Friday, August 21, 2015

Decorating with French Style Accessories

Hello Everyone!

Or rather, should I say, Bonjour!

That's about all the French I know.  I chose Spanish over French in school, so I'm not going to be able to write a true "French" post!  However................

I love French style decor.  So, when I found these pretty accessories in the store, La Bella Maison, I knew I had to bring them home.  One of my favorites, is this pretty candle holder. It looks just like a small crown.

I love the stars on top and the flowers on the bottom.  It came with a glass container to hold a candle.  Doesn't it look pretty lit up at night?

I love how it casts shadows of the stars on the wall.

I placed it on top of my fireplace mantel for now.

Do you notice the sacred heart on there too?  I got that at Antique Farmhouse.  It coordinates perfectly with the crown candle holder.

The other item I got at La Bella Maison is this clock.  (If you haven't already noticed, I have a thing for clocks.)

I like how it is placed on a stake.  It's very different.  It has a battery pack on the back so it really works!

I placed it on my painted chest in the sitting room.

So, that is my "show and tell" for today.  Remember that from school?  

Do you like French style accessories too?  

I hope you all have a great weekend.  My ragweed  allergies are giving me fits right now.  I'm taking Zyrtek which is helping. Luckily, we've been getting a lot of rain so I hope that washes some of it away too. So, I will battling that all weekend I'm sure!

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Cute finds. I checked out that shop the other day, but did not buy anything there. I did one store down and across the street though. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Great finds! I started using Flonase for my really helps.

  3. I love French style decor too and wish it looked as nice in my log cabin as it does in your home!

    It's raining here too right now and it's considerably cooler than it has been lately. Almost feels like Fall...:(

    Feel better!

  4. Great accessories Kelly! Could you please tell me the specifics on your floors? I am in the market for hardwood and have admired yours in many posts. I like the fact that they are not too dark and look like they would be easy to keep clean. You can email me at Thanks so much and feel better soon!

  5. French style works for me. It doesn't matter to me if it's the real thing or not as long as I like it. Your room looks just amazing!!

  6. You know French style works for me. Love both pieces very much. Zyrtek is the only thing that works for me. Have a super weekend


  7. I love French style accessories! I have a thing for crowns, so of course I love your new candle holder. What a nice clock too! I have a clock from Lillian Vernon that I bought years ago and the battery pack just quit working, so I need to pick up a new one at Hobby Lobby (with a coupon, of course) :)

  8. Very pretty accessories, Kelly! I wish we had more unique shops where I live, the same old chain stores get really old. Hope you feel better!

  9. The room looks lovely and I am a sucker when it comes to candleholders.
    That one is so pretty and love the clock.

  10. I love clocks too Kelly! Pretty accessories! I always love seeing your home. Have a good weekend :-)

  11. your French accents, Kelly! I saw that sacred heart at Farmhouse Antiques and just loved it! Looks great on your mantle!
    Your additions are all tastefully displayed, and look great in your home.

  12. Kelly love all your french treasures. The clocks are awesome. Hope you get some relief from the allergies. That has to be miserable. Have a great week end.

  13. Bonjour Madame Kelly!
    Cute accents for your sitting room.
    I love clocks too!
    Hope you get some relief with your allergies!

  14. My show and tell things were never quite this beautiful. Love your new French accents. Bonne journée (have a wonderful day) xo Laura

  15. I love what you got! The candlelight and the shadows from the crown are so pretty. I always go shopping when hubby is out of town too. It's nice to have something fun to do while he's away. Or sometimes I plan a big project, but that usually involves some sort of shopping too. Have a great weekend!
    xo Sally

  16. Your mantel always looks so nice, Kelly, and I love your newest french finds. Your room looks so warm and welcoming!

  17. Two things I collect are hearts and clocks so I absolutely love yours.

  18. Very pretty! I like vintage looking clocks but funny enough I don't have any. Hope you are feeling well soon, Kelly!

  19. Wow! I love the photos with the lights dimmed. The crocks with the thingies are perfect on the mantle. I used to collect clocks. Shoot, I've collected everything at one time or another. Beautiful! As always.

  20. Oh my goodness, I love the candle and how it casts stars on the wall! Just the clock too! Hope you are feeling better soon!


  21. Great finds!! Love your French accents...and that clock!! I have a big clock that I'm wanting to put up in our living room, but I'm still taking wallpaper border off the walls and then we need to paint the walls.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly