Monday, June 1, 2015

Let's Take a Walk Around my Backyard

Hello everyone!

Hope you are doing well.  I'm on vacation right now, but did want to share some pics of my backyard with you.  There are some flowers blooming and  it's a beautiful day outside!

I have several varieties of iris out back.  This one is a beautiful shade of purple.

And this one is a bright yellow.  

I also have a variety of roses in bloom right now. 

Pink knock out roses are very popular and easy to grow.

But my favorite are these red roses.  They only look good in the Spring when we get a lot of rain though.

I love my iron birdbath.  It gets a lot of use!

Here is the back of my house.  Have you noticed we often tend to ignore that part? I try to keep the back of our house as tidy as the front. We use our back deck almost every evening in the summer.  We cook out on the grill and sit out here and watch our dog play in the yard.  

It gets a lot of strong sunshine so we don't use it in the middle of the day too often.

Our garden is close to the back deck so we can easily access it.  It's thriving right now since we've had a nice balance of rain and sunshine lately.

This is the side of our house closest to our front porch. I recently hung a hummingbird feeder here.  It has been so much fun getting to see them use it!

The other side of our house is where our driveway and garage are.

Hopefully, I'll be able to share our new fire pit with you once my husband begins that project!  (Honey, are you reading this?)

Thanks so much for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Enjoy your vacation! I wish our backyard looked nice, but boy do we have a job ahead of us. Hopefully hubby doesn't put it off this year.

  2. Looking good Kelly! Enjoy your time away!

  3. Everything looks so lovely and tidy...just like my yard.

    If only ;).

    Enjoy your time away Kelly!

  4. Very pretty flowers! That first blue one is called Spiderwort- I used to have one so I recognized it right away. Roses do love water and fertilizer. We made our backyard into our little sanctuary because we live near a busy road and it's not enjoyable to view it. Your roof line over the deck is perfect to add a pergola to!
    Hope you are enjoying your vacation!

  5. Your yard is a gem. Enjoy vacation


  6. Cute house Kelly..Nice yard too...Pretty flowers..Happy vacation..Good luck with that fire pit!!

  7. Your yard is beautiful. I certainly can see and appreciate all the care and time you put into it. Your desk looks perfect for a picnic dinner for two. Enjoy your vacation, I hope you experiencing some nice weather.

  8. Your yard is beautiful. I certainly can see and appreciate all the care and time you put into it. Your desk looks perfect for a picnic dinner for two. Enjoy your vacation, I hope you experiencing some nice weather.

  9. Love seeing your pretty backyard. Have a great vacation. We are leaving Florida tomorrow and I am sad to leave the sun and fun down here. Hope the weather is great for you this week.

  10. Oh my goodness, Kelly...that fourth pic is so pretty! It immediately made me think of a secret garden with the little pathway, pretty flowers, scalloped fence, and bird bath! I love it! Your back deck is so neat and tidy too. I bet you'll have a nice harvest from your garden when you return from your trip! Hope y'all are having a nice time!

  11. Kelly - your yard and flowers looks so great! Hope you have a great trip,


  12. Your garden is so pretty and well manicured! I noticed you mulch with pine, we use that too. We didn't get enough from our pine trees to do the whole garden so we still need to get some from Lowes. The weeds are popping up everywhere.

  13. Your yard is beautiful Kelly....Looking forward to seeing the fire pit!

  14. Your yard looks so lovely, Kelly! Now that all of our rain has stopped, maybe we can get the blooms going! Hope you're enjoying your vacation!

  15. Luvly Kelly. Right now the roses have slowed down for me, but I see new buds all over the place to I will be treated to another rush of colours.
    We are midway redoing our entire back garden. New fire pit area, taking up and redoing the patio, adding a gazebo , redoing garden beds.... A lot of work in this Florida heat. But the end results will be pretty.
    For now, I will enjoy yours :)
    Enjoy your vacation!
    HUGS, Gee

  16. Your yard looks lovely, Kelly. I don't remember ever seeing the back of your home before. The deck looks like a great spot to enjoy some fresh air. Enjoy your trip!

  17. Hope you are having a wonderful vacation, Kelly. I love those red roses. xo Laura

  18. That little purple Iris with the poof is lovely. Beautiful home - front and back! Everything looks so lovely.

  19. What a pretty backyard!! Hope you are having a great time on your vacation.

  20. You do have a lovely open back yard with beautiful flowers! I hope you are enjoying your vacation! Have a wonderful week! Blessings, Cindy

  21. Kelly, It looks just great. What a pretty yard and you have done a great job keeping it neat and looking nice. Love those old fashioned red roses and I know they look kind of scraggly after that first flush of blooms-but so worth it for those moments of beauty they bring. Hope you have a wonderful time away. xo Diana

  22. Hi Kelly!
    I hope you are having a great time on your vacation!
    Your backyard is so beautiful and serene!!

  23. I love the architecture of your house and all your gorgeous flowers.

  24. I love the architecture of your house and all your gorgeous flowers.

  25. I'll bet Mr. Essence comes home from vacation all fired up and ready to tackle the pit!

  26. Have a nice vacation and thanks for the garden and yard tour. The way the sun falls really does dictate which spaces we use for relaxing at certain times of the day doesn't it? I have a big deck that is too hot to use, luckily the back of the house has shade after 1 pm so that is why I am making it into a gathering spot for us this summer. I was stuck inside all winter way toooooo long this past year!

  27. Beautiful backyard, Kelly! I've got bird-bath your iron one! I wish we had rose bushes. We ripped out some over-grown bushes today, so maybe I'll finally have room for some!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly