Monday, July 13, 2015

My (almost complete) Guest Room Reveal

Hello everyone!

How is your Monday going so far?  It is going okay here.  I've been battling a problem with recurring canker sores on my tongue lately.  It's been going on for several months and it is believed that it may be linked to my inflammatory issues.  Ugh!  Anyone else have this problem?  It is very new to me and NOT fun!  

But, on a brighter note, I have been working on my guest room that will primarily be used for my oldest son if he ever wants to sleep over.  At first, I didn't change it up very much.  I think it was too difficult to give it a new look because I still wanted a reminder of my son in that room.  But now that I've had some time to adjust to him moving out, I'm ready for a new look in there.  I used items that I already had so no expense was made.  Shocking!

Now, you must remember that I only have a twin bed in here.  So, this is not a REAL guest room in the sense that it normally would be for a couple.  Maybe one day I'll get a larger bed, but for now, this bed fills the room and works for us.

Here is the way it looked when my son had this room.


Here is the way it looked after he moved out.


And finally here is how it looks now!


I used a matlesse coverlet on the bed in a full size so it hangs over the sides longer.  I used a burlap with ivory floral embroidery European sham from Ballards that I already had.  Then, completed the look with a coordinating throw at the foot of the bed.  

I kept the burlap panels on the window and added some lamps with burlap shades on each side of the bed.  A wicker hamper was placed at the foot of the bed for added texture and storage.

I love the soft look of the grey, cream and burlap.  I tried to keep everything in the room in those colors.

On the wall opposite the bed, is a dresser that was given to us from my inlaws.  I will be painting it in ASCP (french linen) later this week.  

It will look much better once it flows with the rest of the room!

An extra dining chair was brought up for the corner too.

So, this is a small but cozy little guest room for one person basically.  It is filled with things that I love and already had on hand and keeps this room from being empty.  

I will be sure to share the dresser in it's new grey color once it's done.  I am looking forward to that.

In the meantime, I will be nursing my mouth sores with Orajel ointment and antiseptic rinse.  I am the poster child for inflammation problems it seems.  

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. That looks fantastic, Kelly. :)

  2. Kelly,
    Loving the gray, white and creams together. You are a girl after my own heart. Love!!! Sorry about your mouth sores. I know they make a mouth rinse with numbing meds in it to help. Have you tried that yet? Maybe your doctor can give you a RX for anti viral. I know that must be miserable.

  3. It looks really pretty, Kelly. I love the color combination. My son tends to get canker sores and I know they are miserable - I hope you can get rid of yours soon!

  4. Oh Kelly, those mouth sores are miserable. I get them occasionally. I call them my painful way to diet, because it hurts to eat when you have them. Love the new look of your guest room. Hope you feel better. xo Laura

  5. That looks nice and maybe some day he will stay over.

  6. So sorry to hear about your mouth, Kelly! Hope you find some relief. The room looks very inviting, and soothing. Any guest would be happy staying there. Looking forward to seeing the painted dresser.

  7. Th room is so pretty and I just love that you didn't have to spend any money to put it together! That what is so great about you keeping the colors consistent throughout your house is that things move so nicely from room to room.

  8. I'm so sorry about your mouth sores. I'm sure that's no fun at all. On the bright side, your guest room looks great! I really like the burlap panels and how lucky to have that pretty dresser gifted to you. Can't wait to see it painted. Hope y'all aren't experiencing this heat we're having down here. We have a high of almost 100 every day this week.

  9. Your room looks lovely and such soothing colours. Our guest bed is currently off at college with my nephew. I hope to get the walls patched and painted in the next few weeks. Hope you get the mouth problem resolved soon, sounds painful.

  10. So sorry to hear about your mouth! I hope it heals soon. Your bedroom makeover turned out great. I love the soft colors.

  11. Hi Kelly,
    When I get a sore in my mouth I use a salt and warm water rinse. Maybe that might help you. You poor dear.
    I love the way your guest room turned out, it looks so relaxing and its pretty too!
    I think the gray dresser will look wonderful in the room. It always takes time to put a room together especially when you are painting furniture.
    Feel better soon.

  12. Very pretty Kelly! I hope you're feeling better soon.

  13. So sorry you are not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon. The room is super cute.

  14. The room looks great- I like that big basket on top of the bed shelf and the big pillow on the bed. I know this routine with the kids. I left my son's room the same for 2 yrs. once he was on his own and I felt guilty changing it but I got over it! I left my daughter's room the same for a while because she would come home for visits while in college. Now I have one guest room and she's usually the one that uses it and the other bedroom is my office.

  15. You did a lovely job on the room Kelly! Great colour combination and it's a room your son can still feel comfortable sleeping in. Try warm salt water to swish around in your mouth. Have a super week! Diane

  16. This is a lovely guest room!! Hope you feel better soon!

  17. You've done a lovely job on your guest room makeover, Kelly! Love the soft accent colors you used.
    Mary Alice

  18. It looks sooooo pretty Kelly! That chest you inherited from your inlaws is a great piece...I can't wait to see it painted!

  19. Sorry to here about your mouth sores. I get them sometimes and have a little one right now. I think mine came from the stressful week that I've had last week. Love your guest's very pretty!!

  20. Wonderful makeover! The room is lighter and brighter. I LOVE Annie Sloan French Linen paint. I think it is great that you were able to complete the makeover without shopping. Great job!
    Michelle from

  21. Looks beautiful of course, and before you know it that bigger bed will be know, they come back with a wife then kids!

  22. The room looks really pretty, Kelly. So comfortable for any guest by not too fancy that your son won't enjoy sleeping there occasionally. Hope you get to feeling better. I don't normally get canker sores but they are really miserable when I do and I just have to let them take their sweet time going away..Happy Monday..Judy

  23. My kids get those mouth sores if they eat bananas! Seems I heard a wet teabag helps but I'm not sure, I'll ask my daughter.
    Love your guest room colors and I'm still jealous of your pillow closet!:}

  24. Sore about your mouth sores, I used to get them but haven't been bothered by them in several years, painful!! Hope you find some relief! Love the great furniture and the lighter coverlet! It feels nice to have a project nearly completed, doesn't it! Looking forward to seeing your painted dresser! Blessings, Cindy

  25. You outdid yourself on this one - LOVE IT!

  26. Simply charming Kelly! It turned out beautiful, love the colors and textures you used. How nice that you already had enough things on hand to create a pulled together look. I can't wait to see the dresser painted. Hope you feel better.
    xo Sally

  27. This room screams 'Kelly'! It's beautiful!

    Sorry to hear about your sores Kelly. I've never heard of anything like that, but I hope it gets cleared up soon.


  28. Hi Kelly, I'm loving the changes in the room. I have gotten canker sores always. Rinse with warm salt water and there is a product by Oragel that coats them. It's almost like a bandage when it dries and works great. Hope that helps


  29. Oh my! How do you do it! This is magazine worthy. My little nothings are embarassing. Need to follow you more! Love it!

  30. The room looks very comfortable to me, Kelly!

  31. Your new room looks comfy and cozy! I've had to deal with those mouth sores before, too-not fun! Hope you feel better soon :)

  32. It looks just as lovely as I thought it would! So 'Kelly!'

  33. Also a wonderful little napping room would you not say Kelly?

    Love all the little and not so little touches, namely that wire basket, the one aon that wall as well, and lamp and shade, I am sure you get pure satisfaction entering it's space :)

    Beauty in all things white and grey.


  34. the room looks fantastic! ...and about mouth sores, they are stress related, which in return brings on inflammation. Yep. Good news is that I have had them plenty of times and treated them with baking soda. Apply a dime size baking soda on your toothpaste. Wet with a little water and apply on the sores. Leave for 1 minutes, then gently brush off and rinse. Morning and night. I have them disappear with 24-48 hours. Baking soda only. Hope this helps


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly