

  22. I'm sure that was not fun to paint, but so worth it now that it is done! It looks so good!!

  23. It looks fantastic. I can't believe what a difference with that one small change.

  24. I need to bite the bullet and just do it to lots of stuff around here. The treads look great, why the heck did you wait so long!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly