Friday, June 19, 2015

Friday Ramblings

Hello everyone!

Are you glad it's Friday?  I'll be honest.  Since I'm on a summer schedule (of no school for my son) I find myself losing track of what day it is from time to time.  But, I do like Friday's since everyone seems to be more in "weekend mode" thinking. 

Today, I wanted to just share a few different things so I titled this post as "ramblings" since that is mostly what it is.  

Our garden is doing very well!  We've already used our first tomato from it and cooked some squash last night from it.

 I forgot to take a picture of the squash before I cut it but here is how I like to prepare it.  

I cut the squash into slices.

Then I dip it in an egg and milk mixture.  Then, coat it in a corn meal and flour mixture.  

Then place the slices in a pan of hot oil.

Cook until lightly browned.  Pull them out onto a platter covered in paper towels.  That's it!  I know it's not the healthy version of boiled or roasted, but this is the southern way!  We don't eat squash year round and we rarely fry our food, so it is a treat to eat it this way.  

Recently, I decided to try my hand at growing real succulents!  I found these at the grocery store (of all places) and set them on my wooden pedestal in the kitchen.  

The scale that was on here moved to another area in the kitchen.  I've heard that these are easy to take care of so I thought I would give them a try.  They are so unique looking!

I've heard that the key to having these do well is not to over water them.  Let the soil become almost completely dry before watering them and give them sufficient sunlight.  

If these don't make it, then I'll just go back to the "fakes" that I've always had good luck with.  LOL!

And last but not least, I'm loving these lilies that are finally in bloom around my yard now.  

They are in our back yard and beside our driveway.  Sometimes, they don't bloom much, but this year they decided to make a grand appearance!

By the way, are any of you enduring the heat wave that Georgia has been in for a while?

  OMG!  Folks, it's not just hot's d#@ hot!!!!!!  I am at "the age" that can't tolerate heat very well (if you know what I mean) so I'm not a happy girl right now.  Thank God for air conditioning and small personal fans.  Oh, and ponytails.  I have thick curly hair so I HAVE to keep it off my neck right now.

My poor dog, Max, is a Boston Terrier and is very sensitive to the heat because of his short snout and black fur.  So, I'm sure he would love it if I could let him do this after going outside to play.

So, if you're having pleasant temps of the 70's, count your blessings!  And could you please pass them over here?  

Hope you all have a great weekend and a nice Father's Day to all the men in your life.

~ Kelly ~  


  1. I hear ya on the heat! Ugh. Summer humidity has definitely hit Texas. I've been sporting a ponytail every single day too! Your succulents are so pretty! I've never tried growing them, but it'll be interesting to see how yours do. You might inspire me to do the same. :) And oh my word, that squash looks good!!! Being a fellow southerner, I have to agree that fried foods are a "must" every now and then. :)

  2. VERY hot and humid here in OK. Let's just say "not fit to go out in." Some advice on the succulents. What soil did you plant them in? They need their own coarse succulent/cactus soil. Regular potting soil probably won't hold up for long. It needs to be porous because they can't stand in water.

  3. I can't do heat at all. I almost dread summer because of it. The weather is so supreme everywhere right now. Stay cool. Love the dog on ice.

  4. Hi Kelly,
    Love that you have been able to harvest from your garden and enjoy. Wow you are really getting the heat and humidity. We have had a lot of rain and it was in the 70's today so I cannot complain about the rain it has kept the heat down. Have a good week end indoors I guess. Stay cool.

  5. We haven't hit the triple digits yet so I can't complain!
    Louis Dean ONLY loves squashh if it's cooked as you described!
    I may just make some for him next week!

  6. this heat I go outside for a few mins and sweat just starts dripping, and I don't sweat! happy you are producing some veggies. isn't it such a nice feeling to grow stuff yourself. Happy weekend!

  7. We've been 115/116 for the past few days, not super humid but Very Hot!! I love your lilies, we certainly cannot grow those beauties here! I can grow succulents tho, because it is so dry, that is one nice thing! Enjoy your weekend! Blessings, Cindy

  8. I'm so envious you have veggies already! I do squash your way, too. Just not everyday! Another way is to slice it and dip it in hummus-one of my favorite healthy snacks. The other is potato chips. Ha!

    The Midwest is very different from you. Temps are up and down. We are 65 right now and tomorrow is 80. So weird!

    Jane x

  9. Lucky you to get tomatoes so early. I have one plant and only one green tomato so far.

  10. Lucky you to get tomatoes so early. I have one plant and only one green tomato so far.

  11. Lucky you to get tomatoes so early. I have one plant and only one green tomato so far.

  12. It has been miserably hot here in Bham, too. That dog at the end rolling in ice has the right idea! In the old days before a/c, people would put a block of ice in front of an electric fan and sit right in front of it to cool off. I have been thinking that might be really effective on my back porch.

  13. I was just thinking about succulents this morning, maybe because it's so hot here too. They are perfect for summer, almost look like little green flowers. Happy Weekend!
    xo Sally

  14. Hi! I will be making that zucchini ,squash recipe! Thanks! From my farm garden! Oh! That picture of the bulldog is priceless! Hilarious! Take care,Cindy

  15. Your garden is doing great! I make a similar recipe but baked in the oven. Here is a link to a blog post of mine. It is the second recipe down on the post:

  16. Your garden looks great and glad that it is doing fried veggies...squash and zucchini the best..and there are those great fried pickles!...It has been hot here too....Next week temps mainly hovering around 98 and can't imagine what the heat index will be...over 100 for sure and it is only June!

  17.'s been really hot here in Ohio!! We've had some really bad storms this past week and many places got flooded. I know how you feel...I just can't take the heat very well as I get older. Thank goodness for air conditioning!!

  18. I cracked up at the photo of the dog on ice. Our Little Lulu had a bit of a hard time on our walk today. It was much hotter than usual and the sand was too hot on the beach. If we are going to have hot summer, we might have to walk her really early and do our distant walk without her.

  19. Here we are saying bring on the heat!! We're not consistent here. One day rain, one day sun...Bring on the heat.Send it our way!!
    Love that you can already harvest come veggies.

  20. The squash looks so good - it's good to have a treat like that every now and then. We haven't had consistent heat up here - a few days on and off. Today was spectacular! Good luck with the succulents!

  21. The dog on ice is my best picture of your Friday ramblings


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly