Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Labor Day Fun

Hello everyone!

How was your holiday weekend?  Ours was good and bad.  We went up to my parent's lake house at Lake Hartwell. 

We went boating.  It was a beautiful day.  No rain clouds in sight!

We even brought our dog Max (the black and white one).

I guess I caught him in a yawn.  This was his first time on a boat!  He seemed to enjoy it and was a good passenger.

Here is my hubby.  We all love the water.

We ate dinner with them, but I forgot to take pics of the good food.

Now, for the bad...............

Our dog played with my parent's dog and sometimes they didn't get along.  Their dog got a little jealous of our dog at times and she nipped him in the face a couple of times.  This caused our dog to get a severe eye infection.

It's very swollen and has drainage.  Sorry for the gruesome pic!

  Boston Terriers have protruding eyes and they are vulnerable to eye injuries and other problems as a result.  So, after we returned home that night, we had to take him to the ER (since our vet was closed).  He had a fever and was nauseous.  He was prescribed some antibiotics and eye ointment.  He is not eating well and still not himself at all.  So he is going back to the vet today for further assessment.

I'm hoping things improve for him quickly.  It's not normal to see our dog sleeping all day and being so listless.

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Oh Kelly that's just awful!!!! I will say a little prayer for him! It is a terrible feeling when your fur baby is sick and you don't know what to do or can't help them. Keep me posted!!!!

  2. Keep us posted on sweet Max. Sending up prayers that he will be back to himself soon. I'm sure the vet will be able to help him. One of my mom's new kittens got sick shortly after she brought her home. She was very lethargic, so they took her to the emergency vet that night. She was running a 104 fever (102 is normal for cats) and they prescribed some antibiotics. It took two full days for the antibiotics to kick in, so maybe Max just needs more time for them to start working. Good luck and let us know how he's doing.

  3. So sorry about Max Kelly. Hoping he gets to feeling better soon.
    ((HUGS)) Gee

  4. OH no...so sorry to hear about your pup. Hope the meds work quickly. Our pugs have both paid visits to the Vet ER this month...glad they're around when you need them!

  5. Poor little guy! I hope he feels better quickly.
    Our miniature schnauzer kept getting sick to her stomach and after several trips to the vet and trying different types of food our vet put her on probiotics. It worked.
    Let us know how Max is doing.
    xo Sally

  6. Oh, no, I sure hope Max is better soon!! Shame on Coco!

  7. Uggh, poor Max! Hope he is feeling better soon!! ~julie

  8. Kelly, I'm sending prayers for your family and mxx. Poor fella. I hope he heals quickly.

  9. Lake Hartwell is a beautiful lake. I am sorry about your poor puppy! I hope he gets well soon.

  10. Poor Max! I hope he is better soon. We have friends that own a home at Lake Hartwell and it is a beautiful lake.

  11. Poor little thing! My daughter has a rescue Boston Terrier that is terrified of rain, so don't think he'd care for water. I hope his eye gets well soon!

  12. Oh Kelly poor Max. I hope you can get him feeling better. It is so hard when they cannot tell us what is hurting or making them feel bad. Hope you get some help from your vet today. The lake looks beautiful.

  13. Sorry you had such an awful end to what sounds like the perfect holiday weekend, Kelly. I hope that Max is doing better by now. He looked pretty sad in the photo. Take care of the little guy!

  14. Bless his heart!! And you thought you were being so good to him in bringing him along!! The boat ride DID look like fun!

  15. Poor Max. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery. Looks like you had a wonderful weekend with family. The best kind.


  16. Oh my...I feel so bad for your sweet little Max...and for you too. I hope he feels all better real soon.

  17. Oh, Kelly, I'm so sorry to hear about Max! I hope by now he is feeling a little better. Maybe it takes a little time for the medication to kick in.

  18. Their eyes are like our pug's Rosie! So sorry to hear.
    Hopefully with ointment and antibiotics he will get some relief.

  19. So sorry for your sweet dog. It is so terrible when they aren't well and can't tell you ow they are feeling. Looks like other than that you had a wonderful day. xo Laura

  20. That's terrible! I'm so sorry that happened to Max :(. I hope things clear up soon for the poor baby.

    (Your parents have a beautiful boat and the lake looks gorgeous!)

  21. Oh my, poor thing..Hope all turns out well..Looks like a beautiful place to spend the weekend..

  22. Oh so sorry for your doggy baby. Hope he feels better soon. We love the water too. We going to do a family labor day at the lake. Mr. H. wanted to teach the grandboy to fish, but my daughter and family got sick so we postponed. There are lots of lakes around here so maybe another time as the weather gets cooler. Then the fish bite better anyway.

  23. Oh your poor Max. I hope he feels better soon.

  24. Well he just about breaks my heart the poor little thing
    Hope he's better by the time you see my comment !
    My little furbaby is now blind ( she's 16 years old ) so this really resonated with me

  25. Poor baby! I hope he is feeling better by now. The boat ride sounds fun. Glad you had a nice holiday otherwise.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly