Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Share Your Style Party #33

Hello everyone!

Welcome to Share Your Style!  Debra from Common Ground is your host this week.  This is also Debra's last week hosting this party due to personal reasons.  We will really miss her participation with this party.  I hope you'll join me in wishing her well.  She will continue to blog though.  So, don't worry, she isn't leaving us altogether!  

Welcome Friends,
Glad you're here to Share Your Style!

First, I have 3 great features from last week,
 then please read on, I have a little blogging news.

Nancy from Nancy's Daily Dish gave us

Rhonda from Ramblings of a Southern Girl shares

Mary Jo from Masterpieces of My Life shows us how
 to take Dollar Tree pumpkins and make them over 4 different ways!

pssst...I think the moss covered ones are my favorite!

And this last week was spent giving 
my China Cupboard a Fall Makeover, Here and Here

and now to my update...

I just wanted to let you all know, this will be my last week co-hosting Share Your Style. Nothing dramatic going on, my health is staying stable, but my life is changing, as it has a habit to do. Traveling with my Hubby and some family things are on the horizon, and I know I need to dedicate more time to those things. I'll still be posting, I just can't keep a weekly time schedule. Stepping down frees me up to post when it's easier, and hopefully no pressure. Don't worry about me, you all that have been with me over 6 years know I tell it like it is. I hope you'll still come visit me, and I hope you'll link up all the fun and inspiration with one of the other seven great bloggers who are still participating in Share Your Style. Thanks to the other co-hosts of Share Your Style! And thanks to all my readers, you know how much I love you guys! OK, hard part done...

So now,
Let's get on with the party!

1 comment:

  1. You will be missed every week, but glad you will be around still. Family is so important and this life is short. Enjoy the changes! Diane


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly